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Everything posted by banaadir

  1. jamilah aint you a little bit too old to be reading Harry Potter
  2. whats funny is they watch millions of childeren die in the middle east and africa of disease, starvation, or american bombs. but they worry about the pain felt by the animal prior to its death.
  3. i don't think you should investigate such matter because it has no significance. history is the past if only there is a future
  4. in this age of time it seems that all the wise and old somalians are dying all that its left is thugs and hood rats in somalia and weaklings in overseases. what will be the future of somalia ?
  5. we as somalians are superior to any other african people. so the word adoon should be used at any broad nose kinky haired individual.if you don't agree with this statement then ur not a full blooded somalian. maryooley power!!!!!!
  6. banaadir

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    rama lala ding dong
  7. why do girls lie about their virginity even when they are whores?