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Everything posted by LuCkY

  1. LuCkY


    Tsk...Tsk...Tsk! Checkmate I see You have been messing with my girL these days...You better watch out cuz u dont know what ure in for. Anywhoo peopLe LEts just remember to respect others.
  2. LuCkY


  3. WeLcome Sumeya and Mz.PracticaL to SOL-enjoy ur stay.
  4. LuCkY

    Good byess

    Asraa have a wonderfuL trip and May ALLah guide You on your journey.
  5. LuCkY

    Good byess

    Asraa have a wonderfuL trip and May ALLah guide You on your journey.
  6. You wILL be missed Tamina. Take Care.
  7. LuCkY


    SomeaLien I cant say nice things about random faraaxs namean,however the ones in my LIfe are just wonderfuL.
  8. InteResting...THnx GaL.
  9. Hasna thats one of the reasons why I dont have an SUV now-even though its my favorite-its just too much right now anyways.I have gas probLems but not Like urs,probabLy Like anywhere between $20-25 a week my care is smaLL besides I dont commute aLot now adays.What type is it?Ford?Toyato?Honda?I beLieve some are consume Less gas-I couLd be wrong though. Ure just gonna have to pray for the best I guess.
  10. Ladies and GentLemen in the Case of DARMAN VS.LAKKAD: THis case is DISMISSED! Darman Yes indeed we had exams and thnx for wasting our time.And for wasting our(mine and everyone invoLved)im sentencing you to A Taste of Ur Own Medicine Lakkad Lunch is on You...U have to cover everybodys expenses,heck aLL of SOL members is on You.
  11. Defendant===Darman Charge===A Mock TriaL-For wasting precious time and messing with SOL members. Sentence===I am sentencing you to 70 yrs in soLitary confinement.You must aLso take everyones exams and finaLs-you must ace it because u have taken away their time to study. Bail===Darman's baiL is set at $1 miLLion dollars...whoever baiLs him takes his pLace and must wash aLL the bathrooms of SOL members with a toothbrush-it must shine Like Mr.CLean worked on it.
  12. ^^^LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooL^^^ Ure hiLarious Moti...come again baL?Lool.
  13. Qac Qaac adiga maxaa ku dareey?whats up with this? OG_Moti u Lil greedy______!What now?I acknowLedged U didnt I?I aint seen nobody eLse stand up for me. Can u show or expLain to me what these individuaLs have done for me? Libaax? J11? Derman? The Nomad? X? BB? CR? Psycho S? And OThers? PS I cant beLieve U done ruined the topic now! :mad:
  14. OH MY :eek: :eek: :eek: !Whaaaaaaaaaaaat????? Excuse ME but maybe I shouLd hit the EDIT button and remove You! and this post also shows that these who had direct impact on your life and in an extend shaped your life has been ignored and disregarded, people such as Me, libaax, J11, Derman, The nomad, X, BB, CR, Pyscho S, and others What have they done for me? Thus I conclude that you click the edit button and remove some names and add others, with a letter of apology in the bottom of the post, I may even suggest that as a good faith and as a way to express your sorry of ignoring these mentioned above, use there names as your signature … peace Remove aa?HeLL friends mean so much to me and no I aint gonna remove them Laakiinse i might just remove u! Can u expLain to me what these "peopLE" have done for me?
  15. Hey YaLL...this is dedicated to my friends. FRIENDSHIP IS A PRICELESS GIFT THAT CANNOT BE BOUGHT OR SOLD BUT ITS VALUE IS FAR GREATER THAN THE MOUNTAIN MADE OF GOLD FOR GOLD IS COLD & LIFELESS IT CAN NEITHER SEE NOR HEAR & IN THE TIME OF TROUBLE IT IS POWER LESS 2 CHEER-- IT HAS NO EARS 2 LISTEN NOR HEART 2 UNDERSTAND IT CANNOT BRING U CONFORT OR REACH OUT A HELPING HAND SO WHEN U ASK GOD FOR A GIFT BE THANKFUL IF HE SENDS NOT DIAMONDS, PEARLS OR RICHES BUT THE LOVE OF REAL TRUE FRIENDS My Best Friend Today I found a friend, Who knew everything I felt. She knew my every weakness, And the problems I've been dealt. She understood my wonders, And listened to my dreams. She listened to how I felt about life and love, And knew what it all means. Not once did she interrupt me, Or tell me I was wrong. She understood what I was going through, And promised she'd stay long I reached out to this friend To show her that i care To pull her close and let her know How much I need her there I went to hold her hand To pull her a bit nearer And realized that this perfect friend I found Was nothing but my M.K. This^^^is for my BEST FRIEND RAXMAH(not an SOL member), I just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY(MAY 5th)Sweetie.You aLReady know how much you mean to me,Thnx for being there for me aLways, I LOVE You...May ALLaah Grant You aLL ur WIShes and BLEss You with Many more Prosperous Years to come fiLLEd with BLIss.May ALLAah Grant You a GOOD HeaLTh and heLp u overcome in the battLe which you are fighthing.AmIIn...Pray for my Friend YaLL. Mujahid who has been a great friend-more Like a big brother-a mentor to me...thnx bro for aLL those times that u have counseLed me.Who has taken the time to heLp me with the deen and Listen to my probLems. OG_Moti who is aLso a great friend...a considerate person...thnx for a being a friend. And of course My girLs: AngeLEyezMamii(not an SOL member) who is my Lil cousin and aLso a very cLose friend of mine,thnx hon for being there for me as weLL. Magnoona-GirL who has been nothing but a great friend,such a sweetheart even though she gives me hard times at schooL...Lol nonetheLess i Love You too hon.What do u have say huh? OG_GirL...weLL what eLse can I possibLy say such a poLite and sweetheart as weLL.Hey! Miz-Unique a unique individuaL indeed who is nothing but such a cooL girL even though she aint around much these days due to u been girL? I wish nothing but the BEst of THe Best for YOu aLL thnx for being in my LIfe...for you have affected it in so many ways which are undescribabLe.. JazakaALLaahU Khayran YaLL. WeLL dont be shy...come in and say ur shouts to ur friends and famiLy members.
  16. Thnx GirL...GirLS...but where do u Get Qasil from?
  17. Are abLe to read those emaiLs? :confused:
  18. Bishaaro I dont know what to think of that...maybe he was embrassed or not.But I couLd care Less though even if he was another race and the fact that he is SomaLI doesnt make a difference to me so...! King "Dog"?
  19. Lol@Ngonge The First Time I signed Up I didnt Log out...I was onLINe 24/7 for Like SeveraL MOnths Lol.Then one day I discovered that u can actuaLLY Log out. But now adays sometimes I forget to Log off other than that I have to say its the different time zones . My excuse...taking a break from my studies.
  20. I am gone for one day and YaLL are waiLing aLL ready. This case is under intensive review...I do not want to give an unfair ruLing. BTW-Darman-Regarding my so-caLLed-extended absence I remember I canceLLed this mornings hearing due to you and your excuses.
  21. IMPEACH THE JUDGE!!! You have a smoking gun in Lakkad's hand, the proof is given and you ask him to wait???? Looks like the Magistrate got caught up in the soap opera and is no longer interested in the issue of guilt. Now it's about "WHO WAS THE GIRL?" KANGAROO COURT !!! I hope you all now clearly understand why WOMEN don't make objective Lawyers or Judges. UnderDog tsk...tsk...tsk...I wiLL have you know that I was not and am not abLe to move forward tiLL I hear from the DEFENDANTS'S Attorneys. BTW I can not beLieve you this time you have sunk to an aLL time Low so take your caveman azz out of my courtroom! For aLL those that requested that Underdog be ousted your motion is now GRANTED! development. I may be backing the wrong horse. ONce again take Your unstabLE-caveman azz outta here!You are not even abLe to stick to your side! LaKKad thank you for those information...I was weLL aware of that but since Im the Judge its not my pLace to bring forth the evidence to discredit the pLaintiff but your attorneys. As Soon as CounseLors Athena, X_Quizit and DeviLs Advocate I shaLL continue with the proceddings. Miz-Unique Im weLL aware of that thus thats why I asked Darman severaL times to provide factuaL evidence and fast.
  22. Darman I wiLL get back to you Later. RauLa-I need the name of the so-caLLed "sijui" girL and the "reporter", I do not credit a word of mouth -he/she said type of thing.This "sijui" girL wiLL have to take the stand.And why did she go to a reporter instead of coming to the court under oath and said aLL that she said? OG_Moti pLease refrain from statements that LabeL the DEFENDANT as guiLty-I dont want the Jurors to be swayed.The triaL is stiLL pending. ***Something SmeLLs Fishy In HEre and It Sure as HeLL Aint that Lunch Barwaaqo Bought Me!*** BTW Bambina and OG_Moti thnx,Im just doing my job. THe TriaL Date Has Been CanceLLed, a New Date WiLL be Set up As the CounseLors Report !
  23. Lol I dont want to be a probLem on anybody namean.Yes that money can be usefuL back home and here as weLL but I was just saying. Besides U need to cLean out ur inbox...I aLready toLd you that earLier...damn :mad: !
  24. Mag-GirL damn U had to burst my bubbLe didnt Ya!Shucks!Get off them Hindi movies girL...they gonna get u nowhere not with this bunch anywhoo. Ah HeLL! Who am I kidding I wouLdnt expect any sort of gift from SomaLi Men!HeLL theyre too broke in severaL ways!Lol...dont have a cow now guyz!