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Everything posted by LuCkY
^^^Lol BaL Ma Aragtay^^^ !
LooooooooooooooooooL@Qaxooti Man do I just Love the way u write-damn girL...waLaahi U crack me up.
Lol Legend FeeLs Good Doesnt It?!
King_450 WaLaaL there is no truth to that.
King_450 WaLaaL there is no truth to that.
qacqaac and dd/lucky r now lookin names for their soon to be baby(proud parents) CheckMate :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ! Keep My name out of this and DO NOT associate me with HIM- DO NOT! I dont even understand why my name keeps coming up in topics I have not even responded to...bisinka!
#7 - THE INTELLECTUAL = 7's are the searchers. Always probing for hidden information, they find it difficult to accept things at face value. Emotions don't sway their decisions. Questioning everything in life, they don't like to be questioned themselves. They're never off to a fast start,! and their motto is slow and steady wins the race. They come across as philosophers and being very knowledgeable, and sometimes as loners. They are technically inclined and make great researchers uncovering information. They like secrets. They live in their own world and should learn what is acceptable and what not! in the world at large. Famous 7's William Shakespeare, Lucille Ball, Michael Jackson, Joan Baez, Princess Diana SOME TRUTH to IT.
Thnx Kynda for the reminder...heLL indeed is reaL. May ALLah Protect Us(MusLims) aLL from HELL...AmIIn.
:eek: :eek: :eek: ! I done Lost my apetite now....eeeewwww!!!
^^^ :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ^^^ Ure Not Worthy of a Decent Response!!!
Qac Qaac that was suppose to be a joke and u taLK about me being sensitive and not being abLe to take a joke...get urseLF a humour radar...bisinka. PLUs put ur sidekick in check...YaLL are unbeLievabLe. I dont have to expLain anything OG_GirL said...its pretty seLf-expLanatory. And as for ur topic Like I said its baseLess no soLid proof...once you get some figures a reaL tangibLe proof come back to me.
EXCUSE U Tuujiye... IS QOOR BILAA LIIs WAXIID ! You know I have been putting up with ur LittLe asinine remarks for far too Long but now its just becoming too much for me to ignore any Longer...I dont know what the heLL ur deaL is but u had better watch ur mouth.I dont appreciate ur name caLLing/insuLts u do know peopLe aint bLind? :rolleyes: And Ure supposed to be a grown man acting Like a LittLe five year oLd chiLd. If you cant take a joke thats ur probLem...I didnt insuLt Qac Qaac and He didnt ask you to defend him so take ur motor mouth eLsewhere because I have no toLerance for FiLth. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
^^^THis is a WomenS Forum No?^^^AigHt Then.
^^^THis is a WomenS Forum No?^^^AigHt Then.
:eek: :eek: :eek: what in the worLd :eek: :eek: :eek: !
I agree with CAWO fuLLy so no need for me to repeat it.
LuCkY replied to lovelyLeyla21's topic in General
:eek: :eek: :eek: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ! LoveLyLeyLa21 WELCOME to SOL...actuaLLy in this case WELCOME Back. -
^^^DamN GirL...WeLL WeLL what do we have here our own LittLe Dr.PhiL of course with some styLe...Arabian...Dr.Arab PhiL what time Can I come into your office for some advice? Qac Qaac Looks Like you have been busted...Lol! Anywhoo your statement is too broad and it has no Legitimate proof to back it up so...! There there aint much that can be said about it but you the saying WHEN IN ROME DO AS THE ROMANS DO-HeHeHe!
Damn YaLL is eviL! Tuujiy baLayo ku aragtay...ure freaking wouLd u Like if someone said that to u. To top it off YaLL know she aint here...stop this nonsense...YaLL shouLd know betta.
Excuse Me...I dont know what u are taLking about here.
Mag-girL thnx...just remember to remind me to remind u to remember to ask u to bring it.Lool what the heLL am i saying...i dont know...its the exams speaking...Lol! Raxmah,how so?
WeLL WeLL WeLL...What Have WE Here? :rolleyes: CK no need for that but thnx. i remember Libaax saying lucky is the SOL soul, and J11 saying without lucky we wouldnt be able to stop the Clown, and CK saying abaayo lucky is nice leave her alone, I also remember derman saying me and lucky against the world, the nomad and X were fighting over who she considers a best friend, BB said if i feel lucky when i see lucky posts, and pyscho sue always fight for u even when you are not in the fight... they need recognition... ALL of those are not accurate except for the one about CK the rest i didnt see them-so i dont beLieve them. as far as i am concern .. i need more love words.. u know i leave in Cambodia no love here.. so give extra doze waa kusideee... ilbax noqo... peace P.S. the poem is so nice, is it copy righted cause if not i would like to use it for this french girl i met .. it might work on her .. can i change the phrase quote: BUT THE LOVE OF REAL TRUE FRIENDS to but the love of real lover? Lol taLk about contradicting...u dont need Love from me u have got ur girLfriend or have u forgotten about that? J11 Lol damn right!Lol...U stiLL have time so...! OG_GirL not a probLem hon. Tuujiye gLad i can heLp ya. Ya Allah! Taalo, taalo, waa war cuusob. So these are all the SOL 'HUGGING' crew that having been Teaming up on people and defending people like LUCKY who plays cute and innocent (but really isn't 'THAT INNOCENT' when u get to know her) :rolleyes: Rockfella thats u're name from now on, you gonna get yourz. Were is the Qaaxooti unit(QQ,CK,GT & Nunne!)when you need them. Waryaa, Snake Eater, Lucky is just HAPPY today cause of a 'CERTAIN SOMEONE'-I won't tell! So don't be jealous if you fall '3rd place' on her list. .................. By the way, whats up with all these 'let me KEZZ ASHHH' to some people threads that are popping up on sol like 'AWARDS,l love this person on SOL, I want to play a MOCK TRAIL,I love you Admin. etc.' type topics Tsk...Tsk...Tsk@Khayr! What do u know about my innocences huh?Nada!So dont go making up stuff namean. Khayr u and I both know what this is about so I suggest u quit before ure bLasted.And about me being happy it didnt just happen today and its cuz of my friends not a "certain someone"<---dont fLatter urseLF.Lol BTW this topic is pretty seLf-expLanatory so Me showing gratitude to my friends has nothing to do with these other topics. Thnx Miz_Unique im happy for ya...unLike im about to go nuts due to exams.Luv ya too hon. Mag-girL...haye wait tiLL i see ya...Luv ya anyway.Im waiting for that List?Hurry dee. As for those turning this "LOVE POST" into a chaotic one PLease take ur LittLe seLVes outside and deaL it eLsewhere aight...otherwise am i have to get my dacas and garoon whack some senses into YaLL.Lool...thnx. HOWEVER I CANNOT BELIEVE YALL! THE ONLY PERSON WHO HAS WISHED MY GIRL RAXMAH A HAPPY BIRTHDAY IS MIZ-UNIQUE(thnx aLot)... :mad: :mad: :mad: ! ONE MORE THANG: This(my tribute)aLso goes out to -I didnt forget about u -Mista Legend of Zu.
Checkmate, "What if we all met?" What if we didnt? Lol@Barwaaqo!