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Everything posted by LuCkY

  1. 11- Al-Walee :The Governor, The One who owns things and manages them.
  2. Those are some good points that you guys shared.I dont have a problem getting up when it comes to Salutal Fajr but sometimes I have a problem staying awake after I pray.
  3. SaLaaM Thanks for posting-plz update us on his situation. Its very sad to hear that. I will pray for him and his family. May ALLah give this chiLd a surviving chance and I pray for ALLah to take this disease away from him in any way possibLe. May ALLah give his famiLy the strenght to cope with this and samar. May ALLah give the famiLy samar iyo iman for the deceased chiLdren as weLL.
  4. E_B_N: I dont know girl but i bet once you drill it through their heads they would listen-not talking about physical force here. Yes, you right some mothers are stubborn and wont change...but if thats the case then i would suggest that we show them graphical images and highlight the dangerous that come along with FGM. Well if they truly care for the well being of their daughters than they would have no choice but to listen. I believe that we as people(community) have a long way to go before FGM and the likes of certain bad culture traits are out the window for good.
  5. Stpaulchick: I know huh, scary but thats life. Next time they complain you can use that. Oh, believe me its not childish but for me black cats scare the cRap out of me-especially at nitetime.Are you terrified of all types or certain ones?
  6. 9- At-Tawwaab (the Oft-Returning): The One Who is continuously turning (in forgiveness) to those that turn to Him (in repentance), Who forgives the sins of the penitent. Everyone who turns to Allah sincerely, Allah turns to them by firstly granting them the ability to repent and turning their hearts towards Him, and after this He turns to them by accepting their repentance and forgiving their errors.
  7. LuCkY


    I Read This on Islamic Website and I wanted to Share it With You: It becomes clear from the above that this tawheed of names and attributes is damaged by various mistakes which should be avoided by Muslims especially and all other people in general. They are as follows: 1. Comparison or Likening (Tashbeeh and Tamtheel) 2. Distortion (Tahreef) 3. Negation (Ta'teel) 4. Asking How (Takyeef) ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ 1. Comparison or Likening (Tashbeeh and Tamtheel) Comparing or likening the attributes of the creator to the attributes of the created such as the Christians who believe Christ the son of Mary to be Allah the Exalted and possess His abilities, the Jews who compared Uzair to Allah, the polytheists who likened their idols to Allah. Some sects compared the face of Allah with the human face, Allah's hand to the human hand, His hearing to human hearing, and so on. When we say that Allah has life, it must be understood that: a) There is no metaphor here, i.e., that His life is real b) That this is an attribute of perfection as opposed to death c) That His life is not in any way like our living Likewise, we believe that He has two hands because He mentioned this in the Qur’aan. But we believe that there is absolutely no resemblance between His hands and His creatures' hands. The Messenger (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: Our Lord descends every night to the lowest heaven and He calls: "Is there anyone asking for forgiveness? I will forgive him. Is there anyone asking for anything? I will give him. Is there anyone repenting? I will accept his repentance." And He continues to say this until dawn. (Muslim) We therefore believe that He descends every night to the lowest heaven, but that His descending is unlike that of His creatures and that it does not involve moving from one place to another. Even as He descends, He continues to be above heavens and above the throne (al-‘arsh). To believe otherwise would be implying that Allah could in some way be contained within the creation which He has stated is not possible and it would be likening it to the descent of His creation. Allah has many other attributes mentioned in the Qur’aan or the hadeeth such as highness, that He is above the heavens, that He laughs, that He becomes wrathful, etc. ***the other three i will be adding them***
  8. E_B_N good point but what about the women back home-who still perform this cruel ritual?Most of these women do it because they are not aware of the health complications that come along with FGM. Believe me i have seen and heard some women here in the U.S. saying that they will take their daughters back home so that they can be circumsized.Some of the doctors of these girls said if that occurred the parents-esp.the mom would be behind bars. I dont know but FGM is alive and well and the first step to getting rid of it is by educating our people about the dangerous that arise due to FGM.
  9. 2- Ar-Rahmaan (The Most Beneficent) The Picture wont come up-oh well.
  10. OG_MOTI i must say you have got mad skills.*why didnt i come across this topic before*
  11. SaLaam and Welcome to SOL. I dont know about other websites but i know that has several articles on Somalias history dating from the 7th century to the present maybe you can take a look over there and see if what you are looking for is there.
  12. SaLaam and Welcome to SOL. I dont know about other websites but i know that has several articles on Somalias history dating from the 7th century to the present maybe you can take a look over there and see if what you are looking for is there.
  13. Stpaulchick-i think that they are on their way to wrinkle-free products*SCARY*but i have seen some males spending so much time grooming themselves-sometimes more than the girls---thats when i stopped doubting that they would go buy anti-wrinkle products.They already have Rogaine on the market. You Dont Like Cats huh-I do but i dont own any. MIZZ-UNIQUE there is nothing wrong with being in your late teen years and having friends that are in their 20s or even mid-late 20s.
  14. Youre welcome. Than if that is the case i would suggest that somebody talks to her. Or else get two people(outside)*one of her good friends and one of his good friends* get together and talk. so that the other two can observe and probably help in anyway possible.
  15. Well all i can say is that he should talk to her*not at her*but rather a one-on-one talk. NO fighting or yelling-as each person has to get their point across. She should also stop the nonsense about the childrens gender-the husband should say something to her about that. But all i can say is COMMUNICATION is the key to any relationship. hope that helps.
  16. Damn girl i feel for you-talk about embarrassment. betsy and ORIGINALLY POSTED BY IMPERIAL-LADY: date and I. I guess he got more than he thought he would. :confused: ohh well.......shit happens. Yeah i guess he did. The last line-aint that the truth.
  17. NIce topic, i would like to know the answer as well. However i believe its the culture that is to blame-thats how i see.*i could be wrong*
  18. StPaulChick i see you have been doing some thinking<-----im RefeRRing to YouR aviatOR-its cute. I agree lying to people about your age*just to get what one desires* is WRONG. Im totally against it instead we should be thanking ALLAH for letting us live that long. And I cant stand it when a guy lies about his age just to get with a girl-totally disgusting. :eek:
  19. BAMBINA Im happy for you sis. As for me-im not addicted to music like some people i know. But if you were able to stop once i believe that you can do it again. Good Luck to you as well as everyone else who is trying to quit.
  20. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY JAM MASTER JAY: Lucky i can guess your mature enuff how come u cum up wit such question like this music is "DAMBI" NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHY I ASKED THIS QUESTION?
  21. LuCkY


  22. ITS ABOUT TIME I DROPPED SOME LINES IN HERE. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY NIN-YAABAN: This question is for our women. Would you have any problem if your husband was married to other wifes? You know, in Kismaayo, it was common to see men with 2 wifes. And even sometimes, the wifes will be living the same house. I just wish we can return to those ideal days. Well I dont know about other women, BUT i personally would have a problem with SHARING my husband-that just ME.
  23. ASRAA my sis youre very welcome.Im only trying to do what i can-for the betterment of the situation.
  25. LuCkY


    Thanks Asraa, isnt that the truth?