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55- Al-Baaqi:The Everlasting, The One that the state of non-existence is impossible for Him.
53- Al-Mu’eed (The Recaller, The One Who Repeats Creation)
BatuuLo thanks sis. You teLL him Like it is.
Asraa youre weLcome sis. Thank you for responding.
3. Negation (Ta'teel) Negating divine attributes, and denying their existence in Allah . One example of this is negating the perfection of Allah by denying His names and attributes, or negating the proper conduct towards Allah by abandoning His worship, or preventing people from knowing or worshipping their Creator. This would be like those who deny the fact that Allah created the universe and claim that it developed and evolved of its own accord. A grave mistake that many people make when trying to understand Allah 's attributes is to say that He cannot have sight because this implies eyes and eyes are created by Him; that He cannot have a throne because this implies that He needs some of His creation (i.e. a throne to rest on); that He cannot be above the heavens and cannot ascend or descend because He created heavens, places and distances. They conjecture that His sight is His knowledge, His hands are His capability, His ascending the Throne symbolizes conquering it, and so on. This type of thinking is what we usually refer to as suspending or neutralizing Allah 's attributes. It involves altering the meanings of those attributes that one cannot fully comprehend. This is a danger that should be carefully avoided in order to keep our knowledge of the faith clear and uncontaminated, following the examples set to us by the sahaabah (companions of the Prophet, radiAllahu ‘anhum) and their true followers.
45- Al-Fattaah (The Judge, The Opener) The One Who will judge between His Servants through His laws of the Sharee`ah, His laws of Decree and His laws and recompense. The One who opens the eyes of those who are truthful and sincere by His Kindness. The One who opens their hearts so that they can know Him, love Him and repent to Him. He opens the doors of mercy and sustenance for His servants and provides them the means of attaining both the good in this life and the Hereafter.
40- Al-Muheet (The Encompassing) : The One Who has Knowledge of everything, has power over everything, his Mercy encompasses everything and He is dominant over everything.
Kaafi thats what i wouLd Like to know as weLL. Some sort of investigation is needed here, any takers? :confused: :confused: :confused:
WeLL Ladyhova i know its not just SomaLi parents that make their daughters cLean-its every race. When they say his your brother-they basicaLLy mean youre a girL and cLeaning isnt part of what he(men)are suppose to do.The way i see its a shame when the men(boys as weLL) have to do cLeaning when their women(their sis as weLL) are at home watching them-and its not cooL. Its society male dont do house chores cuz their MEN and women do it cuz theyre WOMEN. THey have the work outside of the house to worry about and doing house chores isnt MANLY-accorrding to some peopLe and society. Besides if im not iLL i can do the house chores...i mean its not a burden-oh, who am i kidding...sometimes i dont Like it but its just something i got used to doing since i was a tyke. My bros sometimes do the chores-but its just an unwritten ruLe that we foLLow(i hope im making sense here). The way i was brought up: MEN doing house chore is a SHAME because WOMEN are suppose to take care of that and the chiLdren(its their pLace). The way i see it: men doing house chores shouLdnt be a disgrace, i mean its a part of Life we aLL have to deaL with-and it certainLy doesnt make them any Less of a man.<----- if anything it makes them more of a REAL man-i have much respect for shows that they are not seLffish, arrogant and cocky*thats just ME-my opinion*
SaLaaM To ALL No actuaLLy OG_Moti i do not know him but i have heard of his stories. That is great-they shouLd not be cLaiming to discover things that ALLah has stated in the HoLy Qu'ran-shame on them. OG_Moti, fLying-stiLL, qosLaaye: Youre aLL very weLcome, thank you aLL for taking the time to read and post here.
38- Ar-Raqeeb (the All-Watcher) : The One Who sees what is hidden in the hearts, the One Who charges every soul for what it earned, the One Who preserves all that is in creation and regulates them with the best organization and most complete and perfect planning.
OG_Moti thanks bro. Very weLL done. So when do we actuaLLY get ahoLd of the posters? Do we have to pay...even if we are starring in the movie? :confused:
Ladyhova you weLcome. LEt me know if ya need heLp or whatever-i wiLL do what i can to aide ya.
Mystery, what is the basis of his visit other than to gain afro-ame. voters on his side for re-eLection. :rolleyes: And why are they aLLowing him to enter their countries in the first pLace? :confused:
Your words are beautifuLLY assembLed DeadLyVision.
Im gonna have to agree with Jasmiine and Mizz-Unique on this one. Mizz-Unique that makes two of us, im baffled. :confused: I have seen what my male reLatives say and so i Learn from them. And my bro wouLd kiLL if anyone spoke iLL of us. :eek:
When we Look at the oceans they appear to us as one continous mass of water. However, oceanographers have recentLy discovered that there are distinct barriers inside the oceans which cannot be seen with our naked eyes. These barriers divide this big mass of water into unique parts that differ in density, saLtiness and temperature, each of which provides as suitabLe and unique environment for different Living creatures. ALLah has described to us these newLy discovered facts about the sea barriers in the HoLy Qu'ran in Surah AL-Rahman(S.55;verses 19-22) "He (ALLah) has Let free the two seas meeting together. Between them is a barrier which they do not transgress. Then Which favours of your Lord wiLL you deny? Out of them come pearLs and coraL."
32- Al-Muhsee: The Counter, The Reckoner, The One who the count of things are known to him.
2. Distortion (Tahreef) Namely, to distort the intended or apparent meaning through false interpretation, change or alteration. An example is the alteration of the wordings of the names and attributes, by adding to them, subtracting from them or changing the grammatical constructions. For example, the verse: "And Allah spoke directly to Moses" [soorah An-Nisaa (4): Aayah 163]. The Arabic word Allah was changed to the accusative case making Allah the object in the sentence according to the deviants to indicate that Moses spoke to Allah , thereby negating Allah's attribute of talking. The safest method to use in order to avoid distortion is the method of the early generations of Muslims (as-salaf). They confirmed the attributes which Allah had confirmed for Himself and which His Prophet (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) had confirmed for Him, without distorting interpretation nor making comparisons that are unbefitting of the Majesty and Oneness of Allah . We affirm the attributes mentioned in the Qur'aan and then Sunnah, such as the face, the two hands, the occupation of the Throne, the descent to the lower heaven, anger, pleasure, and so on, without comparing them to human attributes or interpreting them in a way that leads to their being negated. We reiterate what Imam Ash-Shaafi’i (rahimahullah) said: "I believe in Allah and in what revelation tells about Him, in the manner He intended, and I believe in the Messenger of Allah , and in what was related about the Messenger of Allah , in the manner that He intended."
StpauLchick *PURPLE* is under my birthday. Rainbow-i can woRk with that.
ORIGINALLY POSTED BY NIN-YAABAN: Lucky walaal there is nothing wrong in staying home, it may even bring a good name to your family. Its the best thing to do. Women who stay home, are said to be, NAAGAHA ugu fiic fiican. So, walaal staying home carries a honor for the somali women. I would strongly suggest that you stay home. Listen i dont mean to disRespect you but you seem to have issues that you need to Resolve. My famiLy aLready has a good name so i dont need to woRRy about that and neitheR do you. I dont caRe foR what otheRs think or say. I am a good peRson-eveRyone who knows me and my famiLy aRe awaRe of that(thank you veRy much). As faR as honoRs goes-i have enough-i am not heRe to pLease peopLe onLy the ALmighty-ALLah. So youR suggestion is Rejected.I know whats good foR me and I can ceRtainLy take caRe of myseLf.
ORIGINALLY POSTED BY GEDIID: Or maybe Lucky try swapping 6" heels for a pair of Nikes and working on your lower torso and learning that when running AWAY from an attacker make sure not to run in a straight line but a series of quick zigzags I might just do that. ALthough i can teLL you that i have the zigzag part down-Learned it when i was on the footbaLL fieLD.
Yeah BatuuLo-six inch heeLs. I dont Like hopefuLLy i wont face them. There is aLways an aLternative: Using the tips you aLL shared or: Using some of the wrestLing moves i Learned-wwe smackdown style-i have my bros to thank for that.aLways picking fights with me(smaLLer than they were)and by that time their torture time for me was over-what a chaLLenge they had to face. Or you can aLways jab them on the nose-i Learned that in my psy.cLass...weLL actuaLLy its a technique used when a dog attacks you-i guess it can work both ways. :confused:
StpauLchick:I have to say *PURPLE* somewhat describes me but im a LittLe bit of everything so what coLor wouLd i be than? :confused: