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Everything posted by LuCkY

  1. LuCkY

    CaFFeine 101

    OG_Moti internet section of the cafe'?What do you mean by that? If it means that you want to be in charge of the cafe then we wiLL simpLy have to vote on that as im sure others might want that position*to be cLos to the caffeinted drinks* i see we have severaL addicts in the house.
  2. Thanks Opinionated. :cool: Thanks BatuuLo. Yeah weLL here goes your big hug...
  3. LuCkY

    Why Islam...

    Thanks Raxmah. But if you ask me its not reaLLy freedom*why you may ask* because it is nothing more than a mere manipuLation;to deceive and make peopLe beLieve that it is freedom.Of course anybody without any common sense and faith wouLd beLeive it-Look at them...taLking about oppression when reaLLy it is they who are oppressed. Our(women)freedom started over 1400 years ago whereas there's started in the 1960s or something-which they had to fight for-ours on the other hand was a gift from ALLah. How is being a sex object having freedom? :mad: Women shouLd have more seLfrespect for themseLves than that.They are so brainwashed that they think wearing skin-tight,bare-it-aLL attires is a freedom and individuaLity. :rolleyes: :eek: What a bunch of BS. Its obvious they hate IsLam because it is says nothing but the truth-i guess some peopLe cant handLe the truth.And they are envious about the way it is expanding-they cant bring it down or break it down-not in this Lifetime-they can say aLL that they want to but in the end words wiLL aLways be words and nothing more.
  4. 63- Ash-Shaheed (The Witness): The One Who is Aware of everything. The One Who hears every voice in existence - the loud and quiet. The One Who Sees everything in existence - the insignificant and significant, the small and large. The One Whose Knowledge encompasses everything. The One Who will testify for or against His servants for what they did.
  5. 61- Al-Hafeez :The Preserver, The Protector, The One who protects whatever and whoever He willed to protect.
  6. LuCkY

    CaFFeine 101

    Ok, some ideas are needed for the pLace: Location, equipments, the exercise routines and the decorations. Any coordinators? We couLd open a LittLe coffee shop.
  7. LuCkY

    CaFFeine 101

    FLying-stiLL how about we open up an excerising pLace-just somaLi peopLe? We can jump start the day with caffeine and work off those carbs so that on average we onLy gain 1-3Lbs or none each year?
  8. I was gonna Look into CriminaL Justice, Forensics, PoLiticaL Science,InternationaL Studies and so on but i have not yet decided which one to pursue-im stiLL in the searching process. GirLs teLL me about it:"But why dont you do something usefuL for yourseLf and your country-Like medicine or something in the engineering fieLd?" :rolleyes: There is onLy so much one can do to bring change to a country...they dont understand that i wouLd Like to pursue something that i wouLd enjoy and wont regret in the end.
  9. I was gonna Look into CriminaL Justice, Forensics, PoLiticaL Science,InternationaL Studies and so on but i have not yet decided which one to pursue-im stiLL in the searching process. GirLs teLL me about it:"But why dont you do something usefuL for yourseLf and your country-Like medicine or something in the engineering fieLd?" :rolleyes: There is onLy so much one can do to bring change to a country...they dont understand that i wouLd Like to pursue something that i wouLd enjoy and wont regret in the end.
  10. 59- Al-Khabeer :The Aware, The One who knows the truth of things.
  11. JazakaLLah Khayr LoveLy me. Amiin to that Big MoM.
  12. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY NIN-YAABAN: In traditional Soomaali society it's still normal to see women spending more time inside their home, than outside of it. It's just recently (when people came to Amerika?) that many people started changing their ways and picking up the GAALO dhaqan. Walaal marka staying home is something thats really good for you. I try to convince that to Lucky but she seems to be offended by the whole idea. I can't see why. Believe me walaalayaal, its unheard of women getting attacked inside her home. That happens unfortunatly all to often on women walking outside by themselves. I can honestLy say what u wrote ^^^^^ does not appLy to everyone. TraditionaL this...traditionaL that...bLah-bLah, bLah-bLah.Even the word traditionaL is ancient- i dont know where you have been when the worLd(incLuding somaLia) was experiencing change but i wouLd suggest that you catch up or at Least try to. My mother was a business woman Like many other women in SomaLia-mind you America did not encourage it or bring that change.Therefore did not stay home but made sure her famiLy was Looked after and got everything they needed. Once again may i ask you how staying home is reaLLy good for us? You have not yet given me any Logical and rationaL reason.The reason you cant see why is because you are not a woman. ALLah naaga ma diigin cuuryan(disabLed)so why shouLd we succumb ourseLves to it?*Pardon my written SomaLi* Back to your second statement: May i ask where did you hear that from? There are statistics proving that women are in fact attacked in their homes just as much as they are when they are outdoors. May i remind you that there is nothing in our cuLture and reLigion stating about how women shouLd stay at home in order to prevent brutaL attacks.Whats going to happen to each individuaL is written so dont sweat it. No need to burden peopLe with more unnecessary worries and probLems than they aLready have-i think that is enough. If you want a woman who wiLL Listen and do as you say whether you are wrong or right, give you respect whether you earned it or deserve it than i say good Luck-because that is not gonna happen...onLy dogs do that and specificaLLy those that are trained. We(women) are peopLe with brains that ALLah gave us to guide ourseLves and we certainLy do not need for men to dictate ourLives.
  13. You know i have to agree with you SomeaLien. I have heard that before. They said that it was most LikeLy your parents, reLatives, friends and anyone you know. But i beLieve this is more concerned with the KaaLo rather than the SomaLi community(some researched and statistics wouLd be usefuL), nevertheLess Nin-Yaaban can rethink what he previousLy posted-it doesnt heLp much with your observations now does it? :confused:
  14. LuCkY

    The Deep Sea

    Oceanographers have recentLy discovered that there are inner waves hundreds of meters deep in the ocean. These waves are part of a sea which is beLow the ocean we observe at the surface; therefore it was named "the deep sea". This deep sea is compLeteLy dark. The creatures Living in this sea do not have eyes. In repLacement, ALLah has provided them with eLectromagnetic sensory organs that they use to identify their food and to detect their enemies. ALLah hs described to us this newLy discovered fact about the inner sea in the the HoLy Qu'ran in Surah AL-Noor(S.24; Verse 40) "Or(the unbeLiver state) is Like the depths of darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwheLmed with waves topped by waves, topped by dark cLouds. Depth of darkness one above another. If a man stretches out his hand, he can hardLy see it!"
  15. LuCkY

    CaFFeine 101

    ORIGINALLY POSTED BY OG_MOTI: somalis have a dry bodies, and suger is what is keeping them alive, leave them enjoy it, dont lead to the Evaporation of somalis.. cause seriously without suger they will evaporate ... peace Dry bodies...what are you taLking about? I thought everyones bodies consisted of 75% water.Evaporation of thats some funny stuff you got there.Sugar doesnt do wonders for a dry body-at Least i hope not. *Im not addicted to caffeinated beverages*
  16. LoveLy me, very beautifuLLy said and true if i may add. May ALLah Lead us to the path of Jannah.
  17. Thanks Nur I understand what you are saying. I thought the caLcuLator you were taLking about was a refLection of our Life right now-to see if we are happy or unhappy as to the choices we made and the things we did and those we did not. I wiLL take one.
  18. LuCkY

    CaFFeine 101

    THANK YOU ALL FOR POSTING! Nafisa taLk about doubLe doubLe at Tim's...I was drinking a Large carameL frappucino.Thats what i sometimes do but its not good for you because it onLy Lasts for a coupLe of hours. RauLa i agree with you. Yes but at Least if we encouraged dieting-meaning Low consumption of certain foods and excerising reguLarLy-than the heaLth probLems we see wouLd decrease.Youre correct about the diabets some of us-aLot of peopLe i have seen(somaLi)think that it is caused by Large intakes of sugar, when in fact it is due to the insuLin LeveLs *type 1 & 2*. I remember the HDL Lectures in 10th bio.
  19. Lateafha thanks for sharing. Very deep and true-it stiLL has me thinking.
  20. LuCkY

    CaFFeine 101

    Lefty youre weLcome but i think grease*oiL* is a major probLem to our community as weLL.
  21. LuCkY

    CaFFeine 101

    OG_Moti i didnt mean to sound so negative, I was just giving you guys the 101 on caffeine. I actuaLLy enjoy my kick of caffeine sometimes. And sometimes its aLL i resort to when im stressed out.
  22. LuCkY

    CaFFeine 101

    What is Caffeine? Caffeine is a stimuLant found in many foods and beverages. It is aLso found in prescription and over the counter medications. Caffeine is a naturaLLy occurring substance found in the leaves, seeds, and fruits of more than 60 pLants. How much Caffeine is in common foods and drinks? A few exampLes of caffeinated items incLude: 8oz. cup of coffee(65-120mg of caffeine), brewed tea (20-90mg0, 12oz.Coke(45mg), 1 cup of Haagen-Dazs coffee ice cream (58mg, Hershey chocoLate bar (10mg), 8oz. hot chocoLate (5mg), and 2 tabLets of Excedrin (130mg). Some herbaLs such as guarana aLso contains caffeine. What exactLy does Caffeine do to my body? Caffeine's main effect is increased aLertness. Within one hour of coffee consumption, caffeine usuaLLy reaches its peak LeveL in the bLoodstream and remains there for four to six hours. Caffeine aLso stimuLates secretion of acid in the stomach, sometimes resuLting in an upset stomach. Caffeine is aLso a diuretic, which means it heLps eLiminate fLuids from the body and can resuLt in water and caLcium Loss. If i beome pregnant, is it safe for me to continue drinking coffee and soda? Most experts agree that moderation and common sense are the keys to consuming caffeinated items during pregnancy. "Moderate" caffeine consumption is approximateLy 300mg/day, which is simiLar to 3 cups of coffee. Researchers have had difficuLty determining whether there is a reLationship between caffeine and miscarriage since miscarriage is very common. Recent reports suggest that Low to moderate consumption of caffeine does not increase the risk for miscarriage. A few studies have shown that there may be an increased risk for miscarriages with high caffeine consumption(>300mg/day), particuLarLy in combination with smoking or aLcohoL, or with very high LeveLs of caffeine consumption(>800mg/day). It is aLso important for a woman to drink sufficient quantities of water, miLk and juice if she becomes pregnant. These fLuids shouLd not be repLaced with caffeinated beverages.
  23. Mindstate, exceptionaLLy done-very true.Am i gLad i have severaL friends Like that.
  24. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY ZAK99: my proud-sista you topic said if you want to man.... so i want to tell that if you want to man, it is simple nowadays. all you have to is get sex operation and the you will become a guy. that easy. so u dont have to worry about toilet problem. i think sweden where u can do this the easiest way. i will even invite in my apt while u going through the operations. I dont think that she meant it permenantLy-dont take it so LitteraLLy-its not meant to be*thats how i see it*. She was just asking if you had the chance to be the opposite sex-what wouLd you do? There is no need for trasexauL operations. I think she is Proud to be a woman-correct me if im wrong PROUDSISTA!