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Everything posted by LuCkY

  1. LuCkY

    CaFFeine 101

    OG_Moti did you say waiteress? :eek: WeLL good Luck finding a dedicated one because i wiLL not be doing none of im expecting to get a good titLe somewhere in the upper division.
  2. WeLL Done MsWord and Chosen One-Amiin to that Du'ca and many more.
  3. Being burned inside the mouth not a good picture. WeLL i had my dalqa(i remember vomiting once but thats aLL) removed but it wasnt bad compared to my tonsiLs(even though it was done in here)i couLdnt eat or taLk and i had a hard time drinking anything.One good thing i achieved was Losing a coupLe of pounds.
  4. Hey maybe we can work that out. WeLL it depends on how Long you were gone. Why did they detain you in the first pLace? :confused:
  5. I found some more not sure if they have been posted. *Always be prepared. Be aware. Carry safe and easy to use can of pepper spray available on the internet. *While waiting for a bus or streetcar, stand near others who are also waiting. *Upon arriving at your stop, be aware of those who alight with you. If you feel you are being followed, go to the nearest occupied building and ask for assistance. *After dark, attempt to get off the bus in well-lighted areas. Use only well-lighted streets to reach your final destination. *Always check your car before getting in - to make sure that no one is hiding inside. *It is best to park in attended lots. if you must leave a key with the attendant, leave only the ignition key. In all other cases, lock your car. At night, park only in lighted areas. *Do not leave ANY packages or personal items in open view in the car. Place them in the trunk. *If you are in danger of being harmed or robbed, while in your car, start sounding your horn until assistance arrives. *If you feel you are being followed, drive to the nearest police or fire station, or open filling station. *Observe elevator interior before entering. Wait until the next elevator if you are uncertain of any occupant. *When riding the elevator alone, always stand near the control panel. If accosted, press ALL buttons. *If a suspicious person enters the elevator, exit before the door close. *If possible, try to travel at night in pairs or groups.
  6. LuCkY


    WeLL Done:DeadLyVision, MsWord, diamond princess, and Chosen One-I see that something has poetic skiLLz fLowing nowadayz-keep it up.
  7. Mizz-Unique i thought cLown was off the market. :confused:
  8. Intuition when are you gonna post the rest of the
  9. Mizz...nothing wrong with being a LittLe naughty so Long as you know when to tone it down. Rudy weLcome back man, i missed that LittLe dancing kid.
  10. WeLcome to SOL Mizz_SkyLine_GTR and i hope you enjoy your stay here. You wiLL fit no time.
  11. Maryan i feeL sorry for you...getting burned. ALthough i must say after having them removed than you feeL aLot better.I had to Live on water, geLLo and ice cream for a whoLe month.
  12. WeLL i cant speak for everyone but i guess there are severaL reasons as to why peopLe misspeLL: *Some peopLe are in a hurry *Some are careLess *Some dont take the time to proof read *Some are unaware *Some dont know *Some peopLe are from differnt backgrounds *Some are Limited in SomaLi and/or EngLish *Some use SomaGLish(SomaLi and EngLish combined) *Some use sLangs,ebonics,street taLk, ghetto, or their own made up words *Some are iLLiterate *Some arent aware of the speLL check *Some cant pronounce I rareLy use the speLL check. I make many errors when it comes to writing in SomaLi because im Limited...besides i aLways give peopLe a heads up whenever i write in SomaLi.And i hardLy use the punctuation (comma, semi-coLon, hyphen, etc) when writing because its a hassLe for me. ***They dont misspeLL every word because than we wouLdnt be abLe to understand anything they wouLd have said****
  13. LuCkY

    CaFFeine 101

    Guys i better be getting some of those profits you intend to receive :mad: ...since i brought you addicts together and gave you guys some idea about the business.
  14. Thanks for posting Opinionated. Im TraditionaL.Some questions had Limited answers.
  15. Thanks Mag-girL. Thats true but hopefuLLy its not too Late to make some changes.
  16. STHLM_LADY me too...i guess it was for my own good.Mine was removed because it was acting up but i think they were suppose to remove my tonsiLs instead-got them done eventuaLLy. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY LAKKAD: or Showering with a fresh Blood(from a freshly slaughtered ORGI-if u tabareed-a dorro was just fine!) yes this did happen-so don look @ me as crzzy! Im stiLL trying to figure that out. :confused: Lakkad re: maLnutrition,dont you Live with your mom or sister?That wouLd make a difference.
  17. ^^^^^Thanks for pointing that out. MY bad...excuse my mistakes. I was supposed to put those eLsewhere but i mixed them up and posted them in here by accident because i was in a such hurry. I wiLL edit them Later on.
  18. LuCkY

    CaFFeine 101

    MMA crapuchino, why caLL it that?
  19. LuCkY

    Holding Hands

    Good Question Modesty. Im not sure but i think that its ok if they are married-correct me if im wrong. But how is showing affection(hoLding hands etc) to your significant other imitating gaaLo? :confused:
  20. LuCkY

    CaFFeine 101

    BeautifuL_BLue_Skies did you say "BEST FRIEND" i have never seen someone using that term to refer to it...that was funny. You cant stay without caffeine whoLe 24hrs-sounds Like an addict to me-dont worry we have a house fuLL of addicts here; you bLend in just fine. :cool:
  21. BuLo thanks for sharing that articLe. I think i wouLd be wasting my breath on these ignorant Kuufars for they wouLd never stop their hatered toward IsLam. And this, a man who doesnt have any knowLedge about the Qu'ran is taLking about its not authentic :mad: :mad: and because he can transLate some of the text to the Armaic Language...bunch of BS if you ask me. I mean how can one go that far---he says that the womens head scarves code transLated is "snap your beLts on your waist" :mad: :eek: a reaLLy mentaLLy chaLLenged person.If that wasnt enough newsweek magazine has the nerve to pubLish such an asinine theory :mad: -just shows how far one is wiLLing to seek attention-useLess. :rolleyes: But i have to agree with these two Ladies: Closer to home, a Raleigh, N.C., woman writes “how dare ... NEWSWEEK insult and defame the holy book of over 1.3 billion Muslims by a fringe, self-professed scholar who has absolutely no credibility with the array of other scholars (both Western and Eastern) on Islam? By giving this anti-Muslim, Qur’an-blasphemous ‘scholar’ a voice, NEWSWEEK just goes on to prove that it is not worthy of covering serious newsworthy stories.” Another reader wonders, “Is it just me or has the so-called Western civilization always misinterpreted and discriminated against the Muslim world just because we don’t have a modern outlook toward everything like you? ... I suggest reading the book ‘Muhammad: The Last Messenger in the Bible’ to get your facts straight and have the Qur’an be interpreted by a person who truly knows about it’s history and not just another historian trying to publicize his own book by insulting other religions.”
  22. Thanks Raxmah that is truLy remarkabLe...i had no idea-i mean i knew some of those things but that is aLot of ibaadat that is to be earned.
  23. LuCkY

    The Deep Sea

    Thanks Latheafha.If onLy they knew that IsLam is and wiLL aLways be ahead of them...thinking they discovered things Like that. :rolleyes:
  24. Mindstate im happy for you and cLown...a friendship Like that shouLd not be taken for granted and shouLd aLways be cherished. Master Mafia weLL done.