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Everything posted by LuCkY
Rudy you can pair yourseLf up and see what happens-im kidding. List your traits and some halimo with a wiLd side wouLd swing your way im sure.
LadyHova i dont know what is going on but OG_Moti seems to be ripping me off :mad: -taLking about me being a waiteress when i was the one who shone the Light on the whoLe idea. But i wiLL see what i can do.
Morning routine huh-usuaLLy depends on how im feeLing that certain day but here goes my List: *Wake up for Fajr prayer *Go back to sLeep-for about 30-45mins *Take my sis to schooL whiLe im haLf asLeep *Go back to sLeep for an 1hr or so *CLean the house *Cook breakfast and feed the kids *Water the pLants and do the garden work *Run errands for mom/dad *Go to the gym-depending on my mood that day *And get ready for the rest of the day *NO i didnt forget about eating breakfast because i dont eat breakfast Thats that for now.
Mystery thanks for that insighfuL articLe...i didnt know that coughing couLd save you whiLe suffering from a heart attack.
ExactLy my thoughts MaLikah. FeLLas no cheesy fLirty Lines-that wiLL do you no good it may rather be harmfuL to you. LS your transLations somewhat threw me off. :eek:
Yes that happens to me too but the best way to go even if my hair is curLed is a good oLd bun-yeah it probabLy ruin the hair but thats the onLy soLution i know of.Sorry i wasnt much of a heLp but thats aLL i can think of right now. Ladies any suggestions?
GirLs i feeL i was Lost throughout the damn quiz-useLess to me anyway. But thanks for sharing Khayr. Maybe the elders can have some Luck with it.
Ilhaam not reaLLy i use the smaLL ones and sometimes i wouLd use a scrounge/rubberband-part them into two groups.Or Let it aLL down even though i hate to do that.
SaLaaM Ilhaam i wouLd usuaLLy put it in a bun. Sometimes i braid them and sometimes i wouLd Let them down*put in a ponytaiL and then use rubberbands aLL the way down* When its curLy i wouLd use a cLip and than voiLa'! Im not hair crazy as it drives me crazy because its Long and requires a Lot of work. I too am not hair expert but im sure we have some Ladies in the house with better ideas than mine.
Indeeded it was a Long story but very nice. Thanks JamaaL-11. I had to keep coming back to finish eyes hurt. :eek:
Youre WeLcome Mizz-Unique I forgot aLL about Cleopatra. Is this onLy for reaL women or myths as weLL?
Nuune youre weLcome and thanks for taking the time to respond. Yes its kinda pathetic thinking they are so modern and yet they are ages behind.
What-girLs? Chosen One that incLudes me, when have i been nothing but troubLe huh? :confused:
Mizz-Unique nice topic. WeLL first woman i admire is my mom-because she has been through so much and has taught some unforgetabLe and vaLuabLe Lessons. Khadija and Aisha i aLso admire-no need for expLanation here. Hawo Tako-SomaLi warrior, very brave and such a strong woman. HiLLary CLinton very outspoken. One of my HS teachers-been through aLot and kept on going-taught severaL usefuL Lessons. There some more...i wiLL have to think and come Later on.
WeLcome to SOL Hanadyare26-hope you enjoy your stay here. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY HANADYARE26: When you live abroad, all you need to know is that the person is Somali, and you are as happy as you found your mother. However, you feel uneasy and have natural distrust for all Somalis except those in your inner circle (your tribe or clan). Do not be surprised! “I can not date you because you are not from our tribe, and my family told me if I date boys from other tribes, it will be disrespect to our people,” can you believe those where the words of 19 years old Somali girl. Indeed, it is unfortunate to create hate in innocent hearts, so it can be an infectious disease that spreads from one generation to the next. This is so true i hear it aLL the time. I asked someone who once said something aLong those Lines why do you need to create hatered among our own peopLe, this is how they repLied:"We dont hate them...yes they are SomaLi but we just dont mingLe with them. I wouLd never aLLow a daugther of mine to marry into that group, its shamefuL and disgracefuL to the majority of SomaLi peopLe". I couLd not beLieve my ears. :eek: How can some say that we are MusLims, we dont judge peopLe and hate our own kind...its un-IsLamic and continue with such acts.? :confused: I beLieve no matter how educated we(somaLi) become we are going to be carrying that *bad* tradition with us for a Long Long time.
Rayaana good Looking out. I understand what you are saying because i see some individuaLs Like that aLL the time. I think that they are Lost and confused souLs that are in great need of a sense of direction in the right path. And the Likes of the peopLe you mentioned did not have a great grasp on IsLam as they appeared to be-they were mostLy LikeLy decieving peopLe around them and most of aLL themeseLves. They shouLd onLy fear ALLah and not peopLe that onLy shows how Low their iimaan is. Yes its a disgrace but we can onLy hope that ALLah Leads these Lost souLs in the right direction. Our new generation is definiteLy getting Lost and they need to get their act together and make something of themseLves. One can onLy do so much to heLp others-an open communication with the parents/guardians wouLd do wonders for some of these peopLe.
Rayaana good Looking out. I understand what you are saying because i see some individuaLs Like that aLL the time. I think that they are Lost and confused souLs that are in great need of a sense of direction in the right path. And the Likes of the peopLe you mentioned did not have a great grasp on IsLam as they appeared to be-they were mostLy LikeLy decieving peopLe around them and most of aLL themeseLves. They shouLd onLy fear ALLah and not peopLe that onLy shows how Low their iimaan is. Yes its a disgrace but we can onLy hope that ALLah Leads these Lost souLs in the right direction. Our new generation is definiteLy getting Lost and they need to get their act together and make something of themseLves. One can onLy do so much to heLp others-an open communication with the parents/guardians wouLd do wonders for some of these peopLe.
Rayaana good Looking out. I understand what you are saying because i see some individuaLs Like that aLL the time. I think that they are Lost and confused souLs that are in great need of a sense of direction in the right path. And the Likes of the peopLe you mentioned did not have a great grasp on IsLam as they appeared to be-they were mostLy LikeLy decieving peopLe around them and most of aLL themeseLves. They shouLd onLy fear ALLah and not peopLe that onLy shows how Low their iimaan is. Yes its a disgrace but we can onLy hope that ALLah Leads these Lost souLs in the right direction. Our new generation is definiteLy getting Lost and they need to get their act together and make something of themseLves. One can onLy do so much to heLp others-an open communication with the parents/guardians wouLd do wonders for some of these peopLe.
Rayaana good Looking out. I understand what you are saying because i see some individuaLs Like that aLL the time. I think that they are Lost and confused souLs that are in great need of a sense of direction in the right path. And the Likes of the peopLe you mentioned did not have a great grasp on IsLam as they appeared to be-they were mostLy LikeLy decieving peopLe around them and most of aLL themeseLves. They shouLd onLy fear ALLah and not peopLe that onLy shows how Low their iimaan is. Yes its a disgrace but we can onLy hope that ALLah Leads these Lost souLs in the right direction. Our new generation is definiteLy getting Lost and they need to get their act together and make something of themseLves. One can onLy do so much to heLp others-an open communication with the parents/guardians wouLd do wonders for some of these peopLe.
Thanks Mizz-Unique very interesting and true. Khayr dont you think getting to know the person wouLd make your Life easier? And by that i dont mean the western way of "dating". ORIGINALLY POSTED BY KHAYR: I have been laughed and mocked at, when I tell other somalis that inshallah, the Islamic Pattern for marriage selection doesn't include DATING, or that 'FINDING YOUR RIGHT MATE'Mentality. Sistahs that I have encountered down here, no matter how much ISLAM is their way of life, want to 'DATE' a brother before they get married to him and analyze a brother down to his toenails. This is why as time goes by, I think that somali brothers who go to the east to get married are doingthe RIGHT thing and definitely HALAL. I think there is a bit of contridication going on here. :rolleyes: The brothers as weLL as the sisters wanna date. I am not encouraging such behaviour but its not onLy the femaLes. But what about the other not so haLaL things they did?Some of them go to east to get mates that they can dictate-no pun intended and i dont mean to generaLize-but thats what i hear whenever i ask them "why".
Baashi if onLy you wouLd have posted this topic a coupLe of days i wouLd have thrown severaL tantrums. Now that you have be prepared in advance to watch out for weird fLying object and words-im not intentionaLLy aiming them at you. So how do you feeL?Now that you got that off your chest.
Che i wouLd have to say that nature is not to bLame for maLes infideLity. I agree that a persons genes does not determine the persons behaviour uLtimateLy. 'I have heard people say, 'I can't help it, I am a man - I have to spill my seed',' said Dr Regan. 'That's using science to justify bad behaviour.' I agree with Dr.Regan here. These sorts of studies are just going to give some men an excuse to be unfaithfuL and use the study to justify their iLL-witted actions.
In the skin there are sensors of feeLing heat and pain at the point where the nerves ends carry a current of signaLs to the brain. This resuLts in man feeLing sensations of the heat on his skin. Extreme heat destroys the nerves eds, which resuLts in man Losing his sense for heat. Before any apostate cLaims that his sense of pain from the fire of heLL may be Lost within moments of entering the fire, must consider the warning mentioned in the HoLy Qu'ran which states: "SureLy! those who disbeLieve our Ayat(proofs, verses)we shaLL burn them in fire. As often as their skinss are roasted through, we shaLL change them for other skins that they may taste the punishment." (Surah An-Nisa'verse 56).
Raxmah thanks for sharing that and amiin to that and many more.
Thanks Rampage The site has more information than any other site i have encountered-very insightfuL.