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Everything posted by LuCkY
Nah Mindstate you can join-say a few words. Its just that the somaLi youth(new generation) are Lost nowadays.They dont have a sense of direction. They need to act Like MusLims and SomaLi-their thug wannabes behaviour is just unacceptabLe. Im not into macawist-they can wear their buggy pants or whatever so Long as they know when to grow out of that and start acting Like grown men.
Nah Mindstate you can join-say a few words. Its just that the somaLi youth(new generation) are Lost nowadays.They dont have a sense of direction. They need to act Like MusLims and SomaLi-their thug wannabes behaviour is just unacceptabLe. Im not into macawist-they can wear their buggy pants or whatever so Long as they know when to grow out of that and start acting Like grown men.
Nah Mindstate you can join-say a few words. Its just that the somaLi youth(new generation) are Lost nowadays.They dont have a sense of direction. They need to act Like MusLims and SomaLi-their thug wannabes behaviour is just unacceptabLe. Im not into macawist-they can wear their buggy pants or whatever so Long as they know when to grow out of that and start acting Like grown men.
Nah Mindstate you can join-say a few words. Its just that the somaLi youth(new generation) are Lost nowadays.They dont have a sense of direction. They need to act Like MusLims and SomaLi-their thug wannabes behaviour is just unacceptabLe. Im not into macawist-they can wear their buggy pants or whatever so Long as they know when to grow out of that and start acting Like grown men.
SaLaaM WISDOM786 WeLcome to SOL-hope you enjoy your stay.
SiLent-Sistah i feeL you on some of those issues that you raised but why go to an extreme and HATE them? I have Learned that no matter what you do, you wiLL never be abLe to change the minds of those types of peopLe and i dismiss them because i dont have the time or energy to be hating on them-i have better things to do with my time. I have experienced the betrayaLs you are taLking about and backstabbing too but now i know who my reaL friends are and thats what counts. My mother toLd me not to mix with them and dont ever befriend somaLi girLs because aLL they wouLd do is bring you down-some have tried to do that and faiLed but majority of them are not Like that. You just have to chose your friends reaL carefuLLy. WeLL i wish nothing but Luck and maybe penting this anger here may just be the way to go. ***WeLL if you are for reaLs OG_MOTi than its too bad that you reaLLy are Leaving-i mean you have done and shared aLot of meaningfuL things with the nomads here. I wouLd Like to say GOOD LUCK and I wish you nothing but the best in LIFE. But i wouLd aLso say you shouLd reconsider but onLy you know what is best for you so...***
Asraa i wouLd Love to answer your question and give a straight answer but i cant-i dont know whether true Love exists or not but if i do find out one day in the future*hopefuLLy*i wiLL get back to your question-as of right now i have no say in that department.
^^^^^How are we suppose to differ from aLL the baLded headed faaraxs out there? Im guessing you are referring to the bun-a hairstyLe used by many-especiaLLy us Ladies with the head scarves.You put aLL of the hair together and twist (to the right or Left) and then wrapped and then secured it with a scrounge-thats a bun. WeLL i wouLd Like to hear what you have to say thats not gonna make us hijabbed girLs heads Look puffy.
Rayaana i couLdnt agree with you any Less. I have encountered many many many many many peopLe that are very prejudice, ignorant, qabiiList, and have so much animosity toward their own peopLe and some of them cLaimed to be hafiduL Qu'ran...taLk about weird. Yes majority of somaLi peopLe*dont mean to generaLiz* are in fact aLL about qabiiL and nonsense hateredtoward one another, but Like rayaana said the majority ruLes.
SaLaaM Yeah i think we can puLL it off. Yes i know we are in two different pLaces but maybe we can each start one where we are with heLp of other peopLe. WeLL aLL we have to do to attract the youth is advertise and promote what they want to see and they wiLL aLL be there before you know. We have to do something that appeaLs to them-something that they know is for them and you dont want to have aduLts that are just yeLLing at them or taLking at them rather Listen and taLk with them. Im not going to do anything Like that right now being i just finished high schooL and i wouLd reaLLy Like to continue my education at coLLege and then start Looking around and taLk with some community members and see how we can improve the situations that our youth are facing nowadays in the western worLd. YOu shouLd definiteLy become a member and see whats going on.
SaLaaM Yeah i think we can puLL it off. Yes i know we are in two different pLaces but maybe we can each start one where we are with heLp of other peopLe. WeLL aLL we have to do to attract the youth is advertise and promote what they want to see and they wiLL aLL be there before you know. We have to do something that appeaLs to them-something that they know is for them and you dont want to have aduLts that are just yeLLing at them or taLking at them rather Listen and taLk with them. Im not going to do anything Like that right now being i just finished high schooL and i wouLd reaLLy Like to continue my education at coLLege and then start Looking around and taLk with some community members and see how we can improve the situations that our youth are facing nowadays in the western worLd. YOu shouLd definiteLy become a member and see whats going on.
SaLaaM Yeah i think we can puLL it off. Yes i know we are in two different pLaces but maybe we can each start one where we are with heLp of other peopLe. WeLL aLL we have to do to attract the youth is advertise and promote what they want to see and they wiLL aLL be there before you know. We have to do something that appeaLs to them-something that they know is for them and you dont want to have aduLts that are just yeLLing at them or taLking at them rather Listen and taLk with them. Im not going to do anything Like that right now being i just finished high schooL and i wouLd reaLLy Like to continue my education at coLLege and then start Looking around and taLk with some community members and see how we can improve the situations that our youth are facing nowadays in the western worLd. YOu shouLd definiteLy become a member and see whats going on.
SaLaaM Yeah i think we can puLL it off. Yes i know we are in two different pLaces but maybe we can each start one where we are with heLp of other peopLe. WeLL aLL we have to do to attract the youth is advertise and promote what they want to see and they wiLL aLL be there before you know. We have to do something that appeaLs to them-something that they know is for them and you dont want to have aduLts that are just yeLLing at them or taLking at them rather Listen and taLk with them. Im not going to do anything Like that right now being i just finished high schooL and i wouLd reaLLy Like to continue my education at coLLege and then start Looking around and taLk with some community members and see how we can improve the situations that our youth are facing nowadays in the western worLd. YOu shouLd definiteLy become a member and see whats going on.
Scorpion-Sista is this some sort of a coincidence? :rolleyes:
SaLaaM Rayaana maybe we can do it. I mean it wouLd reaLLy be great if we can open up a community center for our younger youth. To heLp them with schooL, reLigion, any issues they may have(without being scoLded and being ashamed) as they say "no question is too siLLy or ****** " and than a sports center-to keep them off the streets and away from drugs. Yes i know that many parents who were there aLways and the chiLd turned astray-onLy the individuaL is to bLame here. But many of the kids on the streets are not with their parents rather their aunts, uncLe, sisters and brothers and other famiLy members and that where major probLems arise-as they are brainwashed and think they can do anything they pLease because they are in america-Lost souLs.
SaLaaM Rayaana maybe we can do it. I mean it wouLd reaLLy be great if we can open up a community center for our younger youth. To heLp them with schooL, reLigion, any issues they may have(without being scoLded and being ashamed) as they say "no question is too siLLy or ****** " and than a sports center-to keep them off the streets and away from drugs. Yes i know that many parents who were there aLways and the chiLd turned astray-onLy the individuaL is to bLame here. But many of the kids on the streets are not with their parents rather their aunts, uncLe, sisters and brothers and other famiLy members and that where major probLems arise-as they are brainwashed and think they can do anything they pLease because they are in america-Lost souLs.
SaLaaM Rayaana maybe we can do it. I mean it wouLd reaLLy be great if we can open up a community center for our younger youth. To heLp them with schooL, reLigion, any issues they may have(without being scoLded and being ashamed) as they say "no question is too siLLy or ****** " and than a sports center-to keep them off the streets and away from drugs. Yes i know that many parents who were there aLways and the chiLd turned astray-onLy the individuaL is to bLame here. But many of the kids on the streets are not with their parents rather their aunts, uncLe, sisters and brothers and other famiLy members and that where major probLems arise-as they are brainwashed and think they can do anything they pLease because they are in america-Lost souLs.
SaLaaM Rayaana maybe we can do it. I mean it wouLd reaLLy be great if we can open up a community center for our younger youth. To heLp them with schooL, reLigion, any issues they may have(without being scoLded and being ashamed) as they say "no question is too siLLy or ****** " and than a sports center-to keep them off the streets and away from drugs. Yes i know that many parents who were there aLways and the chiLd turned astray-onLy the individuaL is to bLame here. But many of the kids on the streets are not with their parents rather their aunts, uncLe, sisters and brothers and other famiLy members and that where major probLems arise-as they are brainwashed and think they can do anything they pLease because they are in america-Lost souLs.
Ok i see. If the education is what is hoLding her back than i dont know what to say. I mean as we aLL know if you are educated and your spouse isnt than there wiLL definiteLy be some major probLems-some can work it out and others cant. The famiLy part is a probLem-because he is famiLy and she doesnt wanna hurt him aLL i can say is she needs to give the situation some time. Maybe aLL this chemistry wiLL not Last very Long and whatever she does i wouLd advise her not to rush into marriage*this is just my opinion* By getting to know i didnt mean "dating" i meant spend time with the person and get to reaLLy know him. Again i wouLd suggest that she doesnt rush into marriage but onLy she knows whats good for her so...
ORIGINALLY POSTED BY OG_MOTI: Lucky come on sis... i am making u part of the business.. employees considered in my view as an assets have the chance to be promoted.. if you show me dedication and hard working.. you might end up Boss's wife who knows... and i do pay well, plus bonuses, no holidays thou.. and 12 working hours per day, you can drink as much coffee as u want.. and post in SOL some topics in ur breaks since i am going to have internet secsion... Like i said i want a titLe in the upper division not be an empLoyee."You might end up Boss's wife who knows...are you kidding me here, we are supposed to be business partners not Life partners. No hoLiday...how am i suppose to go to vacations and have fun?thats just not fair or right.
Lefty and the rest of the nomads who wanted some information on sugar check out my post in the generaL section caLLed Not-So-SimpLe Carbs.
Shyhem thats some good points that you brought up. Maybe they can have better Luck now that they know what to Look for huh? I wouLd Like to hear what the guys have to say on this.
WeLL i wouLd definiteLy say to foLLow what her heart teLLs her. But what is the probLem? Is she with someone is that why she cant be with him? But make sure that she takes her time to reaLLy get to know him and what he is aLL about. Its true that Love isnt aLL about having degrees and whatnot, but who said that this wouLd be the guy she spends the rest of her Life with. These feeLings may go away given time or may grow stronger. Its aLways good to have certain standards and i agree with her on the part of wanting an educated spouse-i mean it onLy makes sense, since she herseLf is educated.
Lakkad im gonna have to disagree with you and Mobb_Deep-i asked around and did some hunting as to the what the deaL is behind the Loudness and the removaL of the dalqada-nothing reaLLy.SomaLi peopLe are naturaLLy Loud Like Mag-girL said. Now back to the remoted area and the practice of the things mentioned, beLieve it or not but it does happen even in the big city-Muqdisho, yes i have witnessed and i was a victum of some of those acts. And when did the knowLedge of deen stop some(somaLi)peopLe from doing certain things? :confused: *i dont mean to generaLize*
JamaaL-11 that is an interesting question. I have never thought of that but the articLe did bring up some good points. I dont know and cant say whether they were MusLims or not.But i wouLd be happy to find out as im sure there are some nomads with more info to share on this.