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Everything posted by LuCkY

  1. Lakkad you have been nominated-i beLieve it was for written SomaLi.By the way thanks for bringing up some good oLd memories. SiLent-Sistah nothing for free huh?
  2. LuCkY


    ^^^^^Sorry to burst your bubbLe and the big grin on your face but i simpLy dont see what is so sexy about that.But hey thats why we aLL have different tastes-whatever fLoats your boat. I faiL to see how a macawees wearing,khaad-chewing(some i know-dont mean to generaLize), bakhoorad swinging,and dusty sandaL wearing faraax is sexy. :confused: But its aLL good. Did you say hot pink, green and muLti-coLoured shirts? :eek: :eek: :eek: A man with matching pants be it jeans/khakis/casuaL and shirt/t-shirt/sweater/jacket and boots/sports shoes/casuaL wouLd Look absoLuteLy fantastic...niceLy groomed struting with confidence is what i caLL SEXY.*Now im the one going off in a daze*
  3. LuCkY


    No i sure as HeLL dont wanna get mugged but you can aLways wear a LittLe neckLace/earrings/braceLet-some Lighweight goLd not the heavy stuff that the mammas be sporting at the weddings and aLL. The diraac becomes very usefuL during the summer when its reaLLy hot-so some peopLe toLd me.
  4. ^^^^^I beLieve you are supposed to post this in the Poems section rather than than in the GeneraL.
  5. Thank you aLL for cLearifying that-very interesting indeed and heLpfuL.
  6. LuCkY

    Somali Fathers

    The way i see it some fathers think that as soon as they divorce the wife they divorce the kids automaticaLLy. They need to understand that the kids are theirs as weLL just because you and the wife have a probLem doesnt mean that the kids shouLd be suffer the consequences.
  7. LuCkY


    Aww, thats too bad. But thats just my opinion maybe she was serious-so aLL isnt Lost Gediid.
  8. And why did you dismiss the whoLe post and pick out a tedious Line onLy. :confused: ORIGINALLY POSTED BY NIN-YAABAN: No i think its you who needs to reread what she has wrote and understand the real intentions behind it. Anyone who says, the SOOMALI way of living is backward is advocating the Amerikaan culture over the Soomali one. Thank you very much but i read and comprehended what she wrote. *It seems to me that some peopLe who bLame the west for everything need to reevaLuate themseLves and what they are doing wrong* ORIGINALLY POSTED BY OPPINIONATED: I say get over yourselves and the frigging dhaqaan, and start raising your kids properly, the right way, without a belt or a friggin stick. This is what she posted and quite frankLy i agree with her.Now where in this post is she advocating the american cuLture over the somaLi way of Living as you caLL it.
  9. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY LATIIF: What..................asking my wife 2b to get tested, isn't that another way of saying you don't trust her or maybe she is Prostitute ? Insha-Allah, I hope I never happen 2b in that situation and I suggest you guys to make sure you know the individuals and have no doubts absolutely before deciding to marry them and then put your faith in God. Dont ever get in a situation where you have to ask that question to begin with. Simple!!! *UnfortunateLy there isnt too many peopLe you can trust nowadays.I dont think she shouLd take it as an insuLt if you ask her to get tested-wouLd you rather be SAFE or SORRY in the end. *You never know if you have some sort of a disease unLess you get yourseLf checked out-some of these disease are transmitted in various ways-you can even catch it at the doctors office. *Knowing the individuaL doesnt aLways ease some doubts you might have-how do you know what they have been doing way before you two got invoLved you know :confused: *You cant aLways avoid things-its not that simpLe. *I aLways put my faith in ALLah.
  10. LuCkY


    Nefertiti come on now...macawiis a TURN ON? :confused: Gediid dont be so quick to rush to the store bro i think the girL is just puLLing ya Leg. I personaLLy dont find macawiis to be sexy rather disturbing. As for the diraac its too much hassLe and too much unwanted attention-the diraac caLLs for.
  11. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY NIN-YAABAN: What can i say Opp, we are all backward Soomalis, who can only beat up their children. I think we need to get on with the Amerikaan culture, and stop living like REER-BAADIYIIN. I like that. We also need to approve of sex before marriage, and our daughters can have all the b/friends they want in the world. They are also allowed to wear that thing they see on TV, because its so hip to do and its part of the new culture. What else am i missing? I am very sure there are more i haven't said. Oh, and parents who beat up their children, they all deserve to be in JAIL. I think you missed the point here Nin-Yaaban-how typicaL. :rolleyes: The girL didnt say Lets Leave our dhaqaan behind and take the american one-re-read the post again. *Sex before marriage doesnt need the american cuLture approvaL we(somaLis)have done that aLL on our own.This shouLdnt be surprising to any of you. *Whether it was in SomaLia or here certain peopLe used to have boy/girL friends-again it shouLdnt be surprising-mind you the west didnt bring about this change.And how come you are onLy addressing the girLs huh?What about the boys-have you forgotten them? :rolleyes: *Some of them wear what they Like regardLess of the tv and its infLuence. :rolleyes: *Parents need to Learn to discipLine their kids.There is a fine LINE between discipLine and beating the Living crap out of a chiLd. And if they cant take care of their chiLdren-so be it they shouLd be abLe to handLe the consequences.
  12. Jabarti thanks for posting. That was some piece of work im gLad ALLah guided him to the right path and that he had the strength to continue over and over again with everything that he has encountered. May ALLah guide us ALLah to the right direction and for those that are going through things Likes this hope its not too Late for them.
  13. Im beyond words...i dont know what to say. How can they aLLow their chiLdren to go through such things...that is traumatic. :eek: :eek: :eek: Mizz-Unique i dont think he meant it LiteraLLy...i think he was referring to the act itseLf...did you Enterpreneur? :confused:
  14. Thanks Nur as aLways i enjoy reading your posts.
  15. Thanks Wisdom786. Yes indeed some of us favour the ruLes and reguLations set by certain peopLe over that of ALLah the ALmighty-which is quite pathetic.
  16. Thanks Wisdom786 for sharing that-quite heLpfuL.
  17. FLying-stiLL and MaLikah you might have to wait untiL your wedding nite before that taLk is brought up. I mean what is so hard that they cant taLk about-its onLy naturaL and it certainLy aint a shame to taLk about such issues.
  18. I wiLL absoLuteLy make sure that my husband-to-be gets tested for every disease possibLe. I wouLd rather be SAFE than SORRY in the end. And as far as the trust part goes: if he has nothing to hide-no need to be insuLted and get worked up over nothing.
  19. Very interesting.I kind of agree with some of your points-the fathers side and the girLs side. The way i see it the parents have every right to discipLine their chiLdren. As SomaLis we aLways tend to exaggerate-its part of who we are as peopLe. I cant take sides because onLy the ALLah, the father and the girL know who is teLLing the truth and who is not. I have to say i have seen many SomaLi fathers that get out of Line and sometimes endanger the chiLds weLL being-im not saying they shouLdnt discipLine their kids but their is a fine Line between discipLining a chiLd and endangering them. And the mother doesnt do a thing about it...why?because some of them are scared for themseLves so they dont say a thing, whiLe others dont say a thing because they cant stand up to their husbands. If he threatened her with a knife :eek: and its the truth he shouLdnt have-that is beyond discipLine.He in the first pLace shouLdnt have jumped to concLusions about the boy and his daughter-they obvisiouLy werent doing anything. Even if she was he shouLd have taLked to her about it-that way she wouLd have at Least seen where he is coming from and maybe Listen to her father. But Lets not act Like some(maybe a few)SomaLis dont abuse their kids-yes they do. And i reaLLy feeL sorry for those kids because they are the ones in danger-not the so-caLLed-freedom seekers. UnfortunateLy our society Like any other does the doubLe standard-its a shame but what can we reaLLy do about that? From the Likes of it the girL Looks Like she is teLLing a Lie-dressing up in the court and wearing jeans and smaLL shirt to schooL-typicaL of some freedom seekers. And i dont doubt what the father did couLd be true because i have seen it happen. What he shouLd have done is taLk to his daughter and be aware of what she does in and out of the house and i beLieve this matter wouLd not have come to this end today. We(somaLis)need to Learn to taLk TO our kids and not AT them. We have to remember that COMMUNICATION is the key.
  20. Good advise for those that are off track. I personaLLy have no probLem Living without the broters. I have done aLL throughout high schooL-i didnt want no drama because schooL was enough for me to handLe but now is a different story aLthough i have no intentions as of right now and reLationships. You shouLd aLways have your priorities set straight and give 100% of your attention to what you are doing.
  21. Mizz-Unique i hope that your mom is ok. FLamboyant i couLdnt have said it better. Best of Luck to you and the famiLy Mizz-Unique.
  22. So thats whats happened to you Mizz_Lexus. M_L this has happened to me awhiLe back so give it some time and keep trying to reach the admin-privateLy.There was probabLy a mistake that was made. WeLL Good Luck. *I Like those Ladies you got-very cooL*