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Everything posted by LuCkY
ORIGINALLY POSTED BY NEFERTITI: Aha is that what he is doing? Damn I must be too starry eyed from my last day dream . I promise sis, I will start paying more attention to whats happening around me . Thanks for the warning anyway sweety . No probLemo! I just thought maybe he was trying his game on you since FLying-StiLL crushed him at the end of the course...ya know. Maybe he is succeeding since you are "too starry eyed" to even notice.
Not doing much of a homework here but i just thought what are the odds of having two Mizz(Miss)_Lexus(es)! Anyway i thought somebody was trying to impersonate you. Other questions...i wiLL Let you know if i have any. Master Mafia-what youre chickening out? Im sure Miss_Lexus wont bite wiLL you Miss_Lexus? :confused:
FirstLady no question is siLLy especiaLLy concerning IsLam-it is better to ask and than to Live a Lifetime of ignorance...there is a saying aLong those Lines-anyways. As far as i know it is very important to read and understand the Qu'ran because everything that we need to know about Life-present-future-past is there. The Qu'ran is the reLevations sent to Prophet Muhammad(Peace Be Upon Him)from ALLah. Everything we need to Learn about IsLam and our Faith as MusLims is within the Qu'ran. I am not a schoLar, nor am i an expert in IsLam but I am pretty sure that we have some of those nomads in the house-who wiLL be abLe to aide you in understanding that. I dont understand arabic...which means i have to ask for the meaning of the Qu'ran aLL the time except for those that i aLready Learned. It is very important to read the Qu'ran whether you understand it or not(it is better to understand though)because you wiLL remain cLose to ALLah, and your heart wiLL not stray. Reading the Qu'ran and rememberance of ALLah keeps my feet pLanted in the ground firmLy.BasicaLLy what i am saying is that the Qu'ran keeps me sane and at peace with myseLf-PEACE. There are pLenty of Kuutabs that are transLated in SomaLi-since you can read it wiLL heLp you better understand what you are reading. Pardon me today because i am DISTRAUGHT and not quiet myseLf. I wouLd have organized this a LittLe better and maybe give a more COHERENT advice...but im sure SOMEBODY wiLL be abLe to heLp you. I apoLogize in advance if you dont understand what i wrote or if it is inaccurate-SOMEBODY HELP A SISTER OUT HERE. BTW-You are not Lost if you are asking about ways to raise your understanding about IsLam.
- goes my List-unfinished: *RespectfuL-LoyaL *Trustworthy-Honest *A Man With an InteLLectuaL Mind *CLass-Confidence *Open-Minded *Sense of Humour *Sensitive;meaning he isnt afraid to show his emotions **A Man Without KnowLedge of IsLam-Steer Out of My Way** ***The Rest of the List to be Continued***
Thanks Nomad_Creepa-may ALLah do the same for you and the rest of the musLims out there.
WeLcome to SOL-hope you enjoy your stay here. GirL i say Let her know you dont swing that way. You shouLd use any means necessary to get that through her head-i dont mean extreme measures. If shes your friend than she shouLd know that right off the bat-friends shouLd respects their friends wishes-if not drop her...forget it.
This is one useLess topic-very irreLevant as someone mentioned. Lets Leave peopLe aLone-they are somaLi...Lets Leave it at that.Big deaL the french took over their territory and they got a different name. To the^^^^^poster"the itaLians took ya'LL over, and you stiLL dont know how to cook pasta"is that suppose to be some sort of an insuLt? :rolleyes: WeLcome to the SOL famiLy and pLease refrain from using vuLgar Language-as it is not permitted in the premises. PeopLe Lets stop wasting time and generaLizing here-Lets behave Like RationaL and ReasonabLe human beings...aight!
WeLL thank you not many peopLe can say that-i appreciate it.Thanks once again and i have had nothing more than respect for you as weLL. Wish you the best.
Zakariye bro apoLogy accepted-its no biggie. PeopLe make mistakes and its quiet aLL right.
My List is rather Long so i wiLL narrow it down and then come back to your answer your question some other time.
Once again Zakariye you seemed to have missed my point. I wasnt intending nor was i impLying to be sarcastic hence its a rather sad ordeaL-and for me to be sarcastic wouLd be just unacceptabLe. I just dont want to see so many of our brothers get kiLLed or end up being afraid and carrying guns, watching their backs 24/7 because they are cab drivers.*I know other jobs are and couLd be just as dangerous* I didnt say there was anything wrong with the cab driving business...i just said our younger youth shouLd Look for other profession-in other departments.
Zakariye i think you missed my point bro. The answer to your questions: CAUTION:**My written SomaLi is hazardous** *Nobody diraac iku ma diriin. *Yes i do wear them. *I never intended to say "none of your business". *Yes i happen to Like wearing them. I toLd king that because you(maLes)dont know the hasseLs that come aLong with wearing diraac and aLL of the unwanted not to mention uncaLLed for attention-ya feeL me?
Congrats to LoveLy Me-may ALLah grant you and your hubby-to-be a BLessed and Happy Marriage.
LuCkY replied to silent-sistah's topic in General
Thanks Barwaaqo and Diamond Princess-i know that abuse is worLd wide but we cant get rid of it aLL over the worLd overnite...its going to take some time.Its better to start in our communities and work our way up throughout the state, the country and aLL across the worLd. I know we(somaLis)are reLuctant to beLieve certain things such as the existence of abuse but we wiLL have to educate our peopLe especiaLLy our generation so that such things dont take pLace. -
Youre weLcome girL. I see Gediid is trying his game on miss Nefertiti. What is this man shukansee 102...huh? Yeah MaLikah i feeL you on that...strange eh?
^^^^^You know you are something eLse. GooD LucK to you and that brother you are LooKing for.
Thanks for the nomination Diamond Princess and Mizz-Unique:"innocent award goes to : magnoona girl(y do u call ur self crazy u sound way different than a maqnoona)/ innocent she is " ^^^^^Now how wouLd you know that?
I got seven As and one B: "4-8 A's -> Down-To-Earth - You like to solve problems with not alot of fuss, your calm and focused. You tend to be optimastic and understanding."
LuCkY replied to silent-sistah's topic in General
SiLent-Sistah i wanted to ask how are we suppose to make the future website or hotLines/whatever eLse avaiLabLe to the youth? Some of them dont have access to the above. Here is what i was thinking: A youth center(run by somaLis/musLims)who heLp the kids with whatever they need such as schooL work, emotionaL distress, stress, someone to taLk to, a counseLor-some pLace they can come to when they are in troubLe knowing that they wont get scoLded at rather have a mentor.With a recreation center-sport keep them off of the streets and away from the drugs and gang bangers. A pLace they can caLL home-which is run by the community so that they dont seek heLp from the gaaLos. Any comments or suggestions are weLcomed! -
Are you the same Mizz-Lexus or different one? I noticed your names had different speLLings and your registeration was different.
Sorry Ameenah but im stiLL sticking to what i said earLier. I dont find macawiis sexy...period. Like Mizz-Unique said you can wear it at home but its a big no no when it comes to wearing it outside the house in pubLic.
^^^^^The age of 3 huh...what are you a mind reader or something? Yeah true we dream up an ideaL man but thats not what i expect to get in this worLd(Life)anyways-so i wiLL just settLe for personaLity and certain quaLities.Besides it doesnt hurt to dream now does it? Now what does the ideaL man have to do with what turns on a certain woman? :confused:
^^^^^Easy for you to say because you are not the one wearing it. How about the hassLe/the uncaLLed/unwanted attention that comes aLong with wearing the diraac? :confused: How the fact that it is Long and its such a drag, and it chokes you whenever you sit down or something. :confused:
My condoLences go out to the famiLies and friends of the victims and i pray that ALLah brings an end to the hatered SomaLi cab drivers(and musLims/africans)face in mnpLs and other pLaces. I wouLd Like to advice the future maLes that want to become cab drivers to choose another profession. I mean there is nothing that we can do to stop time-when your time comes off you go-whether you are at home or driving a cab.*Just a thought to keep in mind*
Okay girLs now does this mean that you cant taLk to the aLL-you cant have any contact of any sort with them? :confused: