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Everything posted by LuCkY
THANKS BUT NO THANKS!!! Now teLL what does my inteLLigence have to do with what i said-its the truth and you know it! ORIGINALLY POSTED BY NIN-YAABAN: Lucky i think you are very intelligent person, but that wasn't smart. What did you see irrelevant about asking a question? Just asked what they thought Jabuutiyaans. FYI: I couLd care Less about what you think of me or anybody eLse for that matter!! Back to your question:What is irreLevant is the topic itseLf. Im not surprised that you wouLd post something Like this. I mean what are you trying to convey here? As you can see-you got some negative inputs from some peopLe as to how they see the Djiboutians and what they think of them. Now what do you think a Djiboutian person is going to think when they see what some peopLe have said about their peopLe? Its irreLevant because some peopLe out there have no or LittLe respect for certain peopLe and you shouLdnt be putting them on the spot Like that-there is no need for that. As i have said before they are SOMALI so Leave it at that-unLess of you are trying to stir something up that is.
^^^^^Yeah!YOu can say that again- :eek: . I wouLd Like to hear what the maLes have to say since we onLy have one-i beLieve-who has commented on the subject. I mean what is up with that?
Rising Phoenix -Im feeLing that. You know what...i think they might just become my new signature Look' ' ' '-----------------------------> :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
^^^^^TotaLLy agree with you. But as Long as we got each others(girLs)back than its aLL good-no one can waLk aLL over us...they wiLL regret it if they dare try that.
Thats not the way i imagined it-wow. Those are nice pictures-thanks Darman for sharing them with us.
Nefertiti we shaLL wait for him to repLy and expLain himseLf whiLe i think of a devious-vicious way for you to get back at him! Aahh...throwing him to the Lions sounds Like a refreshing idea...i mean after aLL he made you wait for a meaL for severaL days and stiLL he hasnt finished it.
^^^^^Indeed its touching-thanks for sharing.
^^^^^Okay.But i think you know what i mean by that. I mean they are suppose to taLk to you about issues aLong those Lines when you are younger so you wiLL be better prepared ya know?
SiLent-Sistah I OBJECT!!! Now why wouLd you of aLL peopLe wanna do such a thing huh? I dont agree, i think that peopLe shouLd be abLe to post and say whatever they feeL Like(so aLong as it is approperiate). SOme peopLe wiLL agree,disagree and or even sometimes hate you for bringing up or starting such a "ControversiaL"topics/issues...but so be it. If they cant take the heat they shouLd Leave the room. I for one am open to hear what peopLe have to say...i mean i may not agree with them most of the time but that doesnt open grounds for disrespect and hatred. **EVERYBODY IS ENTITLED TO THEIR OPINION**
^^^^^DEFECTIVE...eh? OH, i cant stop Laughing that was funny. Gediid coLLecting ingredients for a few days...see thats just not acceptabLe-i think! :confused: What do you say miss Nefertiti?
Daaammmnnn!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: Indeed so many phobias! Are some of them accurate?I mean some of them are pretty hiLarious rather than scary*I dont mean to make fun of peopLe*but i cant heLp it and a few of them were pretty Lame.
Aight FLying-StiLL i feeL you. Now congruLations to you and your hubby-to-be. Now when is the wedding date set for?
SomaLiaLover no need to be on defense-mode here. Anyways i guess you didnt understand what i was trying to convey.ALL i meant was if you think that those are the traits that a somaLi girL possesses to determine if she Loves you than so be it-but if you change it Like you said you wouLd than it wouLd make more sense...however no need to do that. "For the reason of your femaLism..." What is that suppose to mean? :rolleyes: So...i wiLL just drop it.
WeLcome to SOL SupremeCLienteLe. Some very sophisticated Looking structures.
WeLcome to SOL SomaLiaLover. *Maybe its cause shes shy or she doesnt wanna Listen to you, or maybe... *ALways?If there is something to compLain about then yeah-compLaining shouLd be in effect immediateLy.This aLso shows that you are doing something wrong-very wrong. :rolleyes: *Then she was just after your pocket the whoLe time-that aint Love. :rolleyes: *Huh?Can you rephrase that statement? :confused: *Not entireLy true but you have to remember she has a mind of her own-meaning she doesnt need to agree or see eye-to-eye with you aLL the time.
^^^^^My Lips are seaLed untiLL you show me what you are offering.J/K Show me the money...Show me the dinero...Show me whatchu got.
First things first-WeLcome to the SOL famiLy UnreaL Heart hope you enjoy your stay. I cant say much but the first guy was a reaL jerk-you dont treat peopLe you Love Like dirt...anyways its his Loss. Now as for this guy...you are gonna have to trust him on your own time. You have to give your heart time to mend because a broken heart wiLL onLy heaL with time. Remember heartache Like many other things are inevitabLe-so you just have to Live day by day-Let nature take its course. Hope that heLps.
SiLent-Sistah thanks but... Al-Haseeb :The Reckoner, The One who gives the satisfaction. Is correct...you can doubLe check: CLick Here WhiLe im at it-i Lost count so: Al-Ba^ith :The Reserrector, The Raiser (from death), The One who resurrects His slaves after death for reward and/or punishment.
Aight i got it. That shouLd do the trick...shaah with a Lot of xawaash :eek: that wiLL sober anybody. No i havent tried it and i dont intend to...unLess i reaLLy need to sober up you know. I feeL you girL. Now Gediid you heard her...chop chop-get to getting you know.
^^^^^TeLL Me about it! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: <-------Can you teLL i Like these eyes?
Now teLL me what is a virtuaL bakhoorad going to do when you are aLL DAZED and STARRY eyed? Remember what you said-the man was taking notes and trying to be the brother that you were describing.If im not mistaken i remember him submitting an appLication because he met your quaLifications!
FLying-StiLL now why wouLd you want to hide such a joyous event from the rest of the nomads here-there aint nothing to be ashamed of. Mizz-Unique i doubt that is gonna work-remember the girL got game.