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Everything posted by LuCkY
StpauLchick teLL me about it-im headed in that direction right now...aLmost a year. I became a nomad after i hit post number 50. African weLcome to SOL and i hope you enjoy your stay here.
Asraa i have to say it reaLLy depends on the coupLe.Have a taLk with your friend. Because as far as i know these types of situations have gone both ways. For some peopLe time doesnt make a difference because the connection and chemistry between them is aLL they need(incLuding the person themseLve)and they Live happiLy ever after-some cases i know of-thats not to say its going to work out for everyone. Other times knowing the person reaLLy makes a big difference.They both have to be abLe to understand each other and know what they are getting themseLves into. BeLieve me sometimes just because the famiLy knows him doesnt mean a thing because as Mag-girL said it is she who is marrying the guy not them. You have to be abLe to put up with the habits,way of Life and personaLity of the person you are marrying-otherwise the outcome may not be pretty. But Like in aLL reLationships one essentiaL eLement that is a must is COMMUNICATION inorder for the peopLe to understand one another.And another one is PATIENCE if you reaLLy want your marriage to have a surviving chance. But aLL in aLL at the end it is onLy ALLah that knows whether she is making a wise decision or not.HopefuLLy it wiLL turn out for the best-for the two of them.
Mindstate i wiLL be sure to Let you know. Yeah you shouLd do that-it couLd make a big difference.
Come on now Mindstate you cant generaLize Like that. You know we are not aLL the same. Some of the Ladies can say the same-vice versa.
AruL Doss weLcome to this big SOL famiLy and i hope you enjoy your stay here.
Mindstate sour and bLood boiLing is not good. I prefer a reLationship that is straight forward none of that beating around the bush deaL.
LuCkY replied to silent-sistah's topic in General
Latiif thats not a bad idea. Thanks ManaaL...its great to know that everything is working out.HopefuLLy we can get something Like that in the process-soon. -
Yeah i wouLd say Mohamed/Muhammad however you speLL it wouLd be the top pick for somaLi(if not the majority of the musLim nations) maLe names-very popuLar and very beautifuL as weLL. Then the Abdi so and so wouLd foLLow. Diamond Princess i agree-you wouLdnt beLieve how many Ayans i encounter and know...i mean even when i was LittLe most of our neighbors girLs were named Ayan-taLk about weird coincidence! Kaafi i have seen severaL Omars but i wouLdnt know if its one top/popuLar maLe name-it couLd be though.
^^^^^I dont bLame you...i guess you didnt stay Long enough to find out what we were taLking about-my bad we changed the whoLe subject.It couLd be mispeLLed cuz i dont know how to speLL it either-correctLy. Anyways the topic is about diraac-the famous dress that somaLi women wear to aLmost every occausion-Hope that heLps. Nefertiti I agree with-the boy has totaLLy Lost me too-man whats going on with you? :confused: Heavy imagination huh...nah i just thought about that on the spot-didnt do much thinking,it just fLowed i guess.Yeah your ideas were pretty gruesome-you got me started with the Lets "throw him to the Lion" deaL but its aLL got me thinking which may or may not be a good thing. Whooaa...what an eviL Laugh you got there girL-sLow down i think you might have scared the pants out of him. Gediid i toLd you not to demand-now Look...Nefertiti has got a whoLe event dedicated to you and not in a good way but to torture you and put you through heLL.I wouLd suggest you respond to her ASAP Like she said because if not things couLd get reaLLy ugLy here and i dont think you want that taking do you? :confused:
Some Relationships Can Make You Sick Mixed Feelings in Relationships Raise Blood Pressure By Cherie Berkley, MS Reviewed By Michael Smith, MD on Tuesday, July 29, 2003 WebMD Medical News July 29, 2003 -- There may be some truth to the phrase "love can make you sick." A new study shows having relationships with people whom you have mixed feelings for can drive up your blood pressure "The conventional wisdom is that stress is bad for our health, and that personal relationships are good because social support helps us deal with our stress," says Julianne Holt-Lundstad, assistant professor of psychology at Brigham Young University, in a news release. "But some relationships can cause interpersonal stress, so we can't just lump all relationships together." Her study appears in the July issue of Health Psychology, a journal of the American Psychological Association. Researchers had 102 healthy people wear concealed blood pressure monitors for three days. The volunteers pressed a button about five minutes into every social interaction to record their blood pressure. In addition, they kept diaries of whom they interacted with each day and answered questions about their relationships. The findings showed that having mixed feelings raised blood pressure more than having outright feelings of hostility. Mixed Feelings Cause Higher Blood Pressure Than Hostility "When you're interacting with those you feel aversive or negative toward, these people are predictable and you will either avoid them or you can discount them because you know what to expect from them," Holt-Lunstad explains. "But for a person you feel both positive and negative toward, there could be hope and an expectation for something positive, and then when you don't get the support you wanted, this can be very distressing." There was another twist to the report. It shows that there are benefits to having close family relationships, even if a family member upsets you sometimes. Researchers say even when people have negative feelings toward family their blood pressures don't rise as much as when they have negative interactions with other people. This plays into the theory that people with strong family relationships live longer and have a better quality of life. Researchers even compared relationships on the job. They found work relationships were viewed more negatively than interaction with non-work relationships. Researchers say they hope their findings will help people make wiser choices in their relationships, making it possible for them to cut down on stress levels as a result.
Social Debate: My observations on the character of the Somali individual
LuCkY replied to QUANTUM LEAP's topic in General
Shaqsii nice topic. I have at times asked myseLf the same i dont know the answers to those questions but i think one major reason wouLd be due to the Lack of a strong iimaan-otherwise how do you expLain it? :confused: -
^^^^^ EXCUSE YOU!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: WHATEVER! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
^^^^^I am weLL aware of the fact that there are more women than men in the worLd but that doesnt open grounds for men to be marrying four wives-there are restrictions and certain criterias you have to meet before you do that.You dont just wake up one morning and decide im gonna marry four women-aint nothing wrong with but good Luck to aLL of you who pLann to do that. "No woman left behind"?...Thats a bunch of BS. :rolleyes:
Hey no fair-teLL them to Let go... "I must press some more keys-I need my eyes to get me through the day" . They are a piece of art-how can anyone not Like them right? Anyway we go down together----->: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Nefertiti i wouLd give them vicious ideas of mine so that you can torture/sLaughter the brother but it just wouLdnt feeL the same you know? I mean i wouLd buiLd some fire and dance around it Like crazy after we torture him and then throw him to the Lions,then ceLebrate with a big feast and aLL but i happened to possess major weakness for the unfortunate and the poor Like you and i cant rejoice in defeating a vuLnerabLe brother Like Gediid-i mean he has some issues that he is deaLing with right now so how we show some mercy and cut the guy some sLack eh? :confused:
Rising Phoenix again i agree with you. And here they come------------> :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: P.S. I hope we arent getting in troubLe with these eyes.
WeLL Gediid in that case i wish you nothing but Luck...but dont give up hope-im sure the young Lady you are Looking for is somewhere.
Aamiin to that-^^^^^Thanks for sharing-i agree with you!
^^^^^Youre weLcome. Ohh...youre not Lame at aLL-you are as of right now diagnosed with a serious disease caLLed(sometimes not cureabLe)SOL Addiction. Thats what happens when you are hooked to SOL-Like many of us sure of it.
^^^^^Thanks-at Least someone in here understand where i was going with this.
Diamond Princess i couLdnt agree more with you. As i recaLL there is no toLerance for those that personaLLy attack peopLe-you are suppose to criticize the ideas not the peopLe. FYI: Using vuLgar Langauge is not permitted in the forums-i mean NINXOON what you said was reaLLy Low and very immature of you! :eek: I wouLd suggest that you go and read the CameL MiLk GoLden RuLes but you have been here Long enough to know what is acceptabLe in the forums and what is not. :rolleyes: Asraa i agree with you sis.
^^^^^Thanks. I was onLy trying to heLp the sister out but i dont see anybody eLse(excLuding you wardi) commenting or giving advice!!! :mad: I know we have some nomads in here with more knowLedge than dont be seLfish...share some the knowLege you have with us.
Barwaaqo it aint our fauLt-we are just being honest here. Gediid you are one funny guy but as i recaLL i am not part of this process. I was just giving ma girL some support after what you have done.I had to snap her back to reaLity so that she can see things that way they reaLLy are. So as far as im concerned you can keep Looking and hunting tiLL you find a suitabLe partner because i was not interested to begin with-it was Nefertiti that was that was investigating you. And you shouLdnt be demanding peopLe "Markaas if within the next 24 HOURS I don't see any answers I will be forced to look elsewhere" because as i recaLL it took you severaL days just to Look for the ingredients to a simpLe meaL that the girL asked for and you stiLL didnt get her the meaL.
ORIGINALLY POSTED BY NIN-YAABAN: Let me see. You, just like many others who replied to this thread have done so without really answering any of my questions. It asked what do you think of the Jabuutiyaans, not what you think of the thread. I dont think you should be telling me what to put up and what not to. I faiL to see what this has to do with me being inteLLigent or not! :rolleyes: The topic is irrelevant? And you somehow feel its your place to tell me that? ITS MY OPINION-TAKE OR LEAVE IT! I asked what the noble nomads here think of the Jabuutiyans. What is there to think? They are peopLe-SomaLi to be exact!!! :rolleyes: Maybe if you haven't been listening, i myself have a Djiboutian blood in me, and have many Djiboutian uncles and aunts. So i beg to differ about trying to stir anything up. There is not much to Listen to but i have read what you said so... You stirring something up doesnt necessariLy mean just you-its means other peopLe as weLL since you put the question up. And you seemed to pick out tedious Lines that appeaL to you and dismiss the rest of my statements. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: