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Everything posted by LuCkY

  1. LuCkY


    Thats what im saying BatcheLor. Anyway im undecLared-since its my first year(This FaLL)i dont know what to study.
  2. No Lefty you werent and arent the onLy one Laughing at them. I swear those girLs Looked Like they were having some sort of an attack-sizure to be precise.
  3. No Lefty you werent and arent the onLy one Laughing at them. I swear those girLs Looked Like they were having some sort of an attack-sizure to be precise.
  4. No Lefty you werent and arent the onLy one Laughing at them. I swear those girLs Looked Like they were having some sort of an attack-sizure to be precise.
  5. No Lefty you werent and arent the onLy one Laughing at them. I swear those girLs Looked Like they were having some sort of an attack-sizure to be precise.
  6. LuCkY


    Working my way to get my degree insha ALLah. Ameenah i'd say you were enjoying this. Where wouLd the fun be in that if we didnt share it with yaLL?
  7. I guess it took me awhiLe to decide but eventuaLLy i got it and im happy with it. I guess it kinda does.
  8. Hot_ChocoLata i didnt know i was funny-thanks...i think. :confused:
  9. Hot_ChocoLata i didnt know i was funny-thanks...i think. :confused:
  10. LuCkY

    thugz my Butt!

    Hot_ChocoLata i didnt know i was funny-thanks...i think. :confused:
  11. LuCkY

    thugz my Butt!

    Hot_ChocoLata i didnt know i was funny-thanks...i think. :confused:
  12. LuCkY


    I shaLL pray so. And i wish the same for you and every musLim out there.
  13. Why thank you.WeLL i try my best not to misLead peopLe and offer them the best-which they deserve. Lucky is just a name that i Like. Yeah i guess we couLd do that.
  14. LuCkY


    I do my best but im not perfect. ALLah aLways comes first before anyone or anything.
  15. Thats true but hey thats part of Life. I guess you have to find a way to make them beLieve you and trust you.So Long as chivalry is aLive there is stiLL hope for you nice guys to prove us(Ladies) wrong.
  16. LuCkY


    Yeah i Love sports-kind of runs in the famiLy. I LOve reading as weLL anything to keep me thinking and anaLying.
  17. LuCkY


    Thats good at Least you have got your Life prioritized.
  18. That wouLd be a wonderfuL idea.That way they dont come off as being ignorant, arrogant, stubborn and disrespecfuL toward the sisters.
  19. LuCkY


    Oh...i see. Now why are you stiLL roaming around as a batcheLor...isnt about time you settLed down or do you have other things in mind before that time comes? BasketbaLL, footbaLL, basebaLL,voLLeybaLL,tennis, soccer you name it.
  20. Yes it is a shame but hey at Least now we know there are brothers Like you out there. Maybe you shouLd teach them a few Lessons...huh?
  21. LuCkY


    Ahhh...yes i remember. What brought on the name change?
  22. ITs quite true-such changes are hard to deaL with-especiaLLy for us SomaLi girLs.
  23. LuCkY


    YOu had another name? HEy thats good...not many maLes can say that-or maybe im wrong. Yeah i wouLd wear it but it depends Like a said before.
  24. LuCkY


    A true fan huh? And i see that you are happy.Matter of fact i am-cant compLain.