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Everything posted by LuCkY

  1. Guess what they are called Sixth sense folks in Somali! Yo Lefty come again? :confused:
  2. Guess what they are called Sixth sense folks in Somali! Yo Lefty come again? :confused:
  3. ^^^^^Thats quite true.GLad it worked out for you.
  4. "The psycho" who might that be? I didnt mean that kind of scary-just weird to Like those descriptions-you chose the odd ones out of the whoLe thing-interesting.
  5. ContinentaL BatcheLor its quite disgusting and beyond me to understand why *certain,few* musLim peopLe(not intending to generaLize here) wouLd endeavor such perpLexing acts. :eek: But as it has been cLeared up-the whoLe story being unsubstantiated-Lets just drop it. As for Wind TaLker i wouLd suggest that you Lay off the haterade and stop attacking the brother for he onLy brought our attention to an articLe- written by someone who wasnt honest-thats not to say its his fauLt. I strongLy advice you to stop the personaL attack-it is not toLerated in the forums...i dont know if you are aware of it or not-thats your caLL.You had no right caLLing him a "pervert" that is just Low and unjustified on your part. :rolleyes:
  6. Your sixth sense aa?Yeah right! Maybe you have the inside scoop on that...
  7. Your sixth sense aa?Yeah right! Maybe you have the inside scoop on that...
  8. Your sixth sense aa?Yeah right! Maybe you have the inside scoop on that...
  9. Your sixth sense aa?Yeah right! Maybe you have the inside scoop on that...
  10. That was funny! Is Lefty a reaL name or what? :confused: The Last parts of your anaLysis are a bit scary :eek: and you Like it? :confused:
  11. ^^^^^Thats what i am saying but you know the saying "whatever fLoats ya boat"-appLies in this situation...Oh weLL. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY LEFTY: I'm sure you won't be dissapointed and it's the perfect timing to shake watcha moma gave ya LOL. HaHaHaHa...anywayz how wouLd you know "the perfect timing to shake watcha mama gave ya"? :confused:
  12. ^^^^^Thats what i am saying but you know the saying "whatever fLoats ya boat"-appLies in this situation...Oh weLL. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY LEFTY: I'm sure you won't be dissapointed and it's the perfect timing to shake watcha moma gave ya LOL. HaHaHaHa...anywayz how wouLd you know "the perfect timing to shake watcha mama gave ya"? :confused:
  13. ^^^^^Thats what i am saying but you know the saying "whatever fLoats ya boat"-appLies in this situation...Oh weLL. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY LEFTY: I'm sure you won't be dissapointed and it's the perfect timing to shake watcha moma gave ya LOL. HaHaHaHa...anywayz how wouLd you know "the perfect timing to shake watcha mama gave ya"? :confused:
  14. ^^^^^Thats what i am saying but you know the saying "whatever fLoats ya boat"-appLies in this situation...Oh weLL. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY LEFTY: I'm sure you won't be dissapointed and it's the perfect timing to shake watcha moma gave ya LOL. HaHaHaHa...anywayz how wouLd you know "the perfect timing to shake watcha mama gave ya"? :confused:
  15. Listen PaLtaLk "misguided" or not thats your opinion and i couLd care Less what you or anybody eLse thinks-so save me the sad LitteL asinine arguments/wiLes...ONce again i couLd care Less. So preach on if it makes you sLeep better at Night. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: And as i have stated before quiting using "we" because you are onLy-I repeat ONLY speaking for yourseLf not the american peopLe. :rolleyes: ALL of those arguments that you have put forth are a Load of crap-and i personaLLy dont give a rats a$$ about it because it wont benefit me in the Long run-right now or in any way for that matter. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: So...if you are in a serach to heLping the unfortunate,"ignorant",third worLd countries that are misLead and are a threat to "mankind" and the great nation of america...i suggest you take baby steps first.Meaning start supporting and aiding right at home where aLL the money that is wasted couLd reaLLy benefit the heLpLess americans at home-that is if you and your "we" are trying to heLp anybody for that matter. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Like i said before dont caLL peopLe the same things that offend you when someone eLse uses it to describe your shortcomings. :mad:
  16. Yeah MaLikah Like i said its just some anaLysis and its not a 100% accurate though some things are true. Your first name of *****has given you a friendly, likeable nature, and you could excel in artistic, dramatic, and musical expression. With this name, you desire the finer things in life, but you do not always have the resolve and vitality to put forth the effort necessary to fulfill your desires. Your emotional feelings are easily aroused and you will always be involved in other people's problems as a result of your overly sympathetic nature. You have many disappointments because of extending a helping hand to others in need, and then not receiving any acknowledgement or reciprocation for your generosity. After each experience, you have to guard against feelings of despondency and self-pity. You have high goals and ideals, but must incorporate more practicality, system, and concentration in order to materialize them. In health, this name affects the nervous system and also the fluid functions, giving rise to kidney or bladder weaknesses. Majority of this is true except for the Last Line. :rolleyes: Diamond Princess taLk about freaky-anyhow i dont know they(site)said something about doing researching for over 70 years and anaLysing it. Its pretty accurate in some cases but Like aLL researches and anaLysis it has its downside(inaccurate)to it. The names you choose for your baby create his or her future! Though on its own, the description may appear to recommend the name, the name may still be unsuitable for your child's inner potential as determined by the date of birth. Many significant factors, including the family name, are critical in choosing a balanced baby name. Some parts of this are a LittLe off. :rolleyes:
  17. Yeah i guess so but i think it has something to do with the fact that i havent been myseLf LateLy-especiaLLy today-OH weLL. :rolleyes:
  18. OOh...ok. I asked because you said you Looked with bangs and i happen to see your picture-the aviator. I dont know what "eek" means but im guessing its just a name used for the smiLie-or it couLd be Like "eew","uhg-hh", some sort of an expression-Look i dont know if i am making sense any more so i wiLL stop here with the expLanations-whatever that means. :confused:
  19. Mr.Hirsi your site is niceLy put together. The pictures were beautifuL-thanks for the update.
  20. Check this site out if you wanna know what your name means-whether it be arabic or whatnot.ScroLL down to the bottom, type your name in and hit the "anaLye" button-both maLes and femaLes can do this. Hope you Like it.web page Some of their descriptions are true-pretty trippy but some things you might not agree with-anyhow just check it out and Let me know what you think.
  21. I agree with what most of you guys said but why shouLd this be of any surprise to us now? We were informed that such and worse peopLe wouLd attack IsLam any chance that they couLd get. EvidentLy they cant find any defectiveness with IsLam(they couLdnt anyway because there is none to begin with)so they attack our women because they think that we are oppressed simpLy because we dare not expose and put ourseLves on the market Like a sex obJect-what the majority if not aLL kufaars do. Yes there are unjust musLims out there whether it be maLes or femaLes but thats not to say that IsLam permitts if anything IsLam forbids and condemns such acts,whether it be absuse, incest,and other forms of intoLerabLe acts. She shouLd be exiLed and i beLieve she deserved what she got if not more-thats just me and how i feel. No one gave her the right to caLL IsLam a "backwards" reLigion. :eek: :eek: :mad: :mad: I wouLd have no probLem with it if she was taLKing about her famiLy and personaL experience :rolleyes: (that doesnt open grounds for disrespecting the word of ALLah and aLL the godfearing good musLims out there)but to be taLking about IsLam (women)as if though she was the spokeswoman for aLL of the MusLim women is beyond incomprehensibLe to say the Least. :mad:
  22. I agree with Diamond Princess on this, But i wont smiLe at just anybody i see-thats just me. Mag-girL come again? We(girLz)shouLdnt smiLe because of somaLi cuLture?If that is true than i must say our cuLture is beyond weird. :eek: :rolleyes: Anyone out there that can comment or straigthen this out-we wouLd appreciate it.
  23. Whats with :eek: if you are wishing you were her?J/K. Ahhh.....gotcha ya.
  24. W/SaLaaM SaLaaMz WeLcome Twisted-AYeeYo to SOL and i hope you enjoy your stay here.