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Everything posted by LuCkY

  1. DP you seemed to be Lost---just Like me...bargining in on others...hhhmmm. Anywho i think i got some...wait i wiLL Look in the cabinet and see if i have enough.
  2. LuCkY

    CaFFeine 101

    IrresistabLe offer?I beg to differ.Did you just say a threat...nobody threatens me and gets away with---you have been warned as of right now Moti.30% of business...the business i brought into the Light?I dont think so.Im not using your sad days of faiLure against you...i was onLy trying to be sympathetic. 1.No it wasnt your was mine aLL mine. 2.I aLso have business skiLLz but whatever. 3.I beg to differ. 4.Temper?No i dont think so.Sweet taLk...there is no need for that this is a business besides i think i can pLay aLong. 5.Sorry grandpa just because you had the oppurtunity to Learn the two Languages... 6.Are you trying to be sexist here? A better waitress i think you are better weLL suited for that position then me.Remeber you said i might Lose my temper if some tries to sweet taLk...weLL get to getting. 7.Like i said i prefer a respectabLe titLe and no i wouLdnt waste my time being a waitress.Five years-no not gonna happen i have better things to do in that time frame. 8.I wouLd Like to hear them. I know you do not honestLy beLieve that i Lead you foLLow BS. NO way man-there is no way you are going to make aLL the money whiLe i scrap for some change. Sorry to burst your bubbLe but once again i cant agree with.
  3. Dont worry girLfriend i am headed in that direction right about be aware you have been warned.j/k.
  4. Oh but this government is because the rates of obesity are rising in numbers-contributing to more heaLth probLems. The foods served here-the majority are fat-fat-fat.There are fast food restaurants every where you turn and deep fried things-aLL over the pLace. The americans are dog Lovers as weLL but i dont think they waLk their dogs Like the brits do...oh weLL.
  5. Runaway^Virgin dont feeL bad. They are just sLow and they are in the process of accumuLating more names incLuding yours i beLieve.
  6. ^^^^^I cant thank them but i did however Learn from them.
  7. That was feeLing that. Now how many men can say that and compLy with what the brother said...not many in my days..... :rolleyes:
  8. It wouLdnt be a secret now if i toLd yaLL now wouLd it?I didnt think so!
  9. ^^^^^I beg to differ. Diamond Princess i gave up Long before this thread became a 12pager.
  10. DP girL thats nice...very deep.Keep them coming. I can reLate to that...very strange.
  11. Diamond Princess whats wrong...with you girL? :confused: YOu either had too much coffee to drink or not enough.Need i say more? Whats with aLL your questions...
  12. ^^^^^Agreed. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY RUDY: w/o dagan u is pretty much lost! I beg to differ rudy. That is not true. The onLy person that is truLy Lost is the one that has Lost a firm grip on IsLam and what its aLL about. "dagan" does this word mean dhaqan/cuLture? :confused: IF so then...resume as i was. If not i apoLogize in advance for jumping to concLusions.
  13. Hey Good to Know you got my back girL...i mean you do right? Anywayz i know what you mean...i bLame them its their fauLt we feeL this way about them-or used to shouLd say...aLthough i stiLL do at times mainLy due to un-nameLy individuaLs.
  14. WeLL i couLdnt have said it better if i say so myseLf Miss_Lexus. I used to think Like that Diamond Princess but i got Love for my MaLi(aka skinny-Legs)boys thanks to the ones i know personaLLy.If it wasnt for them i wouLd probabLy astray from the thought of being with or marrying a maLi man but my boys made me rethink.I wouLd probabLy become Like one of my cousins-who swears off maLi for good. Now dont none of you be getting on my back and try to say that i hate maLi and that im Lost and whatnot.<-----This is to the HATERS you know who you are no need for me to mention ya names.I know everybody is different and that they are not aLL the same. I am not generaLizing so need for negative remarks.
  15. WeLcome 4get-me-not...WeLcome back shouLd i say. Anywho i feeL you. I cant speak for everyone or those peopLe you are taLking about matter fact. But i can reLate to what you are taLking about. I have seen it way too many times and yes its quite sad and disgusting to say the Least. Some peopLe envy or are jeaLous of arab raised somaLis due to some bewiLdering reasons to they turn to one thing they know-Loathe...hating on them just because and for Lord knows what reasons. But nonetheLess they-meaning aLL the hater are ignorant to say the Least because instead of taking the time to get to know their feLLow brothers/sisters they waste aLL their energy hating them-pathetic reaLLy. ALL i can say or hope for is that they have a change of atmosphere meaning they shouLd Look at situations,events,ways of Life of other peopLe in a different Light-a different perspective.Maybe then they wiLL be abLe to see and understand their brothers/sisters in IsLam not to mention SomaLi untiLL then aLL we can do is pray for the best. Thats aLL i got to say on this matter...weLL for now anywayz untiLL then peace out!
  16. Nair kuu Laha...thats very funny.
  17. Diamond Princess i couLdnt have said it better myseLf.
  18. NO rudy whom ever toLd you that Lied to you big time. Being hairy is just pLain gross. :eek: :eek: :eek: Are impLying that you are hairy? :eek: If thats the case dont be so quick to get out of your shirt...i advice you to keep it on.
  19. LuCkY

    CaFFeine 101

    African that is a good idea. I shouLd do that...i think i just wiLL. Now dont you be getting greedy with me now...i was thinking of hiring you but no need to demanding here...or i couLd just take him to court and be my own Lawyer-as i am capabLe of doing that i have OG_Moti you had better watch out. Had LittLe to do with the idea you...not entireLy true...i had everything to do with coming up with the whoLe idea.And just because you are/were sLow to put your thoughts in writing is none of my concern.Its as they say you snooze you Lose.
  20. LuCkY

    CaFFeine 101

    ORIGINALLY POSTED OG_MOTI: looooooooooooool, when employees get greedy, it is difficult to keep the business, and human resource management becomes hard issue, and labour union and trade union will knock my door, so here is the deal... for Lucky yes you might had a little to do with coming the idea of the business, take note just a little, but i will be putting the whole thing together, come on take the waiteress position within 2 years u might be promoted to head of waiteresses, and with in 5 years u might end up branch manager when i open new branches.. so take the chance about being the boss's wife what is wrong with that, i am just keeping the business in the family, dont u want to be in the business rather than on the business.. ... Labor union aa? Man who cares about that. A LittLe something to do with coming up with the idea aa?YOu have got to be kidding me man.You know you stoLe my idea and try to brand it with your name on it...its not gonna happen man.I tried to be nice and Let you coordinate it since these peopLe wouLdnt give you a chance as a moderator and this a the thanks i get...hhhmmmppp. Two whoLe years? :eek: NO NO NO No and NO i wont be a waitress....nah-uuh.And you say "you might get promoted to head waitress" no way jose. After five years get promoted into branch manager...its not gonna happen mister.Im :mad: . During that time i can get me seLf a degree that can do aLot more than being a waitress or being the manager can do. Boss's wife...ahahaha...youre kidding right? Business in the the one that came up with the idea therefore i get to caLL the shots big guy.
  21. Mizz-Unique i beLieve it says "get ready in the future(some time in your Life) you wiLL become some sort of an engineer whether you Like it or not,you wiLL be made to Like it".I dont know i couLd be wrong-someone HeLp! Where did you get marry from?
  22. W/SaLaaM SaLaaM Conquest I guess we couLd purchase coupLe of snipers and take them out---naah. Thats what you caLL a coward.If you have the guts to shoot a man then be brave enough to take in the victory*im kidding*but one shouLdnt run away. I wouLdnt kiLL one of the famiLy members but i guess its a strategy that they use so that if one vaLues their famiLy then they wont be out of reach you know...unLess they are stup!d enough not to beLieve when some teLLs them what they are going to do if one goes into hiding or whatnot.
  23. Come on now i was just teasing ya. No need to stop taking the i Love me piLLs-i hear it reaLLy boosts ones confidence. Im just kidding...Love yourseLf to the fuLLest no need to be insecure and aLL.
  24. ImperiaL-Lady thats what im saying! TO: Shujui, diamondprince, lucky, angleeyes. You are totally misguided, you are blind folded by the nature of the changing modern World. Since you happen to have hasty, impulsive prejudgement it would be difficult for you to understand what American stands for. The qualities of courage and compassion that we strive for in America also determine our conduct abroad. The American flag stands for more than our power and our interests. Our founders dedicated this country to the cause of human dignity, the rights of every person, and the possibilities of every life. This conviction leads us into the world to help the afflicted, and defend the peace, and confound the designs of evil men. In Afghanistan and in Iraq, we helped liberate an oppressed people. And we will continue helping them secure their country, rebuild their society, and educate all their children boys and girls. Only those who are short sighted, naive, and who try hard to be intelligent when they actually not making sense think that our intentions was to occupay in Iraq. But those who are intelligent and are positive thinkers are always optimistic and they believe, This nation can lead the world in sparing innocent people from a plague of nature. And this nation is leading the world in confronting and defeating the man-made evil of international terrorism.! To: Angle eyes, lucky Some how is it me or are you guys being brainwashed by the rumour that goes around in communities that U.S is trying to invade the world and wants to do what ever it desire to. I am deeply and painfuly concern about the large scale of our sociaty adopting aggresive view about the nature of this civilized country. It is sad and tragic that you all happen to adopt this kind of views. But I hope as you all continue your life and witness the changing shape of this strange world, you will come into stage where you realize the true meaning of America. I know all of you are deeply upset with the U.S motivations because of your initial reactions to "Operation Iraq freedom" but I guess it is just a matter of time for you to realize! TO: every single observer, visitor, critic. I am outraged by how some people fail to conduct their behavior. It is quite interesting that when ever someone wishes to express their views, there is always some arrogant, abrasive, stubborn people who critisize that person, taking advantage of every single error.These people still think they are intelligent enough to initiate argumentative scenarios. These are the same people who are responsible for creating unpleasant atmosphere where ever they happen to visit. It remains to be mystery of how long the world and the civilized people will tolerate these kind of people. Sometimes I wonder when will they ever happen to realize that they are in the habit of condamning people without reason. Surely these people need some kind of psychological assistance. I hope their health insurance covers their mental functioning. My god bless your souls. The funniest part is how they fail to distinguish them selves in genderly. by the way "lucky" angle eye.happens to be male not female. I dont' know how he would appreciate you calling him hey sad! ^^^^^TaLk about peopLe peopLes of aLL peopLe. :rolleyes: I suggest you quit contradicting yourseLf and taKe another Look at your postings. I dont know but somehow you faiLed to answer our questions...onLy bringing into perspective things that appeaL to you. :rolleyes: UnLike you i didnt insuLt you but rather criticize you words.I faiL to see how you caLL us "misguided","brainwashed",and "short-sighted" and then cLaim that we are disrespcting you...interesting. You can go ahead and quote me---because it seems to me that you are the one that needs to take your own advice and appLy it to yourseLf before you start throwing it around at other peopLe. You are more than weLcome to voice your opinion because everyone is entiLted to their opinion-however that doesnt mean that i wiLL aLwayz agree with you-i wont but i didnt disrespect you...i just deviated with your opinions.I dont know when that became to be known as disrespecting others and oppressing their opinions-freedom of speech. Quit being so repetitive and give us something different-maybe then we wouLdnt disagree with you aLL the time. Your information is going in a circLe-not good nor does it heLp with your agruments.
  25. W/SaLaaM SaLaaM I have sort of noticed that but i dont know what to say. I wouLd Like to hear what the other nomads have to say on this issue.