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Everything posted by LuCkY
Laugh aLL you want.I was not actuaLLy pissed but we wiLL see about that. Maybe we caLL you "Mr." because you is a granpa or have you forgotten that? Anywayz im just joking with ya...i onLy caLLed you mr to show a LittLe respect but since you seem to find it amusing i might have to take it back. Your finance' dumping you was not important huh?You must have not cared for her at aLL then...since a cheap five doLLar ring seemed more important to ya. I knew there had to be something...you are indeed Cheap with a capitaL "C". Five doLLar ring kuLaha...we are not in eLementary man.You and "most men" are reaLLy cheap and stingy. What i want is simpLe Like i said...i want a titLe that is a more respectabLe than a waitress since i am the one who put the whoLe idea in the spotLight.I tried to be understanding and give the head roLe or something Like that to you but i see what has happened...greed. You became greedy and decided to seize everything for yourseLf-thats what i caLL seLfish.ALL this taLk about you being fair and democratic was nothing more than a taLk huh?Cheap TaLK.
I dont think you are aLone-most maLi guys if not aLL seem to have a probLem gaining some weight-it wouLd be for their own good.I sypathize for them. Yes thats true however its not aLways about the quantity of food that is consumed but rather how heaLthy it is. Most peopLe faiL to Look at what they eat.
Aight that is understandabLe but there is nothing wrong with that.Like i said before whatever fLoats your boat. ALL right this the way i interpret your question: why shouLd men with higher education LeveL seek women that are starting at the bottom of the Ladder?am i correct? If so, then i cant speak for them but i guess its because they see other traits or attributes of the women that attracts them and the whoLe education deaL can be put aside-for the time being or however Long they pLease.
Now Miss_Lexus and aLL the other addicts are you guys going to purchase the games as weLL:"The Simpsons Hit & Run","The Simpons Road Rage","Simpons Skateboarding" and others as weLL??? :confused: :confused: :confused:
I dont understand your definition of ESL because we-meaning everybody whose native Language isnt engLish is ESL(EngLish as a Second Language)-thats how i define ESL. WeLL they may just be interested in these Ladies putting aside their educationaL background.I mean everybody doesnt have the opportunity to get higher education. Yes it is more than okay if the girL has higher education than the man. I mean why shouLd that stop her. WeLL i cant say much for the Last sentence as it does not benefit me or concern me but i wouLd Like to add that i wouLd Like to be with someone whose inteLLectuaL background is the same as mine. I mean i want to be abLe to have a stimuLating conversation with my man-you get my drift here? But as they say WHATEVER FLOATS YOUR BOAT!!!
Rising Phoenix thats an interesting piece of information-i didnt know that so thanks for cLearifying that.
WeLL arent we the modest one here...hhhmmm. How can i possibLy "hijack" your ideas if you didnt even write any where that was visibLe to me? And then you continue to say "but i stiLL wiLL be nice to you"...is that some sort of a discrete threat mr. Moti?
During the era of the Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) peopLe were riding horses, muLes and donkeys. The verse of the HoLy Qu'ran was reveaLed to teLL us about other new methods of transportation. "And(He has create)horses, muLes and donkeys for you to ride and as an adorment. And he creates(other) things of which you have no knowLedge." Nowadays, we see the promise of the ALmighty ALLah about modern transportation methods. i.e., cars, airpLanes,etc. ALLah says in the Qu'ran: "In order that you may mount on their backs, and then may remember the favour of your Lord when you mount thereon, and say: GLory to Him who has subjected this to us, and we couLd never have it (by our efforts)". And veriLy to our God we indeed are to return".(surah az-zukhruf verses 13-14) One aspect of ALLah's mercy upon us is that no body has cLaimed that he has created anything with ALLah. ALL Prophets have come to instruct the peopLe to say "ALL thanks and Praise shouLd be to ALLah aLone...ALL Prayer shouLd be for ALLah aLone...and none of them asked their peopLe to worship him. Instead they preached:"Worship ALLah aLone...there is no other God except Him". Our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) informed us that a time wiLL come when peopLe wiLL make their buiLdings high and they wiLL be of tremendous height. Nowadays, we see the truth of this aLL around us. ALso, our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has informed us:"Whoever says:"There is no God but ALLah" with totaL faith and sincerity, he wiLL enter Paradise." Our acceptance of these facts means that ALLah has accepted us and we wiLL enjoy the pLeasure of Paradise forever...Otherwise, at the moment of death we wiLL be at a great Loss untiL eternity. May God Save Us ALL.
Ladies favorite scents from bath and body works and...
LuCkY replied to BORN_BRANIAC's topic in General
^^^^^I guess i wiLL have to steer out of your way too. Yes strawberries and champagne,secret crush,Love speLL etc....i have been through it-aLL very LoveLy and aromatic. Cute_LiLGirL weLcome back. -
That is true but i guess thats what makes us human-vuLnerabLe and weak at times.
GirL a review is not gonna heLp-its too much information. Besides every page didnt necessariLy cover the issue at hand which was the "diraac". Maybe you shouLd read a page a day or so-or come back for it when you are not entireLy tired. You can finish reading it in 30-45minutes fLat.
^^^^^Thats quiet true. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY CONQUEST: Snipers They are the most hated and feared men in the battlefield! But Politicaly speaking, if you want to kill your enemy, you must do it in a way that your finger prints are no where near the kill. For Example, If Somalia is a state and wishs to Assasinate Meles Zenawi, she shouldn't shoot him in muqdisho. She should send her operatives to Eritrea, and kill him in the streets of Asmara! Ok yeah that understandabLe. That aLso is true but some peopLe are not that bright. Thats the way to go but again some peopLe dont take the time to think. I hope you understand where im going with this. :confused:
OG_GirL my sis its useLess i teLL ya.I have read and tried to swaLLow the information he brought forth but it was bunch of BS and i just couLdnt digest it.And i have said to him over and over again:UnLike him i did not once insuLt him or personaLLy attack him.And he manages to just take pits and pieces of what we asked him and respond to-of course the ones that appeaL to him.See thats not much of a debate. And he keeps on contradicting himseLf over and over again. :rolleyes: When you are debating you need to take aLL the information that is presented to from your opponent and answer as compLetLy as possibLe. And Like i said there is no need for criticizing the peopLe presenting the ideas.Just criticize the ideas its as simpLe as that. EVERYBODY IS ENTITLED TO THEIR OPINION!!! FYI:Like DP said:dont refer to me as a chick-you shouLd have a LittLe more respect than that for your feLLow nomads.You dont see me mouthing off to you so i suggest you do the same.
Yes i did rudy. Ok see i didnt know that...but who knows it couLd be true. Aight i see where you are coming from. ALL right i wont say a thing to nobody-your secret is safe with me.Got it? Like i said before why wouLd i expose you?I dont do that kinda thang---its not cooL or fair.
ORIGINALLY POSTED BY NEFERTITI: Gediid, Lucky didn't play me. I think you're the one who's been played. Perhaps a sore ego? We all know what you're like But it seems you're back to trying your luck with my sis Flying-Still; all I can say, sis, is GOOD LUCK Lucky. I've been around, just not online. Just been busy sorting out my Uni and work....you know how it goes. Whats been happening with you anyway? I see you've got some brothers tamed...huh? A sore ego...you can say that again my friend. Hey thats good-you gotta do whatchu gotta do. Nothing much reaLLy just trying to burn some time and see whats been happening here. ALLa ta naa...what are you taLking about-"I see you've got some brothers tamed...huh?". I dont know what you are taLking about!*Looks away innocentLy*
ORIGINALLY POSTED BY RUDY: u know what i mean lucky! common dont me sweat it out! long time ago, a friend here in the site gave an advice which i ignored couple of times and i paid the price he advised me to keep my distance from ladies in the site cuz they like to setup traps for guys, n'mean!! now the question u asked me is a loaded question! so my dear! r u 4 real or trying to plunge me into a snake pit: No rudy i dont know what you mean-seriousLy...Now do you care to expLain as i am baffLed. WeLL whomever toLd you that is/was prejudice because thats not true and is generaLizing. I didnt know(ok maybe some of them)but that doesnt mean aLL of us. Im serious...im not trying to pLunge you into a snake pit.Why wouLd i wanna do that? :confused:
Nefertiti is it that bad? Rising Phoenix you have got me cracking up.You just gave me an idea i shouLd see what they say about me using other aLiases. Shujui-1 Procrastination means to put off doing something intentionaLLy and consistentLy.Now what dos Hob Gob mean?
Gediid dont be mad just cause i striked a good conversation with ContinentaL. Just cause you and i cant see eye-to-eye...thats why i tried to heLp you with Nefertiti but you faiLed once again. Shukaansi 101 ku Laha...you must be kidding me. But its aLL good i see you are once again trying your Luck with my girL FLying-StiLL.
ORIGINALLY POSTED BY NEFERTITI: ^^^LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL^^^, this is soooooooo funny. I haven't been here for couple of weeks and the topic has escalated to SHUKAANSI 101 btw Lucky and Continental. Yous lot are hillarious, keep doing yo thing folks and good LUCK...... As for the brother Gediid, Lucky has said it all for the both of us..... Thanks Sis , I know you wouldn't let me down . "EscaLated to SHUKAANSI 101 btw Lucky and Continental" aa?We were mereLy having a conversation...now what are you taLking about girL? :confused: Of course i wouLdnt Let you down.Now where have you been hiding out?What did you do this time...huh?You done dig yourseLf a hoLe to big for you to get on your own huh?Were you taking a break? :confused:
I was thinking of a pea.
WeLL...my bad rudy i was just responding to your comment-agreeing with nin-yabaan about deLeting the mentioned forums...i guess i shouLd have approached or phrased my words a LittLe differentLy. Ok rudy you Lost me here "plz be honest, no faking, specially ladies." What is does this statement mean? :confused: Zakariye you can caLL me a "freind" if you want but i just dont see whats wrong with that. I didnt even Look at Darmans post untiL rudy put it up-i didnt see no names...i guess i shouLd go take a Look at it now.Im onLy saying theres nothing wrong with it-peopLe have opinions.
Rudy despising a specific topic is totaLLy different from a forum-thread.This doesnt open grounds for raising a whoLe topic in order to deLete other forums. I faiL to see what you are compLaining about but Like many other peopLe said just avoid it-meaning do not respond to it or read it. What may not suit can very weLL suit other peopLe-show some consideration for your feLLow nomads. EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO THEIR OPINION!!!
WeLL i was gonna start off by answering your questions but i stopped when i saw your second post. First it depends when(time frame)you are taLking about. and for that matter they are not even good in house-keeping or other house-wife duties. what are u guys good for?? NOTHING! Waaw. Are you serious?TeLL me you are just joking. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
FLying-StiLL appreciate it greatLy aa? What are you going to do with now? :confused:
Apparantly there is enough excess weight on you yank's to Feel the Grand Canion, from top to bottom , 4 TIMES OVER!!!!! Daaaaaaaam ALL i can say is :eek: :eek: :eek: . Nomads you are like what you eat so watch you dont eat like a whale Ohh but i beg to differ. That is not aLways the case. Some is due to sLow metaboLism and genetics. You shouLd see my sister she eats Like nobodys business(a whoLe Lot) and doesnt gain a pound rather Loses it. She eats more than aLL of my sibLings combined and she is Like 96Lbs. :eek: