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Everything posted by LuCkY

  1. Aamiin to that and many more. Thankz-Jazka-for that wonderfuL aide memoire.
  2. Thankz-Jazka-for the reminders-appreciate it.
  3. Happy Birthday to Runaway^Virgin and FLying-StiLL. Wish ya'LL the best of the best!!!
  4. You're a busy woman. With everything going on in your life, we're willing to bet that your skin was the last thing on your mind this afternoon or yesterday evening. However, it's important to remember that taking care of your complexion is more complex than just washing your face twice a day. Daily habits that you don't think twice about have a huge impact on your appearance. "Your stress levels, exercise habits and diet all play a part in how your skin looks and feels, now and in the years to come," says Dr. Patricia Wexler, M.D., an A-list dermatologist in Manhattan. Luckily, the road to radiance can be easy and pain-free -- all you need to do is fit a few daily do's into your schedule. Here's how you can help your skin look its best, hour by hour: 8 AM: Rise and de-shine! Beauty rest? Forget about it. According to Dr. Soren White, M.D., chief dermatologist at Skinklinic, New York's Premier Physician-run skin spa, the greatest danger to our skin isn't dirt or pollutants, it's the oil and dead skin cells that build up on our face overnight. That doesn't mean that you should scour, scald or squeeze before you put on your makeup, however. Pass on toners and scrubs, which can strip and irritate your face; instead, sweep a cotton ball soaked with a glycolic acid product over your skin. This sugarcane-derived natural exfoliator promotes cell turnover, helping any cleansers and moisturizers you use to better penetrate your skin. After you've finished this morning ritual, follow up with an SPF moisturizer -- scientists now speculate that as much as 95% of premature aging is due to sun damage -- along with a light foundation or foundation-powder, advises Dr. Wexler. These create a protective shield, safeguarding your skin from sun and dirt. If you're applying makeup, remember to keep your brushes clean by lightly washing them every few weeks with your regular shampoo. 9 AM: Drink up. Pour yourself a big glass of water, the first of at least eight today. Water keeps skin cells plump and healthy from within; it also distributes nutrients and helps eliminate waste. Try washing down a multivitamin with your H2O--nutritional deficiencies can make your complexion dull and sallow. 12 PM: Stop stressing! Anxiety can worsen any breakouts or skin conditions that you have, says Dr. White. Fortunately, while you can't sweep all stress out of your life, you can do a lot to minimize it by making time for yourself. Learning a few quick yoga or relaxation techniques will do wonders to free your mind and soothe your skin. 12:30 PM: Hit the gym. A good workout stimulates circulation, a surefire way to keep your skin nourished and rosy, says Dr. White. Crunched for time? Even a quick walk around the block can get blood moving fast enough to make you look great. 3 PM: Bring out the balm. Preventing dryness is an all-day job. Just as you should keep your water bottle full from morning to night, it's a good idea to have a light moisturizer or water mist on hand so you can continue to topically hydrate, especially if you spend a lot of time indoors, notes Dr. White. 5 PM: Let 'em see you sweat! Think perspiration is a definite skin buster? Think again! Research shows that around 30% of toxins in the body are eliminated through the skin. A good sweat promotes this cleansing process, keeping your skin healthy and your complexion clear. So whether you take a break in your gym's sauna or make a particularly nerve-wrecking phone call -- go ahead and take the heat! 7 PM: Touch up your t-zone. If end-of-day shine is a problem for you, Dr. White suggests dabbing an alcohol-based product, like Clinique's Clarifying Lotion #2, on your t-zone. If you're headed out for the evening, touch up with a little tinted moisturizer. You'll give your skin a lift and your color a boost. 9:30 PM: Practice moderation! Many women let down their guard and indulge in their favorite vices at night. But before you drink up, light up, or indulge in one more sugary treat, keep in mind that these lifestyle don'ts are sabotaging the benefits of your skin dos. Alcohol dehydrates the skin and promotes flushing, which can lead to burst capillaries and, consequently, a ruddy, uneven complexion. Smoking constricts your small blood vessels, and this prevents water and nutrients from getting to your skin. Sweets, meanwhile, are empty calories that contain none of the skin-nourishing vitamins and minerals that fruits and vegetables do. 11 PM: Take it off! Washing off the day's grime and removing your makeup feels great and minimizes the oil buildup that leads to blemishes. But remember, your nighttime routine should be as pared-down as your AM one. Use a gentle cleanser, and follow up with a skin-specific therapeutic product -- a mild glycolic acid for very young skin or a stronger retinol if you're in your mid-thirties to forties. Top off with a moisturizer, and let your cells go about renewing themselves all night long! P.S. Mods can you pLz move this topic from the gen sec to the womens.Thnz!!!
  5. You're a busy woman. With everything going on in your life, we're willing to bet that your skin was the last thing on your mind this afternoon or yesterday evening. However, it's important to remember that taking care of your complexion is more complex than just washing your face twice a day. Daily habits that you don't think twice about have a huge impact on your appearance. "Your stress levels, exercise habits and diet all play a part in how your skin looks and feels, now and in the years to come," says Dr. Patricia Wexler, M.D., an A-list dermatologist in Manhattan. Luckily, the road to radiance can be easy and pain-free -- all you need to do is fit a few daily do's into your schedule. Here's how you can help your skin look its best, hour by hour: 8 AM: Rise and de-shine! Beauty rest? Forget about it. According to Dr. Soren White, M.D., chief dermatologist at Skinklinic, New York's Premier Physician-run skin spa, the greatest danger to our skin isn't dirt or pollutants, it's the oil and dead skin cells that build up on our face overnight. That doesn't mean that you should scour, scald or squeeze before you put on your makeup, however. Pass on toners and scrubs, which can strip and irritate your face; instead, sweep a cotton ball soaked with a glycolic acid product over your skin. This sugarcane-derived natural exfoliator promotes cell turnover, helping any cleansers and moisturizers you use to better penetrate your skin. After you've finished this morning ritual, follow up with an SPF moisturizer -- scientists now speculate that as much as 95% of premature aging is due to sun damage -- along with a light foundation or foundation-powder, advises Dr. Wexler. These create a protective shield, safeguarding your skin from sun and dirt. If you're applying makeup, remember to keep your brushes clean by lightly washing them every few weeks with your regular shampoo. 9 AM: Drink up. Pour yourself a big glass of water, the first of at least eight today. Water keeps skin cells plump and healthy from within; it also distributes nutrients and helps eliminate waste. Try washing down a multivitamin with your H2O--nutritional deficiencies can make your complexion dull and sallow. 12 PM: Stop stressing! Anxiety can worsen any breakouts or skin conditions that you have, says Dr. White. Fortunately, while you can't sweep all stress out of your life, you can do a lot to minimize it by making time for yourself. Learning a few quick yoga or relaxation techniques will do wonders to free your mind and soothe your skin. 12:30 PM: Hit the gym. A good workout stimulates circulation, a surefire way to keep your skin nourished and rosy, says Dr. White. Crunched for time? Even a quick walk around the block can get blood moving fast enough to make you look great. 3 PM: Bring out the balm. Preventing dryness is an all-day job. Just as you should keep your water bottle full from morning to night, it's a good idea to have a light moisturizer or water mist on hand so you can continue to topically hydrate, especially if you spend a lot of time indoors, notes Dr. White. 5 PM: Let 'em see you sweat! Think perspiration is a definite skin buster? Think again! Research shows that around 30% of toxins in the body are eliminated through the skin. A good sweat promotes this cleansing process, keeping your skin healthy and your complexion clear. So whether you take a break in your gym's sauna or make a particularly nerve-wrecking phone call -- go ahead and take the heat! 7 PM: Touch up your t-zone. If end-of-day shine is a problem for you, Dr. White suggests dabbing an alcohol-based product, like Clinique's Clarifying Lotion #2, on your t-zone. If you're headed out for the evening, touch up with a little tinted moisturizer. You'll give your skin a lift and your color a boost. 9:30 PM: Practice moderation! Many women let down their guard and indulge in their favorite vices at night. But before you drink up, light up, or indulge in one more sugary treat, keep in mind that these lifestyle don'ts are sabotaging the benefits of your skin dos. Alcohol dehydrates the skin and promotes flushing, which can lead to burst capillaries and, consequently, a ruddy, uneven complexion. Smoking constricts your small blood vessels, and this prevents water and nutrients from getting to your skin. Sweets, meanwhile, are empty calories that contain none of the skin-nourishing vitamins and minerals that fruits and vegetables do. 11 PM: Take it off! Washing off the day's grime and removing your makeup feels great and minimizes the oil buildup that leads to blemishes. But remember, your nighttime routine should be as pared-down as your AM one. Use a gentle cleanser, and follow up with a skin-specific therapeutic product -- a mild glycolic acid for very young skin or a stronger retinol if you're in your mid-thirties to forties. Top off with a moisturizer, and let your cells go about renewing themselves all night long! P.S. Mods can you pLz move this topic from the gen sec to the womens.Thnz!!!
  6. Thankz D:P Darman---cLever,funny,and creative.
  7. LuCkY


    Again, SHAKA ZULU, Clown, and MINDSTATE are the same person na'mean. Mobb_Deep how do suppose that is?How can you prove it? :confused: Some peopLe have even gone beyond buLLying others in pubLic and take it to their PMs-fiLLing it with hate and other disturbing BS.
  8. LuCkY

    Beauty Tips

    Thankz musLim sis that was nice-interesting.
  9. LuCkY


    ^^^^^Aww...have you been intimidated by some girLs up in here? Dont worry its just a front some of them put whether it is to seek attention, to be uncouth, or for whatever eLse reasons that they know. Anyway i think that the BuLLying goes for both genders and unfortunateLy some good nomads in here had to suffer because of some un-named obtuse individuaLs who dont know better or are just pLain stup!d. I agree with juxa,STHLM_Lady and co.-the buLLying shouLd stop. IF YOU DONT HAVE ANYTHING POSITIVE TO SAY-DONT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL That saying comes to mind when i read certain repLies by some individuaLs.
  10. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY PYROMANIAC_PIXIE: After reading some of these posts I was shocked to find out you all think that just because you dress a certain way you must be a certain way. Whats next witch hunts where we all pursue those so called witches that wear jeans and high heels. Oh gimme a break! Clothes can and sometimes may have a personality trait of yours in them. But how about people who are poor and can't afford much clothes or better clothes or how about people who dress for comfortability. And where did this colour thing come from?! you wear all black oh your either a troubled teen or a goth (seriously that's ridiculous) so I guess if you wear all white you must be an angel incarnate huh? Clothes are self expression and most people don't dress in one style they dress in a variety of styles to match their moods. So does that mean oh they are indecisve borderline psychopaths? ....No, it just means people grow in and out of phases just like clothes. I agree with you totaLLy-nothing more to say here.
  11. DP not entireLy.I dont Like beLLy piercings but then again i dont have to worry about it because i dont ever intend to get it---its my personaL decision. However i have my ears pierced and i Like gonna get it done again since my second one cLosed. But i wouLd Like to know---ANYONE---whats does it say in the Qu'ran,hadiiths, etc. about nose piercings!!!
  12. FLying-StiLL---friendLy and respectfuL. Runaway^virgin---open-minded and cooL.
  13. Cap-SouL:CooL and CoLLected. Love your poetry---your names says it aLL.
  14. Oceandream weLcome to SOL-----hope you enjoy your stay here.
  15. Yes Miss_Lexus...I was as weLL untiLL just recentLy.
  16. Jawahiir nice feeLing that one.
  17. A-Man-Apart weLL Let me see...uuummm you havent been here Long-meaning you havent posted so its kinda hard to describe you...ya know? But so far i wouLd say you dont come off as a rude person. Whatchu gotta do is get over 50 posts and then you can eLiminate your "aLien" status to a Nomad.
  18. Some of you said what i was gonna say but goes: The way i see it one individuaL is attracted to another because of the way they carry themseLves, they way they speak/write, the way they respond to others, the respect one has for themseLves-for others as weLL, and their inteLLectuaL minds. One with an open mind and one that is outspoken(may not appLy to aLL)-one that stands up for what they beLieve.ALso humour-a good sense of humour. No i dont think we can necessariLy do without the physicaL attraction. Im not gonna Lie here but i think that physicaL attraction does pLay a roLe in reLationships-i mean it may not be essentiaL or Last forever but it does cross ones mind.
  19. Section6er im Loving that 2pac avatar. :cool:
  20. what does the titLe have to do with the story? :confused: Oh...what the heLL ArnoLd cant be worse than his opposing candidates.A porn star,that LittLe man from-i forgot and Davis-he has to go. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  21. LuCkY


    ^^^^^I cant reaLLy say. DP i see you had time to read the 10 pages. :cool: NawaaL1 weLcome to SOL and i hope you enjoy your stay here.