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JazakaLLah Khayr musLim sis for sharing with us.
Oh PuhLeazzz!!!Save me the DRAMA Moti. You know Damn weLL i didnt insuLt you and "abuse" your rights as you cLaim.You are the one that vioLated my sure you are weLL aware of that.Why shouLd i deny something that isnt true to begin with...aLL you had to do was ask me...but NO you had to go around opening your mouth and spitting accusations...i dont appreciate that especiaLLy coming from a "so-caLLed-friend"i guess i shouLd have known better! You must not see very weLL then moti because I have stated severaL times that i wasnt these peopLe you cLaim i am. NOw Read my Lips----i am not anybody besides me(Lucky)...i dont have muLtipLe personaLitites or usernames Like you cLaim.Usted Comprende?Or do i have to beat it through your thick skuLL. I didnt break our friendship---you are doing that aLL on your own.And if LittLe arguements break up friendships i guess its wasnt soLid to begin with.
^^^^^RVD?You got wrestLing on your mind?
If u SCOLD him, u are like a NANNY to him; If he SCOLDS u, it is because he CARES for u. aint it the truth as weLL as aLmost aLL thats on the List...Thankz Runaway^Virgin.
You must be kidding me right?I have no intention of apoLogizing to you because i didnt do no wrong against are the one that needs to apoLogize for Lying about me. Changed your mind?You shouLdnt have said what you said to begin with. These girLs you cLaim i am are not even in the States Let aLone going to the same schooLs or whatever.And i do not buLLy know that!!!
Hey...GirL, weLL GOod Luck with everything that you do and i wish nothing but the best for ya!!! But remember to check in every now and then. ANd I wiLL LEave you with me pearLy... .
Thats true...sometimes you cant bring yourseLf to teLL someone how you reaLLy feeL.By avoiding them you are hoping that they pick up on the hints. Yes i do have sibLings and i do get into fights and arguements with them every now and then...i am usuaLLy back to my normaL seLf after few minutes or hours---never day or days. I deaL with them the way they deserve to be deaLt with.I mean i wiLL never do anything to hurt them whether it be physicaLLy or emotionaLLy that it damages them or our reLationship. Why is that the case? Because you wiLL aLways Love your sibLings no matter what they do or say...i mean you have a bond thats between you...a bond thats going to be hard to break. Whereas the bond among "so-caLLed-friends" is easiLy broken because it didnt reaLLy have a strong foundation to begin with.Friends are not bLood so its easier to Let them go...whereas FamiLy is FamiLy no matter what!!! Treating one another Like brothers/sisters is treating someone the way you wouLd want to be treated.Recognizing their rights and not vioLating them and giving them respect---treating them Like they deserve to be treated. I HOPE THAT MADE SOME SENSE.
PeopLe PeopLe DONT beLieve everything you hear!!!DONT assume---just because someone said it doesnt make it true... You suggested that moti!!!"Dear friend" shouLd know that i dont have doubLe personaLities or muLtipLe in your case. Youre the victim huh? Not in this case " the victim" aLL the time and speaking of basic human have vioLated mine a dozen timez!!! Whatever happened to innocent untiLL proven guiLty huh? The right to be protected by friends? WeLL in this case it doesnt reaLLy may ask why? I'LL teLL you why because you are not a sincere friend...DECEIT!!!i shouLd have known that from the start.You wiLL try not to doubt?Hmph...forget it moti. And you stiLL continue with the faLse accusations so now im aLL of the foLLowing:DP,Psycho Sue,Mizz_Lexus,and African...PuhLeaZ :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ApoLogize?Im waiting.
No moti i think you have done that aLL on your own. How can you and i be good friends when you are out there conspiring against me???You know exactLy what happened?How can we be friends when you are cLaiming im aLL those peopLe you mentioned huh?NO NO NO-friends dont doubt or back stab each other---so you can forget it!!! I wiLL prove nothing to you!!!Hmphh. Protect you?My duty?Hahaah...why you of aLL peopLe huh? Abusive individuaLs are the one thats doing that to others " the victim here".I wont and wiLL not protect you because you are out there scheming---with the admin as your "right hand man"...pLotting against me through faLse accusations that you CANT back up!!!
^^^^^Same here man,aLthough i read it over a coupLe of times(to make sure) and it doesnt make any sense whatsoever. I dont understand the concept of this thread and what its purpose may be. I thought at times i didnt make much sense but this is preposterous.
SaLaaM Wow its been that Long since this topic was posted---Time Sure DOes FLy. Jazaka Mizz-Hurricane...much of it is very true.
SaLaaMz: W.E.L.C.O.M.E. To SOL Sis and I Hope You Enjoy Your Stay Here.
- depends but i wouLd say no.
DP its just that this idea is so far-fetched its actuaLLy quite ridicuLous and amusing. I know who i am but its just so stup!d of others to be assuming and cLaiming faLse accusations of someone they dont even know---just because they think we write/sound the same---or have the same IP address...i mean heLLO---many peopLe use the same computer---each being a different individuaL!!! And yeah dont worry about Moti...i beLieve this is one of his ways of trying to open up the "suuq" for himseLf---as he caLLs it because the "sweet 16s" have put him out of business!
SaLaaM: My concept of sisterhood/brotherhood is: *HeLping one out in time of need. *Being there for one another. *Reaching an accordance---in some situations. *NOt backstabbing or being hypocrite,heLping them as you go aLong. *BasicaLLy treating one another Like brothers and sisters. I think that there is sisterhood/brother if a sis/bro agrees with another for harmonys sake---to some extent. Or how about just praising someone everytime you see them, yet u can't stand being around them for more than an 1hr. tops. I couLdnt praise someone i cant stand every time i saw them---I mean i wiLL try my best not to be Like but...praising someone you cant stand is just not me and i dont think a sincere sis/bro-hood exists in this situation.
I wouLd have to agree with FaithfuL_musLimah and someaLien---to some extent. Tenacious_J your penguin avatar is amusing.
Easy...Im not mad or anything Like that...weLL just yet anyway. CaLL you?Is that one of your ways of trying to open the "suuq" for yourseLf moti?HUH? Me and DP?UnderstandabLe BUT not true. Me and Pyscho Sue?I can...No. BUT... Me and Mizz_Lexus? :eek: No way...not in a miLLion years. I am not these individuaLs you cLaim...i DONT have muLtipLe usernames,personaLities and whatever eLse you may thinK!!! These are FALSE accusations that are not justified.!!!
"Lucky to have you and the peopLe of soL"? :eek: OG_Moti can at times be grumpy,cantankerous,beLLigerent,<-----aLL signs of being oLd---"grandpa". Ok on a more serious note---Moti is an inteLLigent,kind and informative being...aLL in aLL.
Yes Lakkad afraid so or you are in deep troubLe. Me,Sue and DP sound aLike? :eek: I think you peopLe must be Lost or something.I mean of aLL the guys came up with that?This is beyond hiLarious!!! Prove to you?How?What can i possibLy say or do thats going to make you peopLe beLieve that we are three individuaLs who are totaLLy different? :confused:
I have to agree with Mag-girL,Moti---You didnt have a suuq to begin with. You doing aLL of that? :eek: Thats too much for you "granpa" might have a stroke or something and i dont think the peopLe here want you to die so sLow down---one at a time.
^^^^^ExactLy LIke the name says!!! Kidding...funny and intriguing.
ORIGINALLY POSTED BY OG_MOTI: i also have doubts that diamond princess and lucky and sue are the same person, admin give me the 411 on those individuals ... What are you taLking about moti?
ThankZ for sharing that Nur. Its not that i wasnt interested in this topic but the site was down and i hadnt come across it aLthough i do agree with you and Shujui-1.We do negLect it and i have been doing that LateLy but i am getting my act together---i Love reading the Qu'raan...LateLy i have been preoccupied and i know thats not an excuse. May ALLah Lead us aLL in the right path.
JazakaLLah Khayr musLim sis.
Qac Qaac what exactLy do you mean?