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Everything posted by LuCkY

  1. LuCkY


    As-salaamu Alaikum, Im gonna go ahead and answer your question WiiLo, What is Modern Iraq and part of Syria. Mesopotamia means "Land between the rivers"(Euphrates and Tigris). Be Right Back with my question. PEace !
  2. As-salaamu Alaikum, Tamina thats how I felt during the first nite of taraweeh too so JazakaAllaah Khayr. PEace !
  3. LuCkY

    W O M E N?

    As-salaamu Alaikum, OG_Moti Looool ure funny.After aLL the time you were gone(taking a vacation)I thought you were gonna come back a Lil diff but I guess I was wrong.You are stiLL trying to figure women out...give it a rest be4 you go bananaz! :cool: PEace !
  4. As-salaamu Alaikum, I registered on the 18th of Oct to vote and wouLd aLso Like to know what the IsLamic Stance on this issue is. PEace !
  5. AsaLaamu ALaikum, WELL I go to SchooL six day out of the week. Monday-Thursday I break my fast with a bunch of my friends in the SchooL cafeteria, we eat homemade(hot of the stove) sambusa,bur and everything one NormaLLy has and then some.ALhamduLiLaah I dont have to worry about crappy junk food during Iftar.Friday-Sunday I get home in time for Iftar. PEace !
  6. AsaLaamu ALaikum, JZK Tamina...beneficiaL info. PEace !
  7. AsaLaamu ALaikum, COme On YaLL...You didnt think that was reaL now did ya?Oh! That girL is such an actress...Lol!Shes so cute MashaALLaah. Spadez first of aLL weLcome Back and secondLy Looooool. PEace !
  8. AsaLaamu ALaikum, Ladies different things work for different peopLE.I swear I used to think that I wouLd neva find anything that works for me BUT ALxamduLiLaah I did its the NEW MIDOL(pink)it does wonders and occoupying yourseLf wit other things heLps too. Exercise does not aLLeviate the pain in my case but does wonders for my body as it is a stress reLiever. THe heating pads are a comfort as weLL. BTW:GoLden GirL you said something about drinking hot tea is NOT good?Can Ya eLaborate on this pLz? :eek: As for the asinine guys :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: is qor biLa lis wahiid...this is a WOMENS section as my sisters above have reirerated be4 so keep ya negative comments to ya SeLf.Uff! FYI:Its been said that if you are around women for a period of time your cycLe gets adjusted wit their thus you WiLL ALL have it the same time. This might HeLp ya in regards to the EId Prayers witout the harmfuL injections. PEace !
  9. LuCkY


    ^Accepted. PEace !
  10. ^^^Quit copyin' come up with ur own ending. :rolleyes: PEace !
  11. LuCkY


    AsaLaamu ALaikum, Originally posted by Qac Qaac: Lucky star.. i know they are thousands of them.. i don't think, there is exact number for the companions, there are some of them that no one talks about them, so to give an exact number would be hard bro .. but if u know tell us.. i won't ask a question we will wait for ur answer then i will ask a question.. Ok my question was a bit too broad...scratch that YaLL.QQ you wanna TeLL me Why Youre CaLLing Me BRO?Since When did I become a man? :mad: RAMADAN KARIIM TO ALL OF SOL AND MUSLIMS AROUND THE WORLD. PEace !
  12. AsaLaamu ALaikum, :eek: :eek: :eek: ! Here is the moraL of the story DONT TRUST MEN ! RAMADAN KARIIM TO ALL OF SOL AND MUSLIMS AROUND THE WORLD. PEace !
  13. Asalaamu Alaikum, ALXAMDULILAAH. Wow...MashaALLaah that we have a President after so LOOOOOOONG to InshaAllaah Improve SomaLia's current condition. I hope we can ALL unite and pray for a BETTER SomaLia. Its great to see other African Nations are taking in part with the Progress SomaLia has Made. A month of Ramadan is one FuLL of Khayr and I pray its one SomaLia WiLL Never FOrget due to its BLessings InshaALLaah...May ALLaah SHower HIS BLEssings on Our Country and PeopLe.AmIIn. BTW:For the Sake of our PeopLe, for the Sake of our Country, and MOST of ALL for the Sake of ALLAAH Lets NOT DweLL on the FLaws of Our Leader but Pray for him to Lead us in a path of PeacefuLLness...InshaALLaah Khayr. I know this is just ONE step for SOMALIA BUT its a MAJOR step. PEace ! RAMADAN KARIIM TO ALL OF SOL AND MUSLIMS AROUND THE WORLD.
  14. Asalaamu Alaikum, ALXAMDULILAAH. Wow...MashaALLaah that we have a President after so LOOOOOOONG to InshaAllaah Improve SomaLia's current condition. I hope we can ALL unite and pray for a BETTER SomaLia. Its great to see other African Nations are taking in part with the Progress SomaLia has Made. A month of Ramadan is one FuLL of Khayr and I pray its one SomaLia WiLL Never FOrget due to its BLessings InshaALLaah...May ALLaah SHower HIS BLEssings on Our Country and PeopLe.AmIIn. BTW:For the Sake of our PeopLe, for the Sake of our Country, and MOST of ALL for the Sake of ALLAAH Lets NOT DweLL on the FLaws of Our Leader but Pray for him to Lead us in a path of PeacefuLLness...InshaALLaah Khayr. I know this is just ONE step for SOMALIA BUT its a MAJOR step. PEace ! RAMADAN KARIIM TO ALL OF SOL AND MUSLIMS AROUND THE WORLD.
  15. Asalaamu Alaikum, ALXAMDULILAAH. Wow...MashaALLaah that we have a President after so LOOOOOOONG to InshaAllaah Improve SomaLia's current condition. I hope we can ALL unite and pray for a BETTER SomaLia. Its great to see other African Nations are taking in part with the Progress SomaLia has Made. A month of Ramadan is one FuLL of Khayr and I pray its one SomaLia WiLL Never FOrget due to its BLessings InshaALLaah...May ALLaah SHower HIS BLEssings on Our Country and PeopLe.AmIIn. BTW:For the Sake of our PeopLe, for the Sake of our Country, and MOST of ALL for the Sake of ALLAAH Lets NOT DweLL on the FLaws of Our Leader but Pray for him to Lead us in a path of PeacefuLLness...InshaALLaah Khayr. I know this is just ONE step for SOMALIA BUT its a MAJOR step. PEace ! RAMADAN KARIIM TO ALL OF SOL AND MUSLIMS AROUND THE WORLD.
  16. LuCkY


    AsaLaamu ALaikum, QQ: i picked Sports.. my question is.. how many teams in the Nba.. very easy one. Answer : 30 teams in the NBA. My Question IsLaM: How many companions did our Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) have? PEace !
  17. AsaLaamu ALaikum, WiiLo JZK once that was a comprehensive piece very interesting as weLL. PEace !
  18. AsaLaamu ALaikum, GEG I Say Go For it If You Wanna Throw a Party to Cheer up Your Divorced Friend-She DefiniteLy Needs...Have FUN :cool: . Mag-girL I Knew it Wasnt Just My Head PLaying on Me...You've ToLd Me this Story hehehe. Lool@ 7of9. Che WLC BCK WLC BCK * I've Got That Mase Song In My Head Now * . You've watched Sex and the City? :eek: ! PEace !
  19. AsaLaamu ALaikum, WiiLo JZK...beneficiaL,there were some things on the List I wasnt aware of. PEace !
  20. AsaLaamu ALaikum, Section6er WLC BCK! That was COOL. PEace !
  21. As-saLaamu ALaikum, Lucky :Short, baby face. easy to get alone with her at the same time have strong mind who have no patient to argue with any issue. Lol...I aint short just average but then again in a giant's face I wouLd be a dwarf hehehe ! Whats with the Baby Face man....You aint the onLY whose toLd me that be4...I stiLL dont see where YaLL get that from namean. OG_GirL a big oL giant with a goLden heart that is a spoiLed LiL brat who waits for mommy to do everything for her...I stiLL Luv Ya though ! PEace !
  22. AsaLaamu ALaikum, SubxanaALLaah :eek: :mad: :rolleyes: ! WeLL I hope that "these" dudes arent making a mockery out of our reLigion. Whateva it is that they are doing, somebody needs to knock some sense into them-STAT. PEace !
  23. AsaLaamu ALaikum, firstly do u prefer guys that u can control, or guys that control u? I'd say a LittLe of both;he's the MAN of the house and I wiLL acknowLedge that.I treat him with 100% respect and I EXPECT the same no LESS!I dont want a guy that wiLL waLk aLL over me Like a mat and I sure as heLL dont need a guy I can boss around eek! secondly does age really matter Yes it does to me...8-9yrs OLder than me creeps me out a LiL bit.I dont know why. PEace !
  24. AsaLaamu ALaikum, Rudy maybe she was taLking about the mehr at that time and now maybe she just wants some goLd just cuz namean and youre her husband ure supposed to provide that without her asking you for it. A man who C0mpLains about investing in his wife's happiness is NOT a reaL man. BTW:TaLk to her about this so that you both are on the same path otherwise troubLe in paradise is very near. PEace !