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Everything posted by LuCkY

  1. Yeah it is...I guess its reaLLy down to how You individuaLLy deaL with the issues at hand.
  2. LuCkY


    SaLaaMz, InshaLLah,AmIIn AmIIn AmIIn.
  3. SomeaLien i cant speak for everyone but here is my input: The way I see It, It is not fair nor justified to harass a musLim woman just because she doesnt wear the hijab but i have seen this happen.PeopLe are different and think differentLy.So you wiLL have those that are quick to judgement maniLy due to ignorance or stup!d!ty.But the hijab is mandatory for musLim women.And in some countries they do enforce it by Law and punishment.
  4. WeLL Pete,for the most part peopLe here have given you good(some)advices so no need for me to be repetitive. ALL i can say is good Luck with him and maybe in time he wiLL come around and see that you onLy want whats best for him.
  5. WeLL Pete,for the most part peopLe here have given you good(some)advices so no need for me to be repetitive. ALL i can say is good Luck with him and maybe in time he wiLL come around and see that you onLy want whats best for him.
  6. LuCkY

    Raising kids

    WeLL Pete,for the most part peopLe here have given you good(some)advices so no need for me to be repetitive. ALL i can say is good Luck with him and maybe in time he wiLL come around and see that you onLy want whats best for him.
  7. LuCkY

    Raising kids

    WeLL Pete,for the most part peopLe here have given you good(some)advices so no need for me to be repetitive. ALL i can say is good Luck with him and maybe in time he wiLL come around and see that you onLy want whats best for him.
  8. Yeah I know huh...maybe one shouLd cLoseLy Look at the chiLdrens behaviour and what they do-as in the case for us---torturing aniMaLs. I think a rehabiLitation center is in order.WeLL i grew up in Tawfiiq but i asked my mom and she said they caLL it by both names.
  9. ^^^^^Dont hate now. HeHeHe...this was a reaLLy funny topic-nice. Rayaana i agree.Forget the marriage because aLL the pre-marriage expenses are out of Faraaxs League to begin with.
  10. Mujahid some peopLe either cant read and comprehend or just dont want to.Its reaLLy pathetic.
  11. Khayr boy are you doomed!Thats reaLLy amusing. I got 30%-whatever that means!Hey what is up with the kerosene and the fire eh...a Lot of hatred going on.
  12. I can understand where he was coming from but i reaLLy beLieve he shouLd have approached the situation differentLy---he shouLd have chosen his words wiseLy.
  13. They werent off ya know. Hey what eLse can i do but to encourage her since yaLL were fLirting and got interrupted eh?
  14. Rudy CaLi is doomed eh?WeLL Lets give this man a chance to prove himseLf and those that doubted about it?Because evidentLy everybody in poLitics makes mistakes...davis made a big one and the bLame shouLdnt soLey rest on his shouLders but we cant worry about that now can we?Oh WeLL!
  15. lucky! so u r a zorro!lol!! Rudy expLain yourseLf because i dont foLLow. [The Quran does say that a women should be veiled, and that non-mahram men and women should be apart, except on professional talks] i did my research so u folks, i need to see your proof! all yall claiming holier than thou! open you koran and share with us where it stays that hijab is mandatory! otherwise! i we be chasing tails! and the imaam u quote better be from an ivy league islamic university and not a street preacher!!!!!!!!!! RUdy are you for reaL huh?I suggest you read Lateafha's post---that wiLL answer your question.
  16. Raxmah And Rayaana I agree,You Guys Raise Some Very Good Points.
  17. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY MODESTY: Hijab is obligatory, whether you like it or not. You don't have to wear it ,but point blank its wajib. The hijab is not a sign of oppression, it is a sign of obedience to Allah. The Quran does say that a women should be veiled, and that non-mahram men and women should be apart, except on professional talks.And the purpose of the veil is for one because ALLAH said so, and two because a woman should be appreciated for her mind,than her figure and face, and three it is a great sign of dacwah. Rudy- I hope to have clarified that for you brother.Plus, hijab is a clothe, it doesn't do its job unless the wearer has the right behaviour. I CouLdnt Have Said It Better MyseLf.
  18. Thankz Zakariye and Conquest.
  19. HeHeHe...I ProbabLy ShouLdnt Be Laughing At You But Oh WeLL.Thats Amusing Though---HaLf Your Life.
  20. ^^^^^Are You For REaL? That Is One Funky SchooL Bus...I Mean Arent They ALL?
  21. WeLL FLying-StiLL Looks Like Someone BLEw The WhistLe on You There Huh? Aside from that those furnitures are stunning but Like Juxa Said First Things First...make sure your furniture compLiments the coLor of the house otherwise you are in for Disaster---a BIG one. Athena---Ohhh...those are stunning.
  22. SaLaaMz, Ina lillahi wa ina ilahai rajacun.ALLah ha uu naxariisto your father.Samir iyo Imaan ALLah ha Kaasiyo.My condoLences goes out to you,your famiLy and friends.May ALLah be with you(aLL)in your time of sorrow.AmIIn AmIIn AmIIn.
  23. I Hope you didnt take that the wrong way.I was trying to make a point Lakkad...ya dig?
  24. I Hope you didnt take that the wrong way.I was trying to make a point Lakkad...ya dig?