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Everything posted by LuCkY

  1. Hey I'LL be gLad to take those exams over and over again tiLL im satisfied with my resuLts. Why not?Im sure It'LL be fun since im gonna enjoy tearing some souLs apart.Its about time i put my good oL'e skiLLs in motion.
  2. WeLL thats good news.With others Like them(supporters) somaLia and those innocent peopLe can get the assistance they need.There is hope indeed.Thnx for sharing.
  3. ^^^^^You finaLLy came out of those Zu Mountains eh?No wonder youre confused. SaLafi thankz for opening for the venting room.Hang tight InshaALLah you wiLL get through this and see your famiLy soon. Hijabified Sista you need to vent more sure you wiLL feeL better! Miz-Unique preach on sista preach on.I wiLL be in the same situation sometime soon . May ALLah ease this crabby schooL stuff for us aLL.AmIIn.
  4. Lucky adiga warkaga waa batay marka waxanba jeclaan lahaa inaad markaan halkaas ku ekeysid oo aad ama topic kahadashid oo adan muranka igu badan saan horey kugu shegayba aniga meshaan waxan rabo ayaan soo qorayaa Same here gaL same here!!!I couLd care Less what you Like or disLike aight so TeLL it to someone who Cares!!!Sh!t!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Midaas mid kuutaal mahan ee dantada ka raaco naa horta madhoocil baa taahy malagu guday horta lol NAYAA!NAYAA!NAYAA!<---since you seem to Like this term so much...cant you come up with a better word!Listen I couLd say the same about you!You think you got jokes?ShouLd i Laugh with you?HaHaHa...NOT. bes marka intas wixii hadal ah hanooga ekaato aniga hadaan nac nac ama iska hadlona meshanba inaan nefta iskaga saro an usogallaye cunug yahay warka badan You dont caLL the shots here so either improve your debating skiLLs/back up and eLucidate your 'theory' or renounce your asinine/repetitive posts that are irreLevant. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ALhamduLiLaah Stup!d!ty aint contagious!
  5. Lucky adiga warkaga waa batay marka waxanba jeclaan lahaa inaad markaan halkaas ku ekeysid oo aad ama topic kahadashid oo adan muranka igu badan saan horey kugu shegayba aniga meshaan waxan rabo ayaan soo qorayaa Same here gaL same here!!!I couLd care Less what you Like or disLike aight so TeLL it to someone who Cares!!!Sh!t!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Midaas mid kuutaal mahan ee dantada ka raaco naa horta madhoocil baa taahy malagu guday horta lol NAYAA!NAYAA!NAYAA!<---since you seem to Like this term so much...cant you come up with a better word!Listen I couLd say the same about you!You think you got jokes?ShouLd i Laugh with you?HaHaHa...NOT. bes marka intas wixii hadal ah hanooga ekaato aniga hadaan nac nac ama iska hadlona meshanba inaan nefta iskaga saro an usogallaye cunug yahay warka badan You dont caLL the shots here so either improve your debating skiLLs/back up and eLucidate your 'theory' or renounce your asinine/repetitive posts that are irreLevant. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ALhamduLiLaah Stup!d!ty aint contagious!
  6. Lucky adiga warkaga waa batay marka waxanba jeclaan lahaa inaad markaan halkaas ku ekeysid oo aad ama topic kahadashid oo adan muranka igu badan saan horey kugu shegayba aniga meshaan waxan rabo ayaan soo qorayaa Same here gaL same here!!!I couLd care Less what you Like or disLike aight so TeLL it to someone who Cares!!!Sh!t!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Midaas mid kuutaal mahan ee dantada ka raaco naa horta madhoocil baa taahy malagu guday horta lol NAYAA!NAYAA!NAYAA!<---since you seem to Like this term so much...cant you come up with a better word!Listen I couLd say the same about you!You think you got jokes?ShouLd i Laugh with you?HaHaHa...NOT. bes marka intas wixii hadal ah hanooga ekaato aniga hadaan nac nac ama iska hadlona meshanba inaan nefta iskaga saro an usogallaye cunug yahay warka badan You dont caLL the shots here so either improve your debating skiLLs/back up and eLucidate your 'theory' or renounce your asinine/repetitive posts that are irreLevant. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ALhamduLiLaah Stup!d!ty aint contagious!
  7. Lucky adiga warkaga waa batay marka waxanba jeclaan lahaa inaad markaan halkaas ku ekeysid oo aad ama topic kahadashid oo adan muranka igu badan saan horey kugu shegayba aniga meshaan waxan rabo ayaan soo qorayaa Same here gaL same here!!!I couLd care Less what you Like or disLike aight so TeLL it to someone who Cares!!!Sh!t!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Midaas mid kuutaal mahan ee dantada ka raaco naa horta madhoocil baa taahy malagu guday horta lol NAYAA!NAYAA!NAYAA!<---since you seem to Like this term so much...cant you come up with a better word!Listen I couLd say the same about you!You think you got jokes?ShouLd i Laugh with you?HaHaHa...NOT. bes marka intas wixii hadal ah hanooga ekaato aniga hadaan nac nac ama iska hadlona meshanba inaan nefta iskaga saro an usogallaye cunug yahay warka badan You dont caLL the shots here so either improve your debating skiLLs/back up and eLucidate your 'theory' or renounce your asinine/repetitive posts that are irreLevant. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ALhamduLiLaah Stup!d!ty aint contagious!
  8. SaLafi keep roLLing those eyes cause i got more where that came from :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: @hibo!!! Miz-Unique TeLL it Like it is-she cant get that through her thick skuLL. African i couLdnt have said it better. Juxa Lucy aa?Whatever happened to the 'k'?Thankz for understanding. DP i guess i wasnt the onLy one who has noticed eh? By the way hibo dont act Like you have got a masters degree in the somaLi Language.It is very evident that you are speaking 'broken' somaLi Like the others have noticed.And dont taLk Like you are superior to the rest of us just because you have got issues you need to take care of-this aint the pLace for it.I have aLso noticed that you continue to throw tantrums at everyone who disagrees with ya. Lucky intaas nac nacda enough waye maba isla yaabeysid adiga wah ^LIKEWISE^ GAL ^LIKEWISE^
  9. LuCkY

    WAKE UP!!!

    ^^^^^So thats it? :confused:
  10. LuCkY

    WAKE UP!!!

    Rudy you best cLean your maiLbox out! :mad: Expecting me to send you a repLy when i cant get through!
  11. LuCkY

    WAKE UP!!!

    Rudy couLd you be kind enough to enLighten me with what you are taLking about as i am baffLed-honestLy! :confused:
  12. Yes Zakariye i said Reagan.Robinhood eh? Whats with the accusations Zakariye caLLing arnoLd 'moLester'? my ppl are here,Quran,Dugsi,Sambusa,Bajiye,etc. And over all we have here most of our Intellectuals,the older generations are around us,and i am having blast in here.So don't hate mn,but love it. So what are you impLying here?That we dont have the above mentioned in CaLifornia as weLL?
  13. King thats an interesting concept there:ARAB-BARA. Ok Moti i see where youre coming from. Question to aLL though:Im confused because i hear various somaLi peopLe teLL me different things.ONes saying we are Arabs and others saying we arent and dont have any connections with them BLood wise.What is the answer?Is there any way to get to the bottom of this and reach an agreeabLe take? :confused:
  14. May Allah bless us with seeing this great Night and making supplication in it May allah give us a long life to witnesses many ramadaans to come. AmIIn to that and many more. Thankz aLL for sharing...superbLy done.
  15. WeLL Congrats to them for having compLeted one of the many steps towards their goaL,InshaALLah they wiLL get there.
  16. LuCkY

    WAKE UP!!!

    Thats quite amusing Rudy.they are your cousins. Yes Sue this pLace has become the house of the dead.I think its his nephew Like Og_girL said.
  17. Thankz Zakariye,African and Lakkad for understanding where i was coming from. Oh By The Way Mizz Thang!I didnt come here to harass you as you cLaim because you are a newbie aight? ALL the nomads in this pLace are weLL aware of that---i dont pick on peopLe or LOOk for troubLe.I was onLy debating with you...maybe you cant understand what debating is but i wiLL have you know that it does happen a Lot in this forum. So you can either continue to discuss this topic in a rationaL manner or forget it. This isnt 'LaLaLand' thus everybody isnt gonna agree with you or see things eye-to-eye with you.And if that was your expectation then you need to get in touch with reaLity. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: My words arent meant to be Defensive. I dont get mad( :mad: ) or attack peopLe over petty things.
  18. OMG :eek: :eek: What Can I Say!!! Lucky aqoontada marabo aniga ibaro aad kuheysaa... This^ is beyond LaughabLe/Preposterous .Naa Listen i dont know who the heLL you think you are but you aint worth a dime so save me the drama.I dont need and want to associate myseLf with the Likes of you arrogant,obtuse and Ludicurous peopLe. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Lucky aqoontada marabo aniga ibaro aad kuheysaa e mar 10 taad topic ka hadal ama nac nacda igala tag hadaan ubaah neyn inaan aqriyo kawaran oo inta aan is dhaho waa muhiim kahadlo fiiri gabara is mahdisaye bal intaas waxad hesyo ood larifineyso soodaa waxan umaleynaa topic adiga uu kugu socdaa saas aa dhiba badan ekntay iyo murankaan tiri badan ee haduu kugu socday my bad kuma aqoon waa iska soo post gareyay lee Meshan saan miyaa shekadeeda dhan dadhadaad kujiraan Ar caawin dag dag ah dadkaan qofkii afgaranayo ha iso garo FYI: This is a PubLic forum and i can respond to whatever topic i aspire.The topic doesnt necessariLy have to target a specific person but if that is the case Next Time Be Sure to put their name in the heading that way i wiLL be aware. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Nac nac aa?Youre one to shouLd Listen to yourseLf taLking aLL absurd-your topic has no sense of direction...try being more specific and detaiLed in the future.And if you dont Like debating next time dont post contraversiaL topics-because youre asking for it.BY The Way any topic that is posted in this forum is open for criticism.Im entitLed to my OPINION whether you approve of it or not.
  19. OMG :eek: :eek: What Can I Say!!! Lucky aqoontada marabo aniga ibaro aad kuheysaa... This^ is beyond LaughabLe/Preposterous .Naa Listen i dont know who the heLL you think you are but you aint worth a dime so save me the drama.I dont need and want to associate myseLf with the Likes of you arrogant,obtuse and Ludicurous peopLe. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Lucky aqoontada marabo aniga ibaro aad kuheysaa e mar 10 taad topic ka hadal ama nac nacda igala tag hadaan ubaah neyn inaan aqriyo kawaran oo inta aan is dhaho waa muhiim kahadlo fiiri gabara is mahdisaye bal intaas waxad hesyo ood larifineyso soodaa waxan umaleynaa topic adiga uu kugu socdaa saas aa dhiba badan ekntay iyo murankaan tiri badan ee haduu kugu socday my bad kuma aqoon waa iska soo post gareyay lee Meshan saan miyaa shekadeeda dhan dadhadaad kujiraan Ar caawin dag dag ah dadkaan qofkii afgaranayo ha iso garo FYI: This is a PubLic forum and i can respond to whatever topic i aspire.The topic doesnt necessariLy have to target a specific person but if that is the case Next Time Be Sure to put their name in the heading that way i wiLL be aware. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Nac nac aa?Youre one to shouLd Listen to yourseLf taLking aLL absurd-your topic has no sense of direction...try being more specific and detaiLed in the future.And if you dont Like debating next time dont post contraversiaL topics-because youre asking for it.BY The Way any topic that is posted in this forum is open for criticism.Im entitLed to my OPINION whether you approve of it or not.
  20. OMG :eek: :eek: What Can I Say!!! Lucky aqoontada marabo aniga ibaro aad kuheysaa... This^ is beyond LaughabLe/Preposterous .Naa Listen i dont know who the heLL you think you are but you aint worth a dime so save me the drama.I dont need and want to associate myseLf with the Likes of you arrogant,obtuse and Ludicurous peopLe. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Lucky aqoontada marabo aniga ibaro aad kuheysaa e mar 10 taad topic ka hadal ama nac nacda igala tag hadaan ubaah neyn inaan aqriyo kawaran oo inta aan is dhaho waa muhiim kahadlo fiiri gabara is mahdisaye bal intaas waxad hesyo ood larifineyso soodaa waxan umaleynaa topic adiga uu kugu socdaa saas aa dhiba badan ekntay iyo murankaan tiri badan ee haduu kugu socday my bad kuma aqoon waa iska soo post gareyay lee Meshan saan miyaa shekadeeda dhan dadhadaad kujiraan Ar caawin dag dag ah dadkaan qofkii afgaranayo ha iso garo FYI: This is a PubLic forum and i can respond to whatever topic i aspire.The topic doesnt necessariLy have to target a specific person but if that is the case Next Time Be Sure to put their name in the heading that way i wiLL be aware. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Nac nac aa?Youre one to shouLd Listen to yourseLf taLking aLL absurd-your topic has no sense of direction...try being more specific and detaiLed in the future.And if you dont Like debating next time dont post contraversiaL topics-because youre asking for it.BY The Way any topic that is posted in this forum is open for criticism.Im entitLed to my OPINION whether you approve of it or not.
  21. OMG :eek: :eek: What Can I Say!!! Lucky aqoontada marabo aniga ibaro aad kuheysaa... This^ is beyond LaughabLe/Preposterous .Naa Listen i dont know who the heLL you think you are but you aint worth a dime so save me the drama.I dont need and want to associate myseLf with the Likes of you arrogant,obtuse and Ludicurous peopLe. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Lucky aqoontada marabo aniga ibaro aad kuheysaa e mar 10 taad topic ka hadal ama nac nacda igala tag hadaan ubaah neyn inaan aqriyo kawaran oo inta aan is dhaho waa muhiim kahadlo fiiri gabara is mahdisaye bal intaas waxad hesyo ood larifineyso soodaa waxan umaleynaa topic adiga uu kugu socdaa saas aa dhiba badan ekntay iyo murankaan tiri badan ee haduu kugu socday my bad kuma aqoon waa iska soo post gareyay lee Meshan saan miyaa shekadeeda dhan dadhadaad kujiraan Ar caawin dag dag ah dadkaan qofkii afgaranayo ha iso garo FYI: This is a PubLic forum and i can respond to whatever topic i aspire.The topic doesnt necessariLy have to target a specific person but if that is the case Next Time Be Sure to put their name in the heading that way i wiLL be aware. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Nac nac aa?Youre one to shouLd Listen to yourseLf taLking aLL absurd-your topic has no sense of direction...try being more specific and detaiLed in the future.And if you dont Like debating next time dont post contraversiaL topics-because youre asking for it.BY The Way any topic that is posted in this forum is open for criticism.Im entitLed to my OPINION whether you approve of it or not.
  22. WeLL where do i begin? Lucky saan wax kuugu shego maba qaano ^LIKEWISE^ In this case Hibo it is Lucid whom among the two of us is the chiLd. Those who know me know that i dont squabbLe unLess it is necessary which it was. It is pretty perceptibLe that you either didnt read or comprehend what i had written in your previous topic thus if you did you wouLdnt have responded with what you did.Im not gonna be repetitive here and repeat the same oLd thing so once more RE-READ what i have written and ask for eLucidation where needed. waxan maqli jiray nin noloshada ragta gel dhalayo ay kutustaa cawa waxanba arkay dadka indho adeg wax kurabaan gabarey bal firinjerka tagoo biyo qaboow iyo kuwo kuluul isku daroo cab markasna isoo jawaab lol ^LIKEWISE^
  23. WeLL where do i begin? Lucky saan wax kuugu shego maba qaano ^LIKEWISE^ In this case Hibo it is Lucid whom among the two of us is the chiLd. Those who know me know that i dont squabbLe unLess it is necessary which it was. It is pretty perceptibLe that you either didnt read or comprehend what i had written in your previous topic thus if you did you wouLdnt have responded with what you did.Im not gonna be repetitive here and repeat the same oLd thing so once more RE-READ what i have written and ask for eLucidation where needed. waxan maqli jiray nin noloshada ragta gel dhalayo ay kutustaa cawa waxanba arkay dadka indho adeg wax kurabaan gabarey bal firinjerka tagoo biyo qaboow iyo kuwo kuluul isku daroo cab markasna isoo jawaab lol ^LIKEWISE^
  24. WeLL where do i begin? Lucky saan wax kuugu shego maba qaano ^LIKEWISE^ In this case Hibo it is Lucid whom among the two of us is the chiLd. Those who know me know that i dont squabbLe unLess it is necessary which it was. It is pretty perceptibLe that you either didnt read or comprehend what i had written in your previous topic thus if you did you wouLdnt have responded with what you did.Im not gonna be repetitive here and repeat the same oLd thing so once more RE-READ what i have written and ask for eLucidation where needed. waxan maqli jiray nin noloshada ragta gel dhalayo ay kutustaa cawa waxanba arkay dadka indho adeg wax kurabaan gabarey bal firinjerka tagoo biyo qaboow iyo kuwo kuluul isku daroo cab markasna isoo jawaab lol ^LIKEWISE^
  25. WeLL where do i begin? Lucky saan wax kuugu shego maba qaano ^LIKEWISE^ In this case Hibo it is Lucid whom among the two of us is the chiLd. Those who know me know that i dont squabbLe unLess it is necessary which it was. It is pretty perceptibLe that you either didnt read or comprehend what i had written in your previous topic thus if you did you wouLdnt have responded with what you did.Im not gonna be repetitive here and repeat the same oLd thing so once more RE-READ what i have written and ask for eLucidation where needed. waxan maqli jiray nin noloshada ragta gel dhalayo ay kutustaa cawa waxanba arkay dadka indho adeg wax kurabaan gabarey bal firinjerka tagoo biyo qaboow iyo kuwo kuluul isku daroo cab markasna isoo jawaab lol ^LIKEWISE^