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You can signup for the petition and enjoy pLus you wiLL aLso receive movies such as: *Muhammad:Legacy of a Prophet *The Jar:Winner of HoLLywood Award *A Visit to a Mosque:Understanding IsLam *ProcLaim the Messag:ChiLdren song on Cd *Bridges Tv PiLot Video:10 minute sampLe show It is caLLed Briges TV:american musLIm LifestyLe teLevision.For more info visit their website at CLick Here
SiLent-Sistah i dont know...better if he keeps his trap shut about
^^^^^Midterms eh?IF onLy Life was stress-free...aaahhh wouLdnt that be nice?
^^^^^ you come with your 'you vioLated my human rights' bLah bLah bLah...ok ok im onLy joking-geez dont have a cow man.Anyways it is said to be on the 26th(not sure)but good Luck to you and them cats/dog eating peopLe.
Interesting but at the same time NOT! The onLy 'Satan' to worry about and diminsh is themseLves. We aLways knew they had a hidden agenda...too bad it was pretty evident to some peopLe(excLuding their a$$ kissers-scumbags). They were/are just cowards who cant stand up and say it...but NO they have to pLay that beating around the BUSH deaL...pathetic i teLL ya.
SaLaaMz, Thnx for posting...that informative topic.
SaLaamZ, Thnx for the articLe.ALhamduLiLah another gLorius year(besides the petty things)passed by.
SaLaaMz, ^^^^^Agreed.WeLL...come on Khayr Let it aLL out.
Lets not be fooLed by everyones answers here today as you wiLL never know unLess you are in that situation.You can say yes today but you may end up saying no tomorrow.
Lefty im just quoting Shaqsii and i figured since he posted it he must have been sure.Like me asking whether they were musLims or not was to cLarify it. i see but thats the way it goes eh?ReaLity sLaps you in the face every now and then.
Waryaa Rudy taLking about other peopLes inboxes being fuLL when yours is the best cLean it out-Like i said in another topic earLier. :mad:
ORIGINALLY POSTED BY X_QUIZIT: So take it how u will.It comes down to power, money, over real justice, or making an example out of a star. Someone mentioned that its hard for starts to resist groupies, that still isnt a good enough reason why he cheated. If she's lying its gonna make it hard for real women who have been raped to come forward since some lie just to get money. Very true.HIm committing aduLtery is immoraL and is inexcusabLe.But eventuaLLy this wiLL be resoLved somehow whether we know the 'reaL' truth or not.
Che she does look like J-HO--oops i mean JELLO.. Lakkad aLways direct arent ya?That was funny though. Miz-Unique i didnt mean to tempt you...i wasnt aware that you were fasting-dang gaL i pity ya. my logic still lies with glitter being the fav movie Interesting.
I guess but is that worth Losing ones seLf-respect?Besides have they no shame?Their dressing is promiscouous!Dont get wrong here im not hating on them-Akhaass!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: By the way are they musLims?Just curious is aLL.
This is interesting and quite disturbing at the same time. :eek: :eek: :eek: One villager who took part in the feast was quoted in contemporary accounts as saying "we ate everything but his boots". Akhaass!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Cap_SouL dont get me wrong i dont hate sambuus but during the month of Ramadan it becomes reaLLy redundant and makes me sick.Its not onLy sambuus that does that its aLL kinds of food if they are repeated for some time over and over again.I Love sambuus and i have missed it but that wiLL be over in a week or two.
^^^^^I doubt they bLeached themseLves-thats just what i think. They sound ok but the way they dress is just :eek: :eek: :eek: .
Miz-Unique(green aLien)no probLem.Isnt a wonder what stress reLievers can do for you? Raxmah thnx for the sure gonna need them.
Yes Juxa she sureLy does...forget arrogance its more Like a right-Like unwritten ruLe<---ok im getting carried away here.Thnx for the correction there.
Buufin and i havent had those in ages.Yes we 'aLL' Love Least i do. Yes Juxa i have tried that...simpLy deLicious.Now im hungry...guess i shouLdnt have started this taLk about food eh?
Ok i dont know whether this has been discussed or not so here goes anyway: What is your favorite food(s)? And since Ramadan is around the corner i guess i wiLL become sick of Sambusa.
SaLaaMz, Interesting topic Juxa. now the irony is? - why do we 'women' want what we can not have? - why do we like those who dont do us justice? - why do we not appreciate those who threat us like princesses? - is being inlove all that counts? - is it enough if he is inlove with u? - can relationship work, based on trust,loyalty, commitment, but without yr heart going boom, boom, boom ? *Thats human nature i guess...we aLways want what we cant have. *I dont know about that one...i guess it depends on the individuaL. *Again i dont depends on the individuaL. *No a reLationship needs more than that to work. *And you dont feeL the same towards him?If so,then no it isnt enough. *Yes...i guess if there is Love.
Im how do you say... :eek: :eek: .Geez,acuudibika!May ALLah heLp this man-spreading deadLy diseases isnt not justified. Of course they Like to be bias...aLways bringing up the ethnicity-'a somaLi so and so did this and that' :rolleyes: :rolleyes: why cant they just stick to the persons name?I mean you dont see them saying 'a white so and so did this and that'! :rolleyes: Anywho...British news/tabLoids are known to take pLeasure in others misery and spreading cLaims.Not that the americans are saints and aLL but british tabLoids are nothing compared to that of the Americans.HeLL they aLL need to be put to rest. But you have to remember peopLe wiLL say anything and everything to disgrace our nation.They are worried about donkeys...have they not seen the other countries whom donkeys,roaches,dogs,bugs and other unthinkabLe animaLs are eaten not to mention babies. :eek: :eek: :eek: At Least we know that their cLaims are not true and have no basis.
Zu it couLd be nobody-anybody-everybody-anyone-noone!But i guess it aLL depends on my mood and who is there.If the audience is Lucky they might get to see some bone crushing going on ya know. Practice?NO more Like perfecting them however we'LL see who chaLLenges me.