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Everything posted by LuCkY
^^^^^You cant possibLy be serious?Uuhh...first things first-DUH!!! Grown foLks as weLL as young foLks make grammaticaL errors every now and then if not often.Why are you assuming to begin with?Who said just because you are a parent you had to be educated...and did it occur to you that maybe engLish isnt or couLdnt be his first Language to begin with it huh? I guess you didnt thoroughLy read and comprehend his post: ORIGINALLY POSTED BY PETE: Hi, we are a fosterfamily to a teenager boy with somalian origin. I wonder how we can help him to understand the family rules we have and show us some respect. Unfortunately he is very selfish and don´t really want or do want to understand that he has to keep a dialouge with us regarding different issues, Now enough with the cynicism-the guy asked for heLp no need to be aLL... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: !!!
^^^^^You cant possibLy be serious?Uuhh...first things first-DUH!!! Grown foLks as weLL as young foLks make grammaticaL errors every now and then if not often.Why are you assuming to begin with?Who said just because you are a parent you had to be educated...and did it occur to you that maybe engLish isnt or couLdnt be his first Language to begin with it huh? I guess you didnt thoroughLy read and comprehend his post: ORIGINALLY POSTED BY PETE: Hi, we are a fosterfamily to a teenager boy with somalian origin. I wonder how we can help him to understand the family rules we have and show us some respect. Unfortunately he is very selfish and don´t really want or do want to understand that he has to keep a dialouge with us regarding different issues, Now enough with the cynicism-the guy asked for heLp no need to be aLL... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: !!!
I found this to be an interesting piece to share with you aLL-check it out! A short cut to better spoken English South Koreans trimming their tongues to improve speech CLick Here for Entire ArticLe
Ok...How is this:I PRAY THEY BURN IN HELL-IN THE HOTTEST PLACE!!!!! :mad: :eek: :mad: :eek: :mad: :eek: :mad: :eek: I just had to vent some of this anger somewhere...this was the perfect pLace.Anyone that does such incriminating/immoraL acts against ALLah's word shouLd pay in here and the hereafter to the highest punishment possibLe.
ORIGINALLY POSTED BY SAMURAI WARRIOR: How many of you are familiar with the concept of Arabs and Mu-Arabs? Ponder over this for a while, and while you are at it, ask yourselves these questions: Are Sudanese, Mauritanians, Egyptians, Moroccans, Arabs? If so, how? Are Shamiyiin (Syria, Lebanon etc) Arabs? If so, how do they differ from the first group? And what is the difference between an Arab of Xijaas and one of Khaliij? And when is one classified as an Arab, or Mu-Arab? Again, why would an Egyptian say he is no Arab, but an Egyptian? Or Sudani or Somali for that matter. Perhaps then you could find the answer to the question that is being sought. Why dont you enLighten us-i wouLd Like to hear what you have to say on this.
DP you got a point there but i have come to reaLize that it aint somaLi women onLy but women in generaL-an interesting concept i teLL ya.
^^^^^Looks LIke you forgot to say cheers eh?
SaLaaMz, Oh Lakkad Lakkad how Lazy you are! Here i wiLL be of some heLp:topic question is how wiLL Ramadan change your daiLy Life habit?
WeLL Darman i for one dont think that you can change a person.You either take them as is or forget about it.But if you do Love this person trueLy i think you can work something out...compromise the situation however, trying to pursue a Life with someone you dont share a common goaL with is very difficuLt and if you ask me a waste of time.The physicaL features can be outLooked,the smoking and qaat chewing NO,coming from a bad famiLy-i dont know it aLL depends on what you are taLking about. Oh and one more thing your heading says:'What wouLd you do if the wrong person gave you the right feeLings?' if you recognize that this person is the wrong one for you,why continue or pursue them?Because the right feeLIngs aLtogther arent enough.
SaLaaMz, No PRob.Did you teLL your parents about the guy that you want?I dont Like the idea of having my parents choose my partner im sure you dont as weLL so teLL them how you feeL.ITs your Life and they are not the ones that are going to be spending their Life with this man they chose for you.GooD LUck.
Give it some time-have patience because if its meant to be it wiLL happen...Good Luck.
SaLaaMz, ^^^^^INdeed.Thnx for sharing.
SaLaaMz, Thnx for the reminder of this crueL and temporary worLd.
SaLaaMz, I wouLd Like to Learn about aLL five but im guessing that wouLd take aLot of time and whatnot so i wouLd say Numero dos y Numero cinco.
SaLaaMz, Ok got that.Shaqsii i didnt think you wouLd have to do research on their identity or anything Like that but since you said it in the post i beLieved it and their Looks and features were convincing not to mention their names.ALthough i must say i have never seen somaLi femaLes that dress Like that or worse but that doesnt mean they dont exist as you guys have said.Its just pLain disgusting-thats just my opinions.And when i asked whether they were musLims or not i was having doubts that they might be somaLis so no its not in my pLace or anyone eLse for that matter to determine whether they are musLims or not Just based on their attire aLone-i was just curious as i have stated.
The parents shouLd take action and sue the damn schooL and its board of education-Let them know that they are not gonna stand and be harassed by stup!d kuffars :rolleyes: who think they know everything-take this damned case to the supreme court.They have every right to exercise their reLigion.Im not surprised to say the Least-they reside in a state where minorities arent very common or big numbers.But someone shouLd put these 'caadaan' arrogant fooLs in their pLace.
Yes in a westerners eyes that makes you gay...aLthough i dont agree with them they have every right to beLieve that hence the increasing numbers of homos in their society.Some even go the extreme as to have the church except their way of Life even though its immoraL---akhaas!!! But it aLL comes down to how you were brought up which either makes seeing the same genders be affectionate towards one another disgusting/gay or to see it as a brotherLy/sisterLy way of Letting one know how you feeL towards them-none of that homo stuff.
Ameenah weLL said-i agree.
ORIGINALLY POSTED BY HOT_CHOCOLATA: PS~ Lucky, damn you got a good quote! GLad you Liked it.
The answer is yes now cut to the chase.
SaLaaMz, WeLL first they have to have something tangibLe that they dont Like about this man-a very very good reason otherwise i suggest you taLk to them about how you feeL.
Dog beats man in breath test British men, women warned after toothpaste maker’s survey LONDON, Oct 16 — More than half of Britons could have breath that smells worse than their pet’s, according to a survey released Thursday. And women are the worst offenders, with three out of five failing a sulfur emissions test, according to research by toothpaste manufacturer Aquafresh. “SOME MOUTHS may be dirtier than cat litter,” dentist Brian Grieveson said in a statement that accompanied the research. “Most people in the UK do not realize that cleaning your tongue is as important as cleaning your teeth,” he added. Scots had the best oral hygiene, with only 10 percent suffering bad breath, compared with 27 percent in London. Throughout the nation, 52 percent were rated at a level that could be worse than that of a pet animal. “We are one of the last countries to understand the need to clean our tongue, with people in America and parts of Europe practicing tongue cleaning routinely,” said Grieveson. Advertisement Secretaries were the freshest profession, achieving 100 percent freshness in the survey of 1,000 people, while retail staff fared worst and received the warning: “You could be losing sales.”