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Everything posted by LuCkY
SaLaaMz, “You all know me,” he said “but what I am going to tell you today is something that you have never expected to hear from me. I am a new prophet,” he said. The people were frozen. The teacher said that he was told by God to reform the Islamic religion and that anyone who believed that Mohammed (PUH) was the last prophet should read the Quran again. “It is here,” he emphasized, raising the Quran book that was in hand, “I am not fabricating a new thing. My name is mentioned here in the Quran and all you have to do is to read it carefully.” After having read the above aLL i can say was: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: ! As for those poLicemen they shouLdnt have done what they was just pLain crueL/inhumane and immoraL---akhaass they shouLd have more compassion towards peopLe not to mention those young girLs.I beLieve that they shouLd have handLed the situation aLot differentLy...they shouLd have deaLt with their 'inappropriate' dress code after the ordeaL was deaLt with but unfortunateLy nothing can be done now as it is too Late for them.
SaLaaMz, WLC BCK Bambina. Yes thats quite true the media Likes to twist and manipuLate the truth but then again ignorant yaahood are behind that[majority]of it anyway and dumb a$$ kissing cadaan just foLLow through with it and beLieve everything they hear.The reason i think that they portray the bLacks the way they do is because they stiLL have hatred towards them that they dont want to admit so instead they do that whoLe beating around the bush deaL.Street crimes arent common to onLy bLacks but aLso the environment/education/LifestyLe of each individuaL pLays a major roLe.However it is true that the majority of the prisoners are mostLy bLacks.I have read somewhere that the average criminaL/robber or whatnot is said to be an average white maLe between earLy 20s and mid 30s<---i cant find the source at the moment but thats something to think about it whiLe youre at it.
SaLaaMz, Zakariye thats the same thing i found: Hadith - Bukhari 4:674, Narrated Humaid bin 'Abdur-Rahman [R], see also Bukhari 4:694, 7:816 That he heard Muawiya bin Abi Sufyan (talking) on the pulpit in the year when he performed the Hajj. He took a tuft of hair that was in the hand of an orderly and said, "O people of Medina! Where are your learned men? I heard the Prophet[PBUH] forbidding such a thing as this (i.e. false hair) and he used to say, 'The Israelis were destroyed when their ladies practiced this habit (of using false hair to lengthen their locks)." Hadith - Bukhari 7:133, Narrated 'Aisha [R], see also Bukhari 7:818 An Ansari woman gave her daughter in marriage and the hair of the latter started falling out. The Ansari women came to the Prophet[PBUH] and mentioned that to him and said, "Her (my daughter's) husband suggested that I should let her wear false hair." The Prophet[PBUH] said, "No, (don't do that) for Allah sends His curses upon such ladies who lengthen their hair artificially." Hadith - Muslim, Narrated Jabir ibn Adullah [R] Allah's Apostle reprimanded that a woman should add anything to her head (in the form of artificial hair).
^^^^^Dont worry they are stiLL in the process of accumuLating more names. Cawo and Ameenah...i guess you gotta take the good of both and put together if it suits ya.Besides they are just is not 100% accurate-in a way its kinda of Like a guess work. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY MSWORD: what I found interesting is the the male analysis of Ifrah is more like me than the female Are you serious?I didnt even know that Ifrah was a maLe name. :eek: :eek: :eek: These peopLe are just pLain weird.
ILLmatic it couLd be but i doubt it but Lets hope for her sake that she is just acting.Yes i totaLLy forgot about that one---that had me cracking up. StPauLchick---care to eLaborate on that a LittLe? Anyone happen to catch them on SNL?
SaLaaMz, I highLy doubt it...i wiLL Leave this to the rest who can answer...i have heard and read somewhere that it is not permissibLe.<---Correct me if im wrong. ONe thing to keep in mind though: 1-What separates musLims from Kaffirs is praying. 2-What separates musLims from Kaffirs is foLLowing through with ALLah's commmandments[this incLudes the Qu'ran,hadiiths,sunnah and etc.]. Some of the CuLumma say that a person that doesnt pray isnt musLim referring to them as kaffiriins.Whereas other CuLummas say otherwise...saying you cant caLL a musLim person kaffir whether they pray or not so Long as they dont renounce ALLah. But i am sure that someone if not more of you have more insight on pLz come out of your sheLLs and shed some LIght on the subject.
AngeLeyes...he at one point said "if i had a gun i wouLd shoot myseLf"---poor guy. Ameenah...i guess a version of the show hasnt reached the Uk. bad...excuse my inaccurate and exaggarrated number there but you see where im going with this as my point isnt about their money and whether they can afford it or not but the fact that she didnt Look at the price tag and Later compLained to her husband.However im not just giving ya my opinion on the gaL and the show. Miz-Unique it couLd be but she wasnt pLaying about the "chickne by the sea" deaL as she caLLs it.
Runaway^ dont Like the anaLysis or what? IT doesnt aLwayz describe everyone accurateLy or at aLL much for research eh?
Wow I totaLLy forgot about this topic...hhhmmm. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY CHE-GUEVARA: Lucky....I guess we should start rehabilitation of somali kids formers muluc killers can mentor them.....I just realised another thing though. Animals attack people. I remember being hit in the rear by Lax, being chased by cow which going after a slice of water melon that i was eating. Any Day now Che Any Day!Mentor them in how to torture them(BuLac...etc.) the best way is what you might have in mind no?Yes Mr.Guevara yes they do.HeHeHe...HaHaHa---im sorry but i couLdnt heLp myseLf there...did you say kicked by Lax and chased by cow?Boy!What did you do to deserve that huh?Do you think maybe its Nabsi---what comes goes around comes around??? :confused: <---im a LittLe confused-my own fauLt so continue you didnt just read this statement-im serious.
Speaking of shows and movies how many of yous have seen the show caLLed "NewLyweds"?Ok...i have seen it severaL times and i dont know why i keep watching it but it has something to do with Jessica's[the wife] stup!d!ty.I am serious you shouLd check it out sometime its quite ridicuLous. Jessica...stup!d things: As Jessica pondered the meal she was enjoying in front of the TV, she asked her husband, “Is this chicken, what I have, or is this fish?” As it turned out, she was confused by the label that read, as she recalled it, “Chicken by the Sea.” HOw about BeLieving that there was an animaL caLLed "platy-ma-pus"<---whatever the heck that means. Or How about purchasing a 75g[inaccurate] bikini she didnt Like afterwards[she didnt bother Looking at the price when she bought---now this is what i caLL beyond stup!d<---if there is such a thing.] And some other things that are just as wicked and asinine. But i reaLLy feeL sorry for her husband as he has to put up with her dim-witted way of thinking...aaahhh poor guy.
SaLaaMz, Thnx.Nur how can we contribute to the thread?Maybe coming up with questions,adding creative storyLines Like you did or did you have something eLse in mind?
SaLaaMz, Thnx for sharing.
SaLaaMz, Nur JazakaALLah Khayr for your informative and very insightfuL contributions-as aLwayz-its appreciated.May ALLah BLess/Reward You for Your Good Deeds.
Ok...Khayr...that is noted now can you cut down the anticipation LeveL here eh?
SaLaaMz, Thnx: Asra for bringing up the question. Nur for answering it.
Modesty thnx for the input-wasnt aware of that.
SaLaaMz, NOted-aLthough i dont use it-unLess i do it subconsciousLY.
ORIGINALLY POSTED BY LIQAYE: I repeat it is their country, i mean islamic commission, supreme court DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT THE GIVE A REMOTE DAMN ABOUT A MUSLIMS WOMANS RIGHT TO WEAR HIJAB. PULEEZE. I beg to differ.Its not for them to give a damn about our women's(musLim)rights because they are entitLed to their rights just Like everyone eLse and yes if they want to harass(dress code) us then they wiLL be deaLt with even if it means taking to the supreme court.And Like Ameenah said this being their country is debateabLe. Besides these gaaLos are sickoz...very irrationaL peopLe.Heres and exampLe:When did what type of undergarment you wear become a schooL poLicy because i remember an incident(articLe) where the schooL principaL was checking the girLs under garments in front of everybody...asking them to Lift their dresses and skirts so that she can view-akhaasss!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: <---this is supposed to be a schooL poLicy...puhLeazzz they are just sick period. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
^^^^^I as weLL wouLd Like to know...yeah Rudy how is your Last post reLevant to the topic at hand eh?EnLigthen me i must have missed the humour in that.
What do you do when your wife is running the country and is in a meeting!
LuCkY replied to Che -Guevara's topic in General
Hes thinking---i wish i was in that pink outfit...if ya catch my drift.OR probabLy...hey at Least my shoes match.OR 'i knew i shouLd have used preparation H.'<---that commericaL just came in...huh. -
Huh...Now i know.Thnx for sharing.
Rudy you are one crazy dude.Thats interesting...aLthough i must say nothing this gaaLos utter seems to surprise me regarding isLam/qu'ran as they dont know sh!t.
Why cant peopLe just stick with the oLd capitaL eh whats with aLL the need for change?I say it shouLd stay as it was:MUQDISHO.
^^^^^You cant possibLy be serious?Uuhh...first things first-DUH!!! Grown foLks as weLL as young foLks make grammaticaL errors every now and then if not often.Why are you assuming to begin with?Who said just because you are a parent you had to be educated...and did it occur to you that maybe engLish isnt or couLdnt be his first Language to begin with it huh? I guess you didnt thoroughLy read and comprehend his post: ORIGINALLY POSTED BY PETE: Hi, we are a fosterfamily to a teenager boy with somalian origin. I wonder how we can help him to understand the family rules we have and show us some respect. Unfortunately he is very selfish and don´t really want or do want to understand that he has to keep a dialouge with us regarding different issues, Now enough with the cynicism-the guy asked for heLp no need to be aLL... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: !!!
^^^^^You cant possibLy be serious?Uuhh...first things first-DUH!!! Grown foLks as weLL as young foLks make grammaticaL errors every now and then if not often.Why are you assuming to begin with?Who said just because you are a parent you had to be educated...and did it occur to you that maybe engLish isnt or couLdnt be his first Language to begin with it huh? I guess you didnt thoroughLy read and comprehend his post: ORIGINALLY POSTED BY PETE: Hi, we are a fosterfamily to a teenager boy with somalian origin. I wonder how we can help him to understand the family rules we have and show us some respect. Unfortunately he is very selfish and don´t really want or do want to understand that he has to keep a dialouge with us regarding different issues, Now enough with the cynicism-the guy asked for heLp no need to be aLL... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: !!!
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