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Here is a site that has more information: Concerning Fasting-The RuLIngs of Ramadan
og_girL perhaps i guess i confused myseLf. zakariye i didnt know whether you wanted us to number off now or bacaduL Ramadan.
SaLaaMz, Shaqsii thats some whacked sh!t you got there.Did you make up this PC?That was amusing...very Long---some of it was hiLarious.
SaLaaMz, 3-RaMadan KarIIm. Zakariye can you cLarify your topic pLz as i didnt understand.
Who has been Lying to ya huh?SLow down there...dont wanna get too big.
FS---i thought you knew...didnt mean to give you or og_girL a heart attack there.Thats what i meant FS they are a day ahead of us.
Mujahid 2:38pm here in CaLi---time zones throughout the US differ though by two/three hours depending on what region. We do reLy on them however which ever musLim nation sees it first is who we go toLd the moon can be seen throughout parts of the US.
RaMadan KarIIm to you as weLL og_girL.I guess its the different time zones.
Mujahid from what i hear the moon is to be seen tonite---thats what i was toLd aLthough i cant be 100% accurate.But we do differ-region wise.
SaLaaMz, Zakaria did them justice-it was good articLe. 'Head of inteLLigence' that just goes to show you what a bunch of scumbags they reaLLy are---reaLLy stup!d peopLe.Im not surprised though...i mean what do they reaLLy know about IsLam-NADA!!!
FLying-StiLL chocoLate aa?You know exactLy where that is headed to.
Yeah FLying-StiLL i was just ToLd its definiteLy Monday.
SaLaaMz, RaMadan KarIIm to aLL.ALhamduLiLah for another bLessed RaMadan-InshaALLah. Mujahid...noticed. Yes LEts do pray for aLL the musLimiins aLL over and across the gLobe and dont forget your nomad famiLy in soL as weLL.
SaLaaMz, May ALLah BLess their souLs-Rest in peace.Samir iyo Iimaan to their famiLies and friends. RaMadan KarIIm yaLL.
SaLaaMz, WeLcome Back Sheyhem. Ramadan Kariim to aLL.
SaLaaMz, JazakaALLah Khayr Nur for enLightening us.May ALLah bLess you for your good deeds.May ALLah shieLd us from the heLLfire and guide to paradise...AmIIn. Ramadan Kariim to aLL.
SaLaaMz, Thnx Intuition...that was a beautifuL piece.I thought i wouLd share this piece with you: Paid in Full -Unknown A little boy came up to his mother in the kitchen one evening while she was fixing supper, and he handed her a piece of paper that he had been writing on. After his mom dried her hands on an apron, she read it, and this is what it said: For cutting the grass: $5.00 For cleaning up my room this week: $1.00 For going to the store for you: $.50 Babysitting my kid brother while you went shopping: $.25 Taking out the garbage: $1.00 For getting a good report card: $5.00 For cleaning up and raking the yard: $2.00 Total Owed: $14.75 Well, his mother looked at him standing there, and the boy could see the memories flashing through her mind. She picked up the pen, turned over the paper he'd written on, and this is what she wrote: For the nine months I carried you while you were growing inside me: No Charge For all the nights that I've sat up with you, doctored and prayed for you: No Charge For all the trying time and all the tears that you’ve caused through the years: No Charge For all the nights that were filled with dread and for the worries I knew were ahead: No Charge For the toys, food, clothes and even wiping your nose: No Charge, son. When you add it up, the cost of my love is: No Charge When the boy finished reading what his mother had written, there were big tears in his eyes, and he looked straight up at his mother and said, "Mom, I sure do love you." And then he took the pen and in great big letters wrote, "PAID IN FULL."
SaLaaMz, Count me in as weLL.
StPauLchick...i see where you are coming from but after a whiLe imagine how much more of that can you possibLy put up with?Besides the Chicken by the Sea thing shouLd not have been very hard hence tuna gives you a smeLLy tuna-ity breath whiLst chicken go figure eh!
SaLaaMz, FLying-StiLL you got crazy cravings Like my sister. Legend trying to imagine how big that may be...did you say rare! :eek:
SaLaaMz, Thnx to aLL who contributed.Interesting responses you aLL had. Khayr thats true i have seen that but LuckiLy i Lose its aLL good. Northerner---tsk!tsk!tsk!What, how can that be?Next time i wiLL just have to gLimpse at what you write and not give too much attention to its context.SeriousLy though when read your first post i was Like is he on the same page or what.
SaLaaMz, So to speak most of you have expressed what i had in mind so no need to be repetitive on my part.A LittLe something to keep in mind though:LET PEOPLE BE THEMSELVES!!! Lakkad that was weLL said a bit bLunt but weLL said...actuaLLy it was quite amusing.
This is directed at the sisters but guys i guess it does appLy to you as weLL aLthough it may not be apparent and you may not have any evidence to prove this anywhoo Let me get to the point. I aLways hear girLs you had better be extra carefuL about what you eat and your weight during Ramadan because thats when you gain the most weight out of the whoLe year.Is this the case with you aLL or is it vice versa?Do you do any speciaL routine or diet to maintain your weight?And i aLmost forgot there are some of yous out there that are trying to gain do you just get your grab on and eat everything possibLe during this month in hopes of gaining some weight?
SaLaaMz, Thats an interesting concept.So the Remedy for the common coLd is to fight with coLd Like you said eh?
SaLaaMz, SaLafi sis i understood your question its just that i dont have a Legitimate answer and a verse from the Qu'ran or a sahiih hadiith to back it up as to the Length/period of time their prayers wiLL not be accepted.I guess i wiLL have to seek the cuLumma's answers regarding this matter and get back to ya on that...untiL then im sure someone might answer your question before i.And im sorry if i wasnt very heLpfuL but i just dont want to say something that i wiLL regret Later---something that is inaccurate. Oh and where you were saying 40 days...i have heard that 40 prayers wouLd not be accepted not 40 days but i guess it couLd be vice-versa.And i dont have anything that can back that up other than a word of mouth.