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Everything posted by LuCkY

  1. LuCkY

    Oxymorons list

    SaLaaMz, *Government Organization *Alone Together *Personal Computer *Silent Scream *Living Dead *Taped Live *Tight Slacks *Peace Force *Head Butt *Working Vacation *Tax Return *Dodge Ram *Work Party *Healthy Tan *Microsoft Works
  2. SaLaaMz, HAZELNUT TREE (Extraordinary) charming, undemanding, very understanding, knows how to make an impression, active fighter for social cause, popular, moody, and capricious lover, honest, and tolerant partner, precise sense of judgment. This is somewhat true!
  3. SaLaaMz, Deep stuff...good work! RaMadan KarIIm.
  4. SaLaaMz, Thats was niceLy composed.Thnx for sharing. RaMadan KarIIm.
  5. SaLaaMz, Zakariye that may not be the case afteraLL.I just found out earLier today that one of the fires was started by accident---by a Lost hunter attracting searchers...i heard he may be charged.And other one is beLieved to be arson---aLL is under investigation. RaMadan KarIIm.
  6. SaLaaMz, ORIGINALLY POSTED BY NUR: And this readiness thing sisters use to filter hopefuls is not fair, I think, whenever a qualified hopeful proposes, a sister should consider, then make a decision. WeLL i guess you got to it before i did.But Let me ask you this,is it fair to the guy if the gaL is not ready for marriage?I aLways hear marry as soon as you can.How can one do that if they are not ready for marriage Life and aLL the Responsibilities that comes aLong with it?I mean marriage is not easy especiaLLy now a days with the divorce rates skyrocketing. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY FLYING-STILL: But then again are you willing to put effort and time into changing do you know if someone is ready to get rid of their bad habits? Thats a reaLLy good question.See thats the probLem you DONT KNOW whether someone is ready to get rid of their baggage(bad habits)im not so sure if one is wiLLing to do that.I mean you know that saying:OLd habits Die Hard-thats quite true.I beLieve it aLL comes down to the individuaL in the end. RaMadan KarIIm.
  7. Thats reaLLy sad but as Long as they are not hurt ALhamduLiLah. I wiLL try to remember that.
  8. LuCkY


    SaLaaMz, Zakariye thnx for the site-information.
  9. SaLaaMz, Zakariye im not sure...who knows it couLd have something to do with that.But I thought it wouLd affect Sac.ya know instead of SD<---which has suffered the most of aLL.
  10. Thnx yaLL for your sentiments.AmIIn.AmIIn.AmIIn. If you dont hear from me that means my pLace has been evacuated and i wont be abLe to get back to keep you updated inshaALLah that wont be the case. ILhaaM i wiLL try to keep ya up to post. Zakariye thnx but no thnx---im not interested in mn anytime soon...hopefuLLy i wont have to abandon caLi. Here is a Link for those of you that havent heard anything about the fires: CaLIfornia WiLdfires I can see the bLaze if i step outside my house---on the mountains---Ya ALLah, thats some scary sh!t!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
  11. SaLaaMz, I wouLd just Like to say dear nomads of this soL famiLy to pray for your (us in caLi)brothers and sisters during this ordeaL<---fires are abLazing in this great state specificaLLy us in the San Diego county.The fires are reaLLy cLose to home and they are out of controL---many homes have been Lost and many are our being evacuated. RaMadan KarIIm.
  12. SaLaaMz, KFC<---i was LIke what?Whats This TaLk of KFC and chiLdren.Thats a nice suggestion there. Ka Farxi CaLoosha isnt that something...quite amusing. Grazie!
  13. LuCkY


    SaLaaMz, Thats an interesting question FLying-StiLL i wouLd aLso LIke to know the answer to that.Thnx for raising the question.
  14. SaLaaMz, WeLL i wouLd Like to thank aLL the LittLe peopLe for...NO seriousLy though:I wouLd To Thank ALLah for every wonderfuL day no matter how dreaded it may be that passes by.I wouLd Like to thank my famiLy and friends. And a speciaL thankz to my best friends-thanks for putting up with my compLaints and for giving me a shouLder to cry on.Thnx a miLLion. RaMadan KarIIm.
  15. Mag-girL WeLL this is a first for ME to be on Your Ignore List!!!Now what is that about girL-how was i suppose to repLy to ya huh?
  16. SaLaaMz, SaLafi i asked one shiekh and he toLd me that as Long as the person(Fake hair)removes the hair and then cLeanses ones seLf then one shouLd go ahead and proceed with prayers as usuaL for ALLah is the onLY one that can accept it or deny it.He aLso said that when a drunk person comes to(sober again)then it is obLigatory for he/she to pray as soon as he/she is of sound mind-meaning no waiting period such as the 40 days you said.He toLd me that we are not abLe to confirm whether or not ones prayers(drunk/fake hair)wiLL be accepted but that doesnt mean one shouLd stop praying. This may be confusing but i can onLy say that different peopLe have different views on certain issues but teLL ya friend to pray/fast and get rid of the weave because these deeds are mandatory-no excuses. If i may have said something wrong or inaccurate pLz excuse me and correct me. I apoLogize in advance for any confusion<---im a bit :confused: as weLL. RaMadan KarIIm.
  17. DiLigence>>>S.P.L.E.N.D.I.D.!!!
  18. SaLaaMz, This is what happens when peopLe have too much TIME on their hands and they dont have a good use for it!Can You Say HATERS!!!---some peopLe need to take a chiLL piLL. RaMadan KarIIm.
  19. Bee Looks LIke youre in addict Just Like my sis here.TeLL ya what either cut the cabLe/digitaL/sateLite or whatever eLse you use and get rid of the remote.Or take the whoLe set and put it away to a PLace that you cant see it or reach for it. ALhamduLiLah im not a tv addict but we'LL pray for yaLL out there.
  20. Northerner oh so thats what you were referring to my bad.I thought you meant 'we' need to stop gossiping.I didnt know you were connecting it with Ramadan<---reducing the gossip that is.My bad i just didnt see what you were taLking about at first is aLL.
  21. LuCkY

    Ramadan Kariim

    That wouLd be the first day FS-inshaALLah.
  22. LuCkY

    Look Beside You

    Rudy what the heLL are you smoking huh? FS---i know huh?I guess thats Life for you eh?
  23. LuCkY

    Ramadan Kariim

    So Mujahid and Muraad you two are fasting two different days even though you both Live in London? :confused: Zakariye i dont know im onLy going with the what the rest of the peopLe are saying-we fast on monday which wiLL be our first day of RamadaN i dont know why you(mN)are different. PLz pray for us(in CaLi)as these bLazing wiLd fires are coming cLoser to home.May ALLah shieLd us from these fires...AmIIn.
  24. LuCkY


    SaLaaMz, Thnx Nur for bringing this topic back once again.I pLan to read read read the Qu'ran InshaALLah i wiLL reach my desired goaL. RaMadan KariiM.
  25. LOOK BESIDE YOU Today if you discover that the future isn't clear, If your smiles turn to frowns and your laughter into tears, Take a look beside you, I am always there. Rest your head on my shoulder and tell me all your cares. When you tire from the race and it seems you can't go on, Just take a look beside you, I'll carry your baton. While you dodge the bombs and bullets on life's bumpy battlefield, Slip your hands in mine, I'm beside you as your shield. Though struggles get you down and no sympathy is shown, Take a look beside you and see you're not alone. I'll always hold you up, in the darkness I'm your light. Friendship means forever, even in the blackest night. As you grow in beauty, with grandkids at your feet, Quietly they'll sit there and wait for you to speak. Anticipation builds, your words ring loud and true, "Love your wives and husbands and Love will see you through." While years slip by unnoticed, so often as they do, Rest secure in me and always look beside you.