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Everything posted by LuCkY
Yes rudy thats what they are saying but hey at Least you get to chiLL-take a few days off work. Yes Zakariye ALhamduLiLaah im-aLong with the rest of the famiLy are doing ok but you can never be too safe especiaLLy with these outrageous-outta controL fires.
No i couLdnt and i dont wanna think too much into it.So maybe a hint wouLd heLp? My Last one isnt very hard...just take a Look at the 'Letters'<---key word here-very cLoseLy.
SaLaaMz, ORIGINALLY POSTED BY SALAFI: lucky thanks much walaalo jazaka allah, i ran into a sheikh yesterday and he said the same, um and my friend does not drink nor uses weave it was just something that came up in our conversation and it turned to an argument. u were not confusing at all thanks again lucky Oh my bad i took it to mean that you were taLking about your friend but nevertheLess youre weLcome.
SaLaaMz, Nefertiti weLcome back.Adiga whats with the cheesy a$$ music...ee naga dhaaf dee! I did weLL...both maLe and femaLe. Do you think like a Man or a Woman? Do people often tell you you're in touch with your "masculine" or "feminine" sides? Are you sick of being confused? Then take this fantastic test to find out: what sex is your brain! Now you have just confused me. :confused:
Ok here are some more: Del pelo al codo y del codo al pelo, del codo al pelo y del pelo al codo. Pablito piso el piso, pisando el piso Pablito piso cuando Pablito piso el piso, piezas de piso piso Pablito. 2 Y's U R. 2 Y's U B. I C U R. 2 Y's 4 me! Shimbir suul guduud, habartey suul guduud.
Theyre both right khayr. A woman has 7 children, half of them are boys. How can this be possible? Theyre aLL boys! What in the morning has four legs, Has two legs in the afternoon, And then has three legs by nightfall? Human! Who makes it, has no use for it Who buys it, has no use for it Who uses it, can neither see it or feel it A casket! If a man were born in Somalia, raised in Kenya, came to America, and died in Minneapolis, What is he? A dead man! Ok here is another one: This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it? It looks so plain you would think nothing was wrong with it! In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual though. Study it, and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out! Try to do so without any coaching!
SaLaaMz, Oh...those are just beautifuL cats.Thnx yaLL for sharing.
SaLaaMz, I guess i reaLLy needed that, it was pretty funny. Fires aint Looking too good but the smoke and aLL is starting to cLear up in our area.
Asraa and BaLLerz whatever happened to the 'k' in my name?Thank you though.But it wouLdnt be the same-Leaving my 'hometown' that is,yes i see that you are generous-thnx for the offer but hopefuLLy that wont be necessary. Northerner and Shaqsii thnx. AmIIn to aLL.
SaLaaMz, Magnoona-girL do you wanna know what happened to the pm you sent me huh?WeLL i tried to send a repLy back to you but you put me on your IGNORE LIST.Thats what happened,now can you expLain that?
^^^^^Did this ruin your hopes in gaining weight this ramadan?Moderate-you dont necessariLy have to stop eating sambuus and bur aLtogether.
SaLaaMz, Here is two more-enjoy!!! El vino vino, pero el vino no vino vino. El vino vino vinagre. Poquito a poquito Paquito empaca poquitas copitas en pocos paquetes.
SaLaaMz, Congrats girL too bad youre aLL the way out in Mn otherwise i wouLd come and see ya pLay nevertheLess good Luck on your next game.
SaLaaMz, WeLL everybody is different in various aspects-be it the Life they choose to LEad,the cLothes they wear,the peopLe they associate themseLves with and the way they choose to foLLow the reLIgion. I cant speak for them or why they do pray and foLLow the reLigion 'accorddingLy' during RaMadan onLy.Some of them do this because its part of their cuLture for exampLe the Masariins(Egyptians).They dress however they want throughout the whoLe year and start to cover themseLves up during RaMadan.I dont mean to generaLize but i chose them as an exampLe because i personaLLy know some of these peopLe. Some girLs i know choose to wear pants and not wear hijaab but do so during the month of RaMadan.When i asked them why here is the answer i got:i know what i am doing is not right but i choose to LIve this way.I wiLL eventuaLLy wear the isLamic dress when i am oLder and get married.I know i dont know what the future hoLds for me but this is just how i am.I know who i am and ALLah knows who i am-and thats aLL that matters to me.Note:This girL^^^^^does pray but chooses not to wear the isLamic dress. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY KOONFUR: So, the question is: What kind of religion do these people have and where in Quran or Hadith do they find something that says,"worship God only in Ramadan"? That is a compLex question to answer but nevertheLess it is between them and ALLah as HE is the ONLY one who knows what they truLy beLieve. Many peopLe choose to assimiLate isLam in to their Lives how they see fit-this is wrong;taking whats appeaLing to you from the diin and appLying it to your LIfe whiLe extracting the rest-its a big NO NO.I mean im not perfect either so i shouLd just stop here-judging and aLL thats totaLLy between them and ALLah.We can onLy hope and pray that they see the right path before its too Late. May ALLah Lead us ALL to the right path-shieLding us from the heLLfires of the hereafter.AmIIn. RaMadan KarIIm.
SaLaaMz, Here is a LittLe something to get your tongue twisted.Youre more than weLcome to add on to the topic be it in somaLi, engLish,itaLian and whatever eLse Language you may have in mind. Mar iswad, mar iwad! Mar iswad, mar iwad! Mar iswad, mar iwad! Denise sees the fleece, Denise sees the fleas. At least Denise could sneeze and feed and freeze the fleas.
ILhaaM not quite but youre aLmost there. As for #2 dont think too much into it-key word here is 'everything'. What happen to #3-did you give up on that one?
SaLaaMz, ORIGINALLY POSTED BY RAULA: To others..I will resume to my other duties..and this site will no longer be on my to do list..(I dont mean to insult others or the admins..I really get along with many of you guyz and have appreciated the love that I have received for much of my time in this site..however, there are some people that run their mouths..and I have been raised not to accept them..I hope this wont create some confusion....peace unto you and Ramadan Kareem... Sis i wouLd just LIke to say dont Let ignorant peopLe get to you who Lack respect for themseLves otherwise insuLting others wouLd not be on their List. Some peopLe just dont know what respect is thus resorting to demeaning others.Dont Let them get to you because unfortunateLy you wiLL encounter many if not worse peopLe in Life.YOu just have to find a way to deaL with them-the best way to go wouLd be ignoring them thus saving you time and energy not to mention danbi.By Leaving you are Letting them win(whatever that means)!-you are Letting them get the best of you-they shoULdnt. RaMadan KarIIm.
SaLaaMz, Thnx for sharing sis...indeed very touching.
SaLaaMz, YaLL are a weird bunch! At one time its an art,a dance and a meaL and so on!Dang how many definitions does the word 'Shukaansii' have huh? And one more thing since this is a maqayad whatever happened to the menu eh?
SaLaaMz, YaLL are a weird bunch! At one time its an art,a dance and a meaL and so on!Dang how many definitions does the word 'Shukansii' have huh?
SaLaaMz, ILhaam thnx for sharing this heLpfuL info-Long but very heLpfuL. RaMadan KarIIm.
SaLaaMz, BacheLor i might take you up on that if its necessary aLthough i pray not.Thnx bro. Nafisa and Nova_03 thnx sisters.Yes it is scary not knowing where or how far it wiLL go before they are put out.It has aLready caused so much damage-finaciaLLy,emotionaLLy-psychoLogicaLLy and heaLth wise.I pray that it ends soon with no more sufferring. I appreciate it!
The answer to #2 is BraziLians! How many letters are in the alphabet? A man walks up to you and says - "everything I say to you is a lie." Is he telling you the truth or is he lying? What state is surrounded by the most water?
SaLaaMz, Heres more oxymorons for your appetite: *arrogant humility *Artificial Grass *artificial intelligence *assistant supervisor *astronomically small *athletic scholarship *acute apathy *acute dullness *Affirmative action *accurate stereotype *Act Naturally *advanced beginner *advanced BASIC *Almost pregnant *arms limitation *brief survey *brief speech *Benign Tumor *bigger half *Calculated Error *calculated risk *canned fresh *Caring Republic *Clinton principles *cheap gas *cheerful pessimist *cheerful undertaker *cheerfully cynical *cheerfully mournful *childproof *Chocolate 'Nilla Waffers *Christian evolutionist *Cherokee Pioneer *CIA cooperation *civil disobedience *civil engineer *CIVIL LITIGATION