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Everything posted by LuCkY

  1. The Islamic ruling on celebrating Al-Mawlid The celebration of Al-Mawlid is a reprehensible Bid’ah and its celebrators have strayed away from the truth, because the religion of Allah is complete and perfect. Allah says that which translates as: "This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed my favour upon you and have approved for you Islam as a religion." (Al-Maa’idah: 3). Imaam Maalik, may Allah have mercy upon him, said: "What was considered at that time (i.e. the time of the Prophet sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam and his companions) as a part of the religion is the religion, otherwise it is not a part of the religion." It is a historical fact that the Bid’ah of Al-Mawlid was initiated by Al-‘Ubaydiyyoon, who were the atheists that ruled the Faatimi state. This Bid’ah was definitely and undoubtedly not practiced by the distinguished first three generations of the Muslim nation, it is a new innovation and it is misguidance. The Prophet sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: "Every Bid'ah (innovation) is misguidance" (Ahmad, Tirmidhi and others). All new innovation are rejected by Allah because the Prophet sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “He who does something which is not according to what we (i.e., the Prophet sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam and his companions) are upon then it is rejected†(Muslim). Imaam An-Nawawi, may Allah have mercy upon him, said: "‘Rejected' meaning false and not considered by Allah at all." He also said: "This Hadeeth lays down one of the great fundamentals of Islam, which rejects and refutes any new innovation in Islam." He further said: "This Hadeeth must be spread and used as a means to negate all new evils." Therefore, the Bid’ah of Al-Mawlid is misguidance which is rejected and has no significance to the religion of Islam. source: Send this Page
  2. As-salaamu Alaikum, Can we Celebrate the Birthday of Prophet Muhammad(SAW)? There is nothing in the Qur’aan to say that we should celebrate the Mawlid or birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). The Prophet himself (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not do this or command anyone to do it, either during his lifetime or after his death. Indeed, he told them not to exaggerate about him as the Christians had exaggerated about Jesus (upon whom be peace). He said: “Do not exaggerate about me as the Christians exaggerated about the son of Maryam. I am only a slave, so say, ‘The slave of Allaah and His Messenger.’†(Reported by al-Bukhaari). What has been reported is that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) made the day of his birth a day of worship, which is different to celebration. He was asked about fasting on Mondays, and he said: “That is the day on which I was born and the day on which I was entrusted with the Mission or when I was first given Revelation.†(Reported by Muslim, al-Nisaa’i and Abu Dawood). Moreover, we know that the Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them) were the people who loved the Prophet most. Was it reported that Abu Bakr, who was the closest of people to him and the one who loved him the most, celebrated the birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)? Was it reported that ‘Umar, who ruled for twelve years, or ‘Uthmaan, did this? Was it reported that ‘Ali, his relative and foster son, did this? Was it reported that any of the Sahaabah did this? No, by Allaah! Is it because they were not aware of its importance, or did they not truly love the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)? No one would say such a thing except one who has gone astray and is leading others astray. Did any of the imaams – Abu Haneefah, Maalik, al-Shaafi’i, Ahmad, al-Hasan al-Basri, Ibn Seereen – do this or command others to do it or say that it was good? By Allaah, no! It was not even mentioned during the first and best three centuries. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said in a saheeh hadeeth: “The best of mankind are my generation (or my century), then those who come after them, then those who come after them. Then there will come a people who will not care if their testimony comes before their oath or vice versa (i.e., they will not take such matter seriously).†(Reported by al-Bukhaari, Muslim and al-Tirmidhi). The celebration of the Prophet’s birthday appeared many centuries later, when many of the features of true religion had vanished and bid’ah had become widespread. Thus this celebration became a sign of one’s love for the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)? But can it be possible that the Sahaabah, the imaams and the people of the best three centuries were unaware of it, and it was only those who came later who were aware of its importance?! What the Qur’aan tells us is that love of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is demonstrated by following the guidance he brought. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Say (O Muhammad): ‘If you (really) love Allaah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Say: ‘Obey Allaah and the Messenger.’ But if they turn away, then Allaah does not like the disbelievers.†[Aal ‘Imraan 3:31-32] The first aayah explains that love is just a claim, but the proof of sincerity is following what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) brought. The second aayah reaffirms the importance and necessity of obeying Allaah and His Messenger. Hence Allaah ended the aayah with a very stern warning in which those who refuse to obey are described as kaafirs, and Allah does not love the disbelievers. We ask Allaah to keep us safe from that. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us of the danger of not obeying him, and the danger of adding to what he brought. The celebration of Mawlid or his birthday is indeed an addition to what he brought – as all the scholars agree. He said: “The best of speech is the Book of Allaah, and the best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad. The most evil of things are those which are newly-invented (in religion), and every innovation is a going astray.†(Reported by Muslim and al-Nisaa’i). We ask Allaah to protect us from bid’ah and to bless us by helping us to follow. Allaah knows best. May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad. Answered by:Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid source:
  3. As-salaamu Alaikum, The Birth of the Prophet Muhammed SEERAH OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMED (peace be upon him) Summarized Translation of Tarek Swaydans’ series by Mona Soueid Part 6 - The Birth of the Prophet Muhammed When Abdullah, the father of the Prophet (peace be upon him) grew up Abdul-Muttalib decided that he should get married. So he then got married to Amina Bint Wahb. She is also from Bani Abdi Manaf and hence from the Quraysh who are from the decendants of Ismaeel. So the Prophet (peace be upon him) is from the most respected and honourable lineage. Aminas’ mother was from Yathrib and Amina lived in Yathrib. Abdul-Mutallib hence took his son and got him married to Amina in Yathrib. They returned thereafter to Makkah. Amina got pregnant and after a few months into her pregnancy Abdullah passed away, the father of the Prophet(peace be upon him). He became an orphan before he was even born. When the time came close to the birth of the Prophet (peace be upon him), his mother saw a dream that she gave birth to a boy and with this boy a magnificient emergence of light spread out and enveloped the earth until it reached Busra in al-Sham. She also saw herself in the dream saying ‘u’iithuhu bilahil-wahid min shari kuli hasid’ which means ‘I seek for him, refuge in Allah the One from the evil of every envier’. On a Monday, the 12th of Rabee’ al-Awwal (based on the strongest opinion) during the year that became known as the ‘Year of the Elephant’, 50 days after the incident of the Elephant, the Prophet (peace be upon him) was born. And with his birth, a number of interesting and extraordinary incidents occurred. We recall them, keeping in mind that the greatness of the Prophet (peace be upon him) is not in these incidents, but simply that it is from the signs and glad tidings of his arrival. His greatness is not in his birth, but rather it is within the message and teachings that he brought to mankind. Hassan Ibn Thabit, (the poet of the Prophet peace be upon him) who was in Madina when he was seven years old, says about the birth of the Prophet (peace be upon him) that, ‘One day when I was seven years old, I was with or at the place of the Jews in their suburb, and there was a rabbi from the Jews who was sitting high on top of a house and was calling out ‘O Jewish people, today the star of Ahmad has emerged or appeared, and it does not appear except with his arrival’. From amongst the signs also was that his mother while she carried him during her pregnancy, it was a pregnancy with no hardships or discomfort. Even though the norm is that pregnancy brings with it hardship. Allah says about the pregnant woman, ‘She carried him with hardship and she bore him (gave birth to him) with hardship’. Furthermore, from the extraordinary incidents reported, was that when he was born, he came out supporting himself with his hands, and he raised his head to the sky. He was born Makhtun (circumcised) and Masrur (his umbilical cord was cut off). His birth was made easy. When his mother gave birth to him, the good news reached Abdul-Mutallib, who was overjoyed by the news. And when he heard about the way he was born, circumcised, umbilical cord cut off, and supporting his body with his hands, his joy and happiness increased, and he said, ‘By Allah, verily for this son of mine there is an important matter’. He took Muhammed (peace be upon him) before he was even named, into the Ka’bah and raised him and thanked Allah for his birth. As for naming him Muhammed, there is a story behind it. Abdul-Mutallib was on a journey in al-Sham with three of his companions. Along the way they met with a group of rabbi Jews. The Jews asked, ‘From where did you come?’ They replied ‘We are from Makkah'. So one of the rabbis said to them 'That from your country a Prophet will emerge'. They asked, ‘What is the name of this Prophet?’ He replied ‘His name will be Muhammed’. Until then, the name Muhammed was not used by the Arabs. These four companions, when they returned, each one of them decided to name any of their new offspring Muhammed. Abdul-Mutallib could not have anymore children, so he wanted to name the first child that would be born to any of his children Muhammed. And so it happened to be the Prophet (peace be upon him) and so he named him Muhammed. Another sign that happened when the Prophet (peace be upon him) was born, was that Qisras’ palace shook and fourteen of its shurta (pillars) collapsed. Also, the fire of the Majoos (which they worship) got extinguished. Furthermore, with the earthquake that hit the palace of Qisra, they had a boat which was holy to them called ‘buhayrat sa’waa’, the earth opened up under the boat and enveloped it, so the boat of sa’waa disappeared. This caused great fear to overcome Qisra, so he gathered the kuhan (sorcerers) and munajimeen (astrologists) and some of them had contact with the jinn. Allah informs us that the jinn used to eavesdrop on the talk in the heavens, "And verily we used to sit there in stations, to (steal) a hearing, but any who listens now will find a flaming fire watching him in ambush" (S 72: V 9). The Jinn would then report what they heard to the Kuhan. Qisra questioned the kuhan, some of them replied that these incidents are due to the birth of a Prophet. Furthermore, they were asked about the fourteen pillars that had collapsed. They said, 'There remains from the rulers of Faris fourteen kings then the reign of Faris will come to an end.' Qisra said, ‘Fourteen kings, that is still along time away’. After his death, the leaders of Faris fought each other for his rule, so in four years ten people ruled over Faris. These were all indications to the disintegration of Faris. These were all signs bearing glad tidings for the arrival of the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him). It was from the customs of Quraysh, that if an infant was born they would not raise him up in Makkah for a number of reasons. One of those reasons is that Makkah has a high influx of people coming for Hajj, and some of them would stay in Makkah for a long time thereafter, so they mix with the people. And the children that would be raised up in Makkah, there Arabic Fus’ha (classical Arabic) would not be 100% (as eloquent) because they would get influenced by these people remaining after hajj. So the people of Quraysh used to prefer that there kids were raised outside of Quraysh, until they get used to the Arabic fus’ha, then they would return with a solid foundation in their language. A further reason, is that they wanted their kids to be raised in the desert so that they get used to living a rough life. Kids raised in the city become lenient, and soft. The third reason was because it is a city and there is a continual influx of people, diseases would be brought in, compared to the desert which is clean and free of diseases. It is rare to hear of diseased Arabs living in the desert. So for these reasons they would prefer that there kids were raised outside of Makkah. It was from the customs of the Quraysh, that the Arab would take them and live with them outside of Makkah until they grow up. The Arab would do this as a form of Rizq - provision to earn a wage, however they would not accept payment for breastfeeding, they considered this rude. So they would take the children without agreeing on or determining a wage, but it was customary for them to be paid later as a form of gratitude and honour. The breastfeeding women of Bani Sa’ad arrived. Among them was Halima Asa’diya and her husband Al-Harith. They were also looking for an infant to take. They were in a very poor state, and Halima had an infant boy whom she was breastfeeding already. She says that ‘Due to our state of poverty I didn’t even have enough milk for my child’ but she was in search of a child out of anticipation for the wage to be paid later on. She came to Makkah riding on a very weak female donkey, which as a result of its weakness it would delay the group of riders. The women would say to her, ‘O Halima, hurry it up, you have delayed us’ and she would try to hurry up the donkey but it would be unable to walk any faster. They finally got to Makkah, and started searching for the infants. Amina would offer them her child (peace be upon him), but once they would realize that he is an orphan they would refuse him. All of the breastfeeding woman refused him. Halima searched and searched for an infant but did not find one, so she left. While her and her husband were sitting outside Makkah, her husband Al-Harith said, ‘We are going back without an infant whereas all your friends are returning with an infant, how about we return and take the orphan child lest that we take from his blessings.’ So they agreed. Halima went and took Muhammed(peace be upon him) and the blessing began. The first blessing was that the state of the donkey changed. On the way back this donkey was now ahead of the rest and Halima was trying to hold it back. The other women asked her, ‘O Halima, is this the same donkey that you came on?’ She replied 'Yes' and they were bewildered. Also, her breastmilk became ample, wherein she would feed her infant and then feed Muhammed (peace be upon him) until they were both full. They returned to their home in Banu Sa’ad. They had a widowed camel which they had lost all hope in, but subhan'Allah the camel began to increase in weight, and her mammary glands began to get full with milk. They were astonished, how? Also the sheep that they owned began increasing in weight and number very quickly, whereas everyone else’s sheep where not putting on weight. So the people would say to the shepards, ‘Take the sheep to graze where Halima’s sheep graze’. They would reply, ‘By Allah our sheep graze with them, but without the same benefit’. This is from the blessing of the Prophet(peace be upon him). Life went on normally, and the Prophet was now two years old. Halima says about him, that he grew quickly in a way that most kids don’t grow. She says when he was a child of two years, he looked as if he was a child of six years old. Furthermore, he would speak fus’ha Arabic when he was only two years old. This is from the honor of Allah to the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him). After two years, the custom is that the kids are returned to Makkah and there parents decide to either keep their children or to return them to the desert environment for a little while longer. Halima kept persisting on returning Muhammed (peace be upon him) with her, until she finally convinced his mother Amina. So the Prophet returned with Halima. Halima says that after a few months an incident took place. The Prophet peace be upon him had brothers and sisters from Halima. One day his brother (who used to breastfeed with him) ran to his parents Halima and Al-Harith frightened. He said ‘My Qurayshi brother is unconcious’, They said, ‘what is wrong with him?’ He replied, ‘Two men came to him wearing white clothes and hit him’. So Halima and Al-Harith became really concerned and they ran to the Prophet (peace be upon him). They found him, his face having changed and in a state of great fear. They said, ‘What happened to you?’ He said, ‘Two men came to me wearing white clothes. They then hit me causing me to fall to the ground, they then opened up my chest and removed my heart, and washed it in a vessel of gold with the water of zamzam, and they removed from it a black clot and threw it away. They then said, this is the chance of shaytan with you, and they filled my heart with wisdom’. They then returned his heart to its place and closed up his chest and stitched it up. This hadith is sahih. The Prophet (peace be upon him) uncovered his shirt and the marks of the stitching were still present. Here Halima got really scared, so she said to her husband ‘Maybe they are from the Jinn, let us return the child to his mother’. So they returned Muhammed to his mother Amina. She said ‘What happened, you were so keen to keep him with you?’ They said, ‘We were afraid if something happens to him, we thought it would be better that we return him while he is fine’. She said, ‘No by Allah, something happened’. She kept at them until they told her about the incident. She said, ‘Were you afraid for him from the Jinn?’ They said ‘Yes’. She said, "No by Allah, I had seen when giving birth to him a man calling me in a dream and requesting me to say, ‘u’iithuhu bilahil-wahid min shari kuli hasid’ which means ‘I seek for him, refuge in Allah the One from the evil of every envier’ by Allah evil will not touch him". Amina then left them after giving them ikraam. When the Prophet (peace be upon him)was six years old, Amina passed away, so he became an orphan of the mother and father. His uncle now took him up and a new stage of the Prophets (peace be upon him) life then began.
  4. As-salaamu Alaikum, I too can not BeLieve the prices are so High...damn :mad: :mad: :mad: ! WiiLo & Lander you guys are the Lucky ones here so say ALhamduliLaah. The buses here take forever to get one to one's desired destination...meaning they wiLL make me Late. I drive 15-20minutes on the freeway fLying @75-90mph so it aint easy pLus Im aLways on the run doing aLL sorts of things and that is not heLping me either.My car soaks up the beenziin Like a sponge soaks up water. :mad: :mad: :mad: PEace !
  5. As-salaamu Alaikum, Thnx SB and SUE for cLarifying that.The way I read it I onLy recognized two of those words BUT now it makes since.I do not use it everyday though...every now and then Yeah. I have my own! PEace !
  6. LuCkY

    The Apple Tree

    ^^^Lol...wateva it maybe I read it in a form of a poem. PS:Poems can be a story but thnx anywayz.NonetheLess I LOved the MoraL of the STORY- Let us make our parents - the apple of our eyes. PEace !
  7. As-salaamu Alaikum, Thnx GirL for that was beautifuL! PEace !
  8. LuCkY

    The Apple Tree

    As-salaamu Alaikum, JZK Nafta...Its a very touching poem indeed. PEace !
  9. As-salaamu Alaikum, First of ALL thnx for taking the time to repLy. SecondLy, I-P I've heard mentions about RaLph Nader(just his name though-not much eLse) but I do not think that he has much of an InfLuence(for a Lack of betta word @ the moment) because I have yet to see him on TV or eLsewhere.But do You mind give me a Lil info on him be4 the eLections? They didnt give us much of a choice ya know from bush to kerry two wrongs DONT make a Right. Wiilo You dont necessariLy have to stop voting aLtogether.You might wanna Look at RaLph Nader and vote for him Like Instinct-Poet is...or someone eLse.I was in that mood tiLL the 18th of OCT.when My Mama after taLks and taLks finaLLy got me to register. Bachelor true about the homework I swear with aLL the crap that they are advertising Im gonna go nuts :eek: but I registered on the Last day which did not Leave me with enough time to DO the homework namean.Who is the SomaLi dude in here thats running?Are you taLking about CaLi in generaL or just in SD? Anywhoo...THNx YaLL! PEace !
  10. As-salaamu Alaikum, MQ that was funny...hiLarious. FF What was with the Beer thang...I thought that it was suppose to be the other way around :confused: ! For those of you that are coppin' an attitude its just a joke theres no harm in it. ReaLLy PLz take a chiLL piLL aLL that commotion is not necessary. PEace !
  11. As-salaamu Alaikum, This is a good topic, I can honestLy say that I use onLy one of those words you Listed. I do not know the meaning of the can you pLz List their meanings? PEace !
  12. As-salaamu Alaikum, FF ^^^^ have to confess. Since this girl bought up honesty...I guess I have to tell the truth I got 1 *** *** Hey....I always thought that there was something wrong with this test anyway... First of aLL,ahahahhahah...hehehehehe...Lool Looks Like the Liar in You has come out of the cLoset ! SB Allaaah FF i can't believe you fell for it, lucky star used the word "honestly" in the most BEEEEEEN way and you fell for......alaah lucky star see what you did to this pure and innocent the saying in tennessee goes "fool me once and shame on you, erm aa fool me twice and shame on you" by G.W.Bush looool asxantu LoooooL!IstaqfuruALLaah! I in no shape or form intended to expose FF's secret.I did not twist her arm ya know to teLL the truth...heck I thought she was teLLing the truth and did not have any doubts about it. Alla ma saas baa? Lucky Star aan ku gabto...hadaana saa ku garaacayo hooyadaa arooskeda ku tusin ALLa, adiga hoog baadaaneeda.Dang girL you shouLd be in Iraq right now, singLe-handedLy( :confused: ) handLing askaarta Mareenka...Lol(excuse my broken somaLi). Guess Ill have to edit now... Hope no one saw Lool...beware I saw it aLL right and Im gonna hoLd it over ya head if ya get out of Line ! PS: FF Shoobaro is one of my patients...He forgot to take his medication.So do not pay him any attention.He is a danger to himseLf as weLL as anyone crossing his path if he is not sedated soon. PPS: Wiilo LOl...carry on. PEace !
  13. As-salaam Alaikum, WeLL FF I can honestLy say that I got a perfect score of 4! & the rest of you..ppbbhht! PEace !
  14. As-salaamu Alaikum ALL, WeLL Ive recentLy registered to vote on the 2nd of Nov...InshaAllaah.This is my first time and Im just wondering whats its Like. For those of you who have voted...what is it Like especiaLLy with aLL the propositions that they are advertising...One says to vote yes and the other says to vote no.Whats the deaL with that? So who are You going to Vote for...if at aLL. Im taLking to the Americans in here but PLease do share if youre Europe or AustriaLia...what your voting is Like? BTW:Do you know if they are going to be using BaLLots or the computers this time? Ive been away for a whiLe now so Im not sure if this topic has been covered or not. PEace !
  15. LuCkY


    ^Guess I was vague...THe BIGGEST Country then YaLL. Egypt and Panama are off the List. AntaLya wont cut it either,the country Turkey yeah but it does not cover as much Land as the former Soviet Union does/did. PEace !
  16. LuCkY


    ^Cant wait for the answer I see :cool: ! Aight Shoobaro... Youre right ChocoLaato! PEace !
  17. LuCkY


    ^Nope...try again. PEace !
  18. LuCkY


    ^Nope...try again. PEace !
  19. LuCkY


    ^Nope...try again. PEace !
  20. WS WR WB, ORGILAQE WeLcome to SOL and I hope you enjoy your stay here. PEace !
  21. LuCkY


    ^No...try again. PEace !
  22. As-salaamu ALaikum, Funny...a picture speaks a thousand words Indeed ! PEace !
  23. LuCkY


    As-salaamu ALaikum, Sorry guys for the deLay but I had to take care of somethin'. Here is mine: What is the ONLY country in the worLd that Lies on TWO continents? PEace !
  24. As-salaamu Alaikum, JZK RauLa I just signed the petition & as for the author; Im not gonna waste my energy and acquire dhambi on his behaLf. PEace !