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Everything posted by LuCkY

  1. LuCkY

    Unseen Greatness

    JazakaLLah Khayr sis...beautifuL.
  2. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY RUDY: lucky! thats what i am saying! u r deponding too much on stats and not your religion! Excuse Me!!!Whats with the accusations here man.That is one big LIe chiLL out and since youre so right why dont you present me with some evidence on how you 'supposedLy' know that i depend more on stats than my reLigion-i didnt even give my stance on the situation...what a Load of crap youre spitting. have u heard of a faraax who had raped a xalimo since u been living in SD? 2% of this, 3% of that!! haaaah! its a load of rubish! so is watching Opra and the likes!!. Look here...rape doesnt just concern westerners regardLess of what you may beLieve(so naive) musLim yes musLim men(not aLL) do committ such acts.BeLieve me i have witnessed a somaLi man raping a somaLi young girL and no it wasnt onLy him but his whoLe save me the ish youre beLieving-they aint saints.ANd for you to think that is a rubbish is :eek: but i shouLdnt be surprised with your rhetorics right? And if watching Oprah and the Likes is rubbish why does that concern me?Maybe you need to turn of the tv and step away from the set. FYI:Some of the peopLe here want to know the stats and i saved them some troubLe so... FOr once use your head man and think twice before you post...your LittLe asinine remarks are annoying immature...geez!!!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: GROW UP!!!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  3. LoL!What are you smoking nowadays Rudy...Lol!j/k. SeriousLy... Approximately 28% of victims are raped by husbands or boyfriends, 35% by acquaintances, and 5% by other relatives. (Violence against Women, Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1994) CLick Here For Rape Statistics
  4. Yeah i have noticed that but thats just the way it is. Isnt ironic how one can spend ridicuLous amounts of money on entertainment and when it comes to heLping the unfortunate it becomes such a burden? The endorsements are just about name recognition...they advertise the hottest atheLetes and pay them Large sums of money in turn their products bring in bigger benefits-name recognition and fans of the atheLtes. Lol...ironic isnt it?I wiLL Leave it at that.
  5. SubxaanaLLaah. :eek: :eek: :eek:
  6. Thnx for the weLcome rudy but honestLy i dont quite understand what you care to expLain? :confused:
  7. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY CARAMEL_KISSES: madaxweenihi soomaaliya aa soo haray isagoo wadnaha faraha ku haayo wixii la socdaba isagana wuu istijaabiyay, gacanti buu taagday SAACADI aa laga furtay markaas uu wuxuu yiray "Yes, this is MY stop). LoooL!!!
  8. Dang!Rudy this is the third topic i read...and man you just seem to be out of it...whats up with you? :confused: :confused: :confused:
  9. Yeah i beLieve im not with you on that one Rudy...what sort of somaLi do you speak or read anyway?LoL ! ORIGINALLY POSTED BY RUDY: dont let your mind fool u to believe that since you can speak jajab somali, then u can write understandable af somali...ha haa! dont work that way... Isnt this a bit of an accusation?
  10. LOOL @ " isbaaradi meesha waa laga qaaday ".
  11. thnx miz-unique...aLthough it wasnt much of an eid vacation nor any fun. LoL @ cant pronounce 'bee' i mean 'p'.
  12. ^^^^^I thought i aLready decoded what C_K said for yaLL.
  13. WeLcome back i see you have disappeared Like I did.
  14. Hibo i have seen that however there aint much to be said of "men" Like that...its quite simpLe:Those Who Matter Dont Mind Those Who Mind Dont Matter<---i dont know but this just popped in my head.Keep it reaL and stay strong-dont LEt "men" Like that get to you obviousLy they have certain issues that they need to resoLve before approaching a reaL woman.
  15. Shukri by aLL means go ahead...Looks Like i might have to 'take' some more 'notes' after Loading my canons and aim them at a certain individuaL...Lol.
  16. LuCkY

    Riddles are you gonna ship me something that i dont even know what it is?How do i know there aint no expLosive devices in there eh?Why dont you first teLL me what you are gonna send.
  17. LoL...Man can that hippo reaLLy dance. LOL Rokko True dat.
  18. Thats some funny stuff but Lakkad didnt you just mispronounce the word mispronounce when you wrote "misbronouced" or was that intentionaL? <-----No Pun Intended.
  19. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY UNDERDOG: It minimizes divorce as men are given the option to marry other women of their choice without divorcing their present wives. I have agreed with what you have written up untiL this^^^^^point. I mean how is the men being given more options to marry other women of their preference going to reduce divorce?I dont get it...besides who said men are the onLy ones opting for divorce?What if the women arent happy with their current mate? Cont...Thnx...gLad i couLd heLp.
  20. I have noticed some of those things but never took them into consideration.
  21. Bee is that for reaL or are you trying to puLL our Leg here? If its for reaL than FS-Caakifah...may u and your hubby have a bLissfuL marriage fiLLed with many bLessings and bundLes of joy.
  22. LuCkY

    Women travelling

    Thnx to aLL who shed some LIght on the issue-for cLarifying the whoLe mahram thang.
  23. Amazing...thnx for sharing that Mobb_Deep.
  24. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: DISGUSTING...I Done Lost my apetite NOw...Gross!!!
  25. So Khayr are you done?Did you get aLL the participants that you needed for your research?