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Everything posted by LuCkY

  1. Lol...Curiousty KiLLed the Cat...Lol. I know what u are taLking about Che. There was this one incident when a group of SomaLi dudes were interrogated by the two cops and they asked for their b-days and names...Guess What?They aLL said Jan 1st and most of them either had the same first name or Last name(Mohamed)LoL...The cops were Like who are u fooLing were gonna caLL ur parents,so they did.And to their surprise the parents had the same b-day as weLL and few of the First/Last names were the same...LoooooooooooooL...shouLd seen the reaction on their faces. No Im Not a Jan 1st.
  2. ^^^HUH?!?!?!?^^^ :confused: Jazaaka ALLahu Khayran Sis...InsightfuL.
  3. ^^^JazaaKa ALLahu Khayran^^^and aLL others as weLL. SubxanaLLaah :eek: ! I have been toLd that a MUsLim who becomes a NonbeLiever is to be stoned to death and is not the same as a person who was raised as a NonbeLiever. So Case CLosed...Peace!!!
  4. Inaa LiLaahi Wainaa iLayhi Raajicuun.ALLah ha u naxariisto MusLimiinta that were affected.
  5. Aight Lemme See HEre: U say shes ur best friend right?Why wouLdnt she care to what u have to say to her? I dont see what the probLem is...i mean she wants to get married-great!U of aLL peopLe shouLd be happy for her...Marriage is supposed to be a Joyous Union. OnLy 19yr?Too Young?No such thing...thats just my opinion.If she and her hubby-to-be are ready then ALL RIGHTY!19 is not too young to get married. Yes its more than ok for her to get married and NO you are not right by teLLing her that she shouLdnt get married unLess of course there is something that U are aware of that couLd hurt if she does get married to this Man. But then again she is UR friend so I say taLk to her...and IF her age is the ONLY reason U dont want her to get married then No-She shouLd get married.Is there a probLem with the guy?I know u are onLy Looking out for ur friend(Like friends do)...So Good LUcK with that and UR frIend.
  6. Lol@You Two...Whatchu TaLking About huh? Lol@Rudy where did you get that info from..."Africans get the Love bug during winter and Whites in the Summer"?Most SomaLi weddings i have seen go down in the summer so how do you expLain that?
  7. LuCkY

    My love

    Just BeautifuL...Keep it Up.
  8. LuCkY


    Join the cLub Ya'LL. Lol@nafta...taLk about weird eh? Lol@Lakkad...and you continue to conversate with the dude?Lol. Just do what i did...bLock and deLete them so they wont bother you no more...and if they start to emaiL you do the same thing...set ur fiLTer to EXCLUSIVE that way aint nobody that aint on your address book passes by-the rest just go straight to ur Junk maiL.
  9. LuCkY

    When You Whine!

    Jazaka ALLahu Khayran Hibo...very beautifuL indeed.
  10. i guess this means no match making for you huh?
  11. ^^^LoooooooooooooooL^^^ Lol@OG_Moti so this is what you were up to whiLe u were away huh?Interesting but im gonna have to disagree with ya.Did you say 99.99%?Boy...where did you get those figures from?
  12. Lol at you guys...Lol. LooooooooooL@Darman and Section6er...I couLdnt heLp it-it was funny. Lol@Raxmah...outsmarted the cop didnt he? I had an encounter with a cop but maybe some other time.
  13. I agree with x_quizit on this...she pretty much covered it. His wife left him one night with three kids, and she said she was going to a wedding, but after he traced her back he found her in JAAAD or QAAD place with other women, is this another version of Somali Girls gone Wild? Why?Does he not trust his wife? Again why?What is the difference between him and her chewing qaad?Whats with the doubLe standard here? Do women have rights as men to do JAAD or QAAD gethering and have fun? Pardon me?Since when did chewing qaad become a RIGHT?I mean its a drug and shouLdnt be a right for one gender and prohibited from the other!One more is chewing qaad FUN? Akhaasss!!!Qaad in my opinion is no different than any other no one shouLd be chewing it.And Like Bee said some use it as an escape from their probLems just Like the gaalo do when drinking.No Excuses!!!
  14. LuCkY


    ^^^LooooooooooooooooooooooL^^^ Nur That piece was something eLse i teLL ya...good work. HO HO HO, ( pronounced as OIL, OIL, OIL,) Santa dressed as Saddaamn Lol...interesting.
  15. SaLaaMz, Yeah i agree with you on that...i dont think expLoiting chiLdren Like that shouLd be permitted. Yes they shouLd promote these chiLdren that need aide for the pubLics heLp using the pictures but its better if they try to cover them up a bit...whatever happened to censorship?There are pedophiLiers out there.
  16. I wiLL have to intrude here gentLemen and break up this get together since MY ATTENTION was asked for by RUDY. Rudy...when wiLL you quit?I know youre just dying to catch my attention but come on it in a more civiLized manner na'mean!LOOOOOL.
  17. JazakaLLah Khayr...for the informative reminder.
  18. Lol...this forum is just too amusing. Qac Qaac No!I didnt say start of civiL war...civiL war...or any war for that matter. Around 30,000+ i beLieve or some where aLong those Lines in bosnia .
  19. Lol @ Underdog...misunderstood aint ya!
  20. The LAPD goes in. They come out two hours later with a badly beaten bear. The bear is yelling: "Okay! Okay! I'm a rabbit! I'm a rabbit LoooooL!Good one.
  21. u really cracked me up so hard! so u wanna step with me! lolol..look dont get all bent outta shape! i dont have to agree with yah and u dont!! so take a chill pill or a time-out! cuz, i dont get intimidation easily!! no way jose! however, i do respect as a sista, so i do expect the same from yah! no less no more! kabiish! peace sista@! Oh no...un-uh!!!Youre one to speak of respect...i suggest you reread some of your postings...throwing faLse accusations Like there is no tomorrow...Lol...How contridicating you are. I didnt ask YOU to agree with me but you obviousLy asked for my knee-jerk reaction when you said what you said about me. And beLieve me, no i dont wanna step with you...*as if that is suppose to be something*...shiish.Youre the one that needs a ChiLL piLL in this case but i think i might have a sLight indication where aLL this ish is coming from but i wiLL keep that to myseLf. Since you find my reponses so is another one...hope you can swaLLow it and find the amusing points in this one as weLL.
  22. LuCkY


    Rayaana Lol @ cracked my back.
  23. Im with SamaaH on this shouLdnt be shocking either. Lol @ VeryConfused C_K-no need to be sis.
  24. JazakaLLah Khayr sis...thats true...may aLLah streghten our iimaans...amIIn.