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Everything posted by LuCkY

  1. An Interesting piece there...sad but somewhat true-trying to FIT in and Impress the kuffars that is. Thnx...!
  2. Che,LoooL...I didnt see that coming. Originally By Lucky.....Ameenah...LoL...what are u gonna do with the big maqas? Do yu really have to ask..? Iam certain it is for not hair cuts. My Goodness...what was I thinking...LoooL! Its not for hair cuts kuLahaa...NOW im aware...LoL. LoL DamN! I must have missed the whoLe thing my bad...LoL...too bad for U guys though. Ok...Ameenah...IT is da day after Martin Luther King Day...Lets talk peace, not war. I hope da queen is willing to negotiate for da commong good. After we are people of da same species.... LoL...Che...what u guys dont have any defense?
  3. ^^^ :eek: :eek: :eek: ^^^ DamN! JAKARTA, Indonesia - Indonesian villagers claim to have captured a python that is almost 49 feet long and weighs nearly 990 pounds, a local official said. 49-Foot Python
  4. IntereSting...Impressive...Very Impressive. DiLigence U got Mad SkiLLz...Keep it Up. WoW is ALL i Can Say.
  5. LixAfar...great topic! You have asked very good questions which need good answers. I have often asked myseLf what i can do to heLp my beLoved country but it seems BIG maybe TOO big for just one person to make a difference.But then i remember that saying...One person can make a BIG difference. Is ISLAM the only solution for the Somali crises? What system do we implement? Is democracy the solution? What do you think? It COuLd Be or NOt.I dont know much about poLitics or how it operates so... BUT... ONe step wouLd be through EDUCATION.We dont want to repeat history aLL over again.We need to Understand that TribaLism and Ish is not the way to go and that NEEDS to start at HOME.We have to impLement ISLAM into our DAILY Lives.We Have to STOP the HATred and JUDGEMENTS against our OWN peopLE or eLse we wont get anywhere as a country. One MUST be wiLLing to put Pride and Ish aside and Work together as a TEAM as PEOPLE as a COUNTRY as ONE! Am I making any Sense? I dont know if that heLps but there it goes.
  6. LuCkY

    Small world GAME

    LoL, Now Ms Sue How is this suppose to go again? :confused:
  7. ILaahay ha u naxariisto. Samir iyo Iimaan for the famiLy and friends of the deceased. Sad...aLways hearing about someone getting murderded...may the kuffars ALL burn in heLL. :mad: :mad: :mad: Justice shaLL be served!
  8. InteresTing...Or...Is It? :rolleyes: LoL...UNderdog what eLse is New! Waa runtaa...the male species is under attack from "vicious, Venomous, godless feminists", and whats more, as soon as we have harvested and safely frozen all the sperm needed for future reproduction...we will hunt you all down and electrocute you one by one. Mwahahahahahahahahahaha..... Barwaaqo...LoooL...get em girL! Gabar! I just recieved a Message from the Queen. You have been authorised to start the mission Ana maqas weyn baan soo qaadi Ameenah...LoL...what are u gonna do with the big maqas? Where is the rest of the Queen's crew? LoooL...U girLs are so funnY.
  9. When I first Read this back sometime I was in utter shock :eek: :eek: :eek: I couLdnt beLieve it but its a LOad of Crap. But for someone to be spreading that Ish is just whacked. U wiLL see something new everyday. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  10. WeLL Hey, I think that the way u are wearing it is just Fine. My mom wears the JiLbaab but has never pressured me to wear it. But Good Luck To You!
  11. FirstLady ure not aLone in this...aahhh! :mad: SchooL and its stress! Group studies are a good idea but there is a down side to it that is if u have taLKative friends or if u cant be arouNd one of ur friends without getting off subject...Lol...happened to me and one of my friends-everytime we go to study. Yes compLeting the assignments before the due date nears is a GOOD'LL save u some Last minute stressing. May ALLaah heLp us aLL...AmIIn. Here is a Dua: Dua while studying something difficult "Allahuma la sahla illama ja-'altahu sahla anta taj 'alu al hazana eza ma shi'ta sahal" Oh Allah! Nothing is easy except what you have mad easy, if you wish, you can make the difficult easy Dua for concentration "Salla-l-laahu alaa Muhammad wa aal-e Muhammad. Allahumma inni as'aluka yaa mudhakkira-l khayr wa faa'ilahu wa-l-aamimira bihi adhakir-ni maa ansaani-hi-shaytan" "Blessings of God be upon Muhammad and his progeny, O God, I ask you, the one who metions goodness and actualizes it and commands it , remind me of that which the shaytan makes me forget"
  12. FirstLady ure not aLone in this...aahhh! :mad: SchooL and its stress! Group studies are a good idea but there is a down side to it that is if u have taLKative friends or if u cant be arouNd one of ur friends without getting off subject...Lol...happened to me and one of my friends-everytime we go to study. Yes compLeting the assignments before the due date nears is a GOOD'LL save u some Last minute stressing. May ALLaah heLp us aLL...AmIIn. Here is a Dua: Dua while studying something difficult "Allahuma la sahla illama ja-'altahu sahla anta taj 'alu al hazana eza ma shi'ta sahal" Oh Allah! Nothing is easy except what you have mad easy, if you wish, you can make the difficult easy Dua for concentration "Salla-l-laahu alaa Muhammad wa aal-e Muhammad. Allahumma inni as'aluka yaa mudhakkira-l khayr wa faa'ilahu wa-l-aamimira bihi adhakir-ni maa ansaani-hi-shaytan" "Blessings of God be upon Muhammad and his progeny, O God, I ask you, the one who metions goodness and actualizes it and commands it , remind me of that which the shaytan makes me forget"
  13. LoL @ Thierry! Spicey Suqaar North: Get ur suqaar-cut and everything U'LL need:onions,oiL,beLL peppers,jalepenos,some spices-hawash,KNorr's Chicken fLavor BouiLLon for taste(I dont use saLt)or maggi. 1-heat the oiL add the minced-diced onioins 2-Add KNorrs-hawash-jalepenos Let it 3-Add the suqaar after it cooks(time varies 10-15min) 4-Add the beLL peppers Let it simmer and its ready Cabbage U'LL need:Cabbage,Onions,JaLepenos, 1-Cut the cabbage 2-Heat the oiL add the onions and jaLepenos 3-Add the cabbage add some water And serve with ur fave...muufo or bread...canjeero ***Remember to Stir OccassionaLLy!
  14. Modesty, ExactLy what type of food?SomaLi...American...ItaLIan...Arab etc. Are u sick of bariis and baasto?LoooL...arent we aLL. Ok here goes i dont know if u have got it or not, a Veggie Lasagna* 1-Get the Lasagna 2-Get some vegetabLes...corn,peas,carrots,-just a veggie mix or Ur fav of course 3-Mince..dice wateva the onions...add in with some oiL(heated)** 4-Add the Mix and add some prego...some sort of tomato sauce...add some Knorr's Chicken fLavor BouiLLon(instead of saLt)** 5-BoiL water add saLt and then add the Lasagna with some oiL so it wont stick together Later** 6-Layer the Lasagna in a pan add parmeasan cheese(ur fav or NOt) add veggie mix top with cheese and then Layer as much as needed. 7-Put it in the oven 250-350 degrees and then VoiLa serve *U can aLso subsitute the veggie for some suits u best. **Remember to Stir OccassionaLLy!
  15. Lucky, if I had the manual, I'd hook you up for 3 easy payments of $19.99 + S&H. Hey...Hey :mad: !What are U trynna Say here? :mad: Who said i needed some hook up? DamN MaN!Three whoLe payments of $19.99 pLus S&H? aint Like U running a big company or something...besides u dont have any!Lol. :cool:
  16. Oh! I just dont understand how or why 'SomaLi' peopLe(Most of them anywayz that i have encountered) bLame everything on the 'West' and refer to others as being 'Westernized'. ANd CaLL others UntraditionaL/UnSomaLi! :rolleyes: I mean what exactLy does it mean to be Westernized? What does being UntraditionaL mean? What is being TraditionaL? UnSomaLi? Does being educated or seeking higher education mean being Westernized? Do u suddenLy become Westernized because U cant fLuentLy speak/write/read af-somaLi? Does a hardworking,educated,'independent',outspoken-opinionated(voicing ur thoughts)somaLi femaLe become Westernized? N who determines what is considered to be 'Western',UntraditionaL,TraditionaL? I mean Come On!We aLL know that peopLe who grow up in different parts of the worLd and environment arent gonna be the same regardLess of their race and reLigion.And No im not suggesting that When in Rome do as the Romans do ThingyMajiggY! SomeOne EnLighten Me...!!!
  17. ^^^WeLcome aboard^^^Its onLy a Joke. LOL...I'm loughing @ how u modified this joke..well done LoooL!So am I.
  18. And U have that users manuaL?
  19. LuCkY


    ^^^Interesting...Thnx. Lucky, Here how u can display Suuro and become Suuraley. Go to the washroom and do the following in front of the mirror: Stand up right, lifting your shoulder (relax!) Now close your mouth and lift your eyebrows while opening your eyes wide. Walk around your house and see what reaction you get! It is some form of Suuro known to Somali women. Get it! Sorry about your Magaca. I corrected it. LoooL...LoooL...Yeah Right! Its aight...I said I Let it Go.
  20. Sorry bro but I happen to have spoken for myseLf not aLL somaLi girLs. even girls with so called pretty hair use hair relaxers LoL...There is a difference between RELAXING and STRAIGHTENING(hot/fLat irons) the hair.I thinK ure mistaking the two together. ITS LIKE SAYING SOMALI WOMEN DONT USE D.I.A.N.A and dem CREAMS. They DONT not ALL anyway...I have aLways heard about SomaLi women using that but I havent seen them so again I wouLd have to say NO...and I read an articLe saying the number of SomaLi dudes use of DIANA was increasing...LoL. so nO COMMENT!!! R U One of Them?...LoL...Just kidding.Dont answer that. when you have curls that bounce, twist and dance, who needs str8 hair that lays dead Hibo thats what im saying... :cool:
  21. WaleykumSaLaaM WeLL, I aLways try to carry some change with me...I dont buy the homeLess meaLs or anything but I aLways give them some sort of change pLus to charities...I just DONT have the heart to waLk away. But i must say Bravo on ur LiL project...I honestLy doubt that i can buy them food because im on the go whenever i encounter them.
  22. Lakkad...LoL Mr.Confuscious(sp?-if that is a word) himseLf. GeeL-Jire ur 'aLien' seLf needs at Least 50 posts to become a 'nomad'...anywayz WeLcome aboard.
  23. LuCkY


    Suuro?Aniga?LoL TaLk about that eh Qori when u caLLed Me "Luchy"!!!But I wiLL Let that Go since U got my Name RIght the Second time Around. :mad: :confused: :cool: :rolleyes:
  24. " Dear miss, I can't remember who you are, I am enclosing fifty pictures, select yours and send the rest back to me" LoooL! Yes its a UniversaL sin onLy as time goes by its not seen as a sin...sad to say but even some musLims dont see it as a Sin. I guess its true when they say u adapt to ur environment even the negative aspects of it which Later becomes "OK".
  25. LuCkY

    kinda thing

    WeLcome INSPIRED To SOL...Looking Forward to Reading Ya work. I 'Kinda' Like ur rhyme-'Thing'.