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Everything posted by LuCkY
LMAO!Some things NEver Change.Why Cant Ya'LL just agree to disagree?Why do Ya'LL have to get personaL eh?
Lu'Lu Damn GirL that is a nice car.YOu must've been reading my mind though...I have a NEED for SPEED. LoL@Nomad is you for reaL? Aight here is my aLL time favorite even though I Love SUVs more. 0-60-3.6 Seconds-NOw thats What Im taLKing about here!
I wiLL be back with my input.
i don't really understand this TEENS stuff
LuCkY replied to nuune's topic in Developement | Projects
^^^GirL whatchu saying huh?Oh i see you have forgotten about me is that right?^^^ LoooL@nuune what is there to get?Are teLLing me that you have forgotten about being a teen?Oh Lord has it been that Long?Why dont you ask the grandkids?LooooL ! i promise i'll post something by the end of this week Shuji-1 what has happened to your promise-its Long overdue...stiLL waiting its been how Long now? Sade through what ages?20? -
i don't really understand this TEENS stuff
LuCkY replied to nuune's topic in Developement | Projects
^^^GirL whatchu saying huh?Oh i see you have forgotten about me is that right?^^^ LoooL@nuune what is there to get?Are teLLing me that you have forgotten about being a teen?Oh Lord has it been that Long?Why dont you ask the grandkids?LooooL ! i promise i'll post something by the end of this week Shuji-1 what has happened to your promise-its Long overdue...stiLL waiting its been how Long now? Sade through what ages?20? -
QQ you do know you started this name game right?Oh here is a tissue...i meant no harm but regardLess you is qac. lolol..when u said u is qac, it hit me.…u just solved a puzzle. all this time i was like what is qac qac mean....tanag u very armajo ...clearly explains what has been going on his mind or lack there of.. LooooL@pearL regardLess of what mr QQ says the name qac suits him...dont you agree?
CarameL ! Ma iroontahay aa?Ure actuaLLy being poLite OMG...what has gotten into you?Wait Lemme see its cuz of CarameL Kisses aint it? Nah i dont beLIeve it wax juusto per juusto ku ah aa iska yar...LoL! CarameL Maxaad QQ kuu aqarisaay?
LooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooL!OMG...OG_MOti is back...War Dee WeLcome Back.How was your vacation? JaiL kuLahaa...You stiLL is aLL drama aint ya. Anywhoo Duuqa if you had an American passport they wouLd have been kissing your **** namean but you think your better than us and Look where that faan and kibir has gotten you...LoL in house arrest.
WeLL I see the Legend is in the House WLc back Zu so how was ur Looooong Vacation eh? Garab---Gather what you Like but anything based on assumption is buLLsh!t to me so unLess you can prove ur cLaims their dismissed.Ok GT i see but here is your probLem as an individuaL ure generaLizing and that aint it keeping it reaL now is it?LoOoooL...Yeah right...I know that saying but it doesnt concern every femaLe besides if the grass is greener on the other side why wait around the dead one but keep assuming that is what you do best isnt it?
Okieee...Now what i dont get is SomaLi Men and The Fascination with SomaLi Women and Their adjustments here in the West whereas I dont see a singLe Man focusing toward the mens adjustment.Now why that is I dont get. Anywhoo this whoLe feminist movement bLah bLah bLah I couLd care Less.
LoL Nafisa what you dont Like it?Of course Its aLL Love...You aint doing better than moi and yeah so Long as you buying and its starbucks im on. LoooL@PearL i gotta hand it to ya girL you got GAME...Hands down aint no faraax gonna be abLe to top that...LoL.So girL whats ur secret?LoL@I was under the infLuence of coffee you know i aint buying that for a minute right?
^^^Eeeww...I was with you tiLL the Dunk it in warm miLk part^^^are you serious? Sambuus iyo tiimir with basbaas.Oodkaac iyo tiimir with canjeeLo. LoL its good stuff. Nomad aint nothing wrong with the banana bread receipe.
LooooooooooooooooL@Kaaroto. Come ON dee whose hoLding You back...and the admin Line is marmaasiiyo so cut the crap the dee.
Medhar, nayaa is that how you suppose to be my girL...its aight though when i see ur Azz on Friday its on. LooooooooooooooooooooooooooL@Qac Qaac wait Lemme see if i read that right LMAO!YOu wish...Keep dreaming though. wixii intaa kadanbeeya, banaanka aan isku aragno Haye now what?What are you gonna do eh?Bring Your dacas and watch me b!tch sLap you with that-LooooooooooooooL i hope i didnt just hit a sensitive nerve !LOL.
LoL StPauLChiCk you kiLLed it girL...damn. AngeLeyez LoL...WLc back GirL. Intuition thats how you do it it aint about being mean but being pLayed a fooL...some of the guys are just unbeLieveabLe...why dont they at Least come up with a new game namean.LoL. RauLa LoL that is corny. kaga daran..he was one short nigga!..xagee geyna yaqee! LooooooooooL.
^^^LoooL^^^...whats up with you and qarxiis you done kiLLed the mood-j/k carry on ppLe.
Regrets hmmm...Lets see...none at the moment. Damn Nuune hasiid horta maa jiiran...You is crueL but dont worry you know what they say Nabsi...what goes around comes around.Good Luck. LoL RauLa that aint being...a girLs gotta do what a girLs gotta do namean. Go on StpauLchick spiLL the beans. Bisinka Darman...that was sad very sad.No wonder you faiLed that exam...Lol poor kitten though...dont be surprised after this confession if the animaL rights peepz are at your doorsteps...LoooL!
Yeah I know so dont bite my head off aight...LoL. I aint sure if this issue has been addressed before but here goes. As we aLL know homosexuaLity aint in the cLoset anymore but is out in the open,in your neighborhoods,schooLs,grocery shops and so on.Its not an issue that can just be ignored-its in your face and being optimistic isnt gonna heLp-to a certain extent anyway.The media nowadays portrays it as a Lighthearted matter when in reaLity it aint.They want homosexuaLity to be seen as a "Right" and now peopLe are fighting for their "right" for same-sex marriages. :rolleyes: I dont know if Ya'LL are updated on this issue or not but its a big one. Yes I know we are MusLims so therefore this shouldnt concern Us right?Wrong.BeLieve it or not but there are SomaLis,Arabs and so on that are gays and Lesbians. I saw a documentary on KPBS a month or so ago about this Women(arabs)that were Lesbians and CLaiming to be MusLims.There was part they showed her performing saLat-subxanaaLLaah :eek: and then Later taLk freeLy about her sexuaLity.They even had a parade i think it was in New York(i couLd be wrong)shouting "We are Arab American MusLims that are Proud to Be Gay" :eek: :eek: Im just recaLLing its sort of hazy but yeah. So what do You think?What do you think is gonna same-sex marriage gonna win this case?Whats your take on this issue? Of course Im against this no doubt.They are spreading their fitnah aLL over the pLace and I have no toLeration for that what-so-ever. This issue has no basis in IsLam-its not Permitted...nor in Christianity or Judaism.
Wow,that is some deep stuff-very touching indeed...Thnx GaL.
LoL PearL how about you and I got out for a cup of coffe eh?Then maybe we couLd exchange information...spiLL the beans GaL...I think i set the mood,no?
Waraa my cuz aint coo coo but is speaking from experience-ya know first hand.And Like i said before there are dudes that wont take NO for an answer.So why dont you expLain that to your paLs that dont get it. True dat I mean I wouLdnt either so but thats just how it goes.One thing though if his game is weak and pLayed-out of course hes gonna get dissed what do u expect. Ya'LL do...cuz if you were just reaL to begin with then you wouLdnt have as much probLems.
RauLa I hope Not besides I thought the Issue of ApriL FooLS day was covered.
Thierry Youre not the onLy one with that mindset...(some)somaLi guys in generaL seem to beLieve that theory-that no means persue me.My cuz warned me about that...she said just take their number,tear it up and forget about it.If next time you see him just act Like you dont know him-make Look Like he is crazy...Or simpLy say you have a cuz that Looks Like Ya or a twin. UD LoL there aint no aLLeged staLking...Youre either staLked or not.Besides there has to be a reason one needs to feeL staLked...maybe a Look that the individuaL gave,appearing in your hood-house surroundings,or something they might have said or so on.
Whats the point of trying to interact with Ignorant,Arrogant peopLe. :rolleyes: Its useLess I teLL Ya.
LoL Mehdar good Looking out girL.Dont worry if i need some heLp opening a coupLe cans of whupp a$$ i wiLL hoLLa at cha. LoL dont you think he deserves an expLanation? CarameL trust to me too is a speciaL bond but I do give some peopLe second chances. Damn a whoLe month...i guess its reasonabLe though. LoL@show ur middLe finger to her...that shouLd do the trick eh? Sade I did teLL this individuaL severaL times that i dont trust them and that is a probLem to me...but evidentLy they dont seem to care. OG_girL how many times can you forgive him? Xena_Fan I guess so but once the individuaL is a part of your famiLy its hard to just say goodbye and Leave at that because they wiLL aLways be famiLy and I suppose distance may the answer...but who knows. Thnx GirLs for Your input...greatLy appreaciated.