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Everything posted by LuCkY
I Hate______________________________________! I Hate______________________________________! I Hate______________________________________! I Hate______________________________________! I Hate______________________________________! I Hate______________________________________! I Hate______________________________________! I Hate______________________________________! I Hate______________________________________! I Hate______________________________________! There U Have IT Ladies ANd Gents...My Two Cents.
! WELComeZ Mombasa_Queen...I see U have gotten the hang of this pLace.
The Fact That Im StiLL THere.
LoooL@QQ! I have become Like YaLL-forgetting the previous post that is. lucky, then to daredevil, then to lethal blaze, wah adi, maxaa shaati badalkaan badan, naga jooji nooh, waaba xanaaqay bee. laakiin macalimadda kool in aad tahay ma ogeen, waxaan kuu maleen jiray in aad tahay sida kuwa idaba heesta meel walbo aan galo. loooool. Lol whats wrong with wanting to change?Whaaaaat? :eek: But i shouLdnt be surprised because you wouLdnt know the first thing about being KOOL Qac Qaac.See this is the probLem "maLeen".Dont maLeen anything anymore for ur sake aight...just observe.Lol.O yaa kugu daba heestay ninyawhoo?LoooL...dont fLatter urseLf QQ. LBL, adiga naga daah, shaati badalkaan nooh, lucky=daredevil=lethalblaze... the rest whatever it is. wiilka check mate wlc uu kahelaa ee ku wad lee. LBL, u know in aad adiga marax aad aheen, sababta arag luuqa aad ku jirto, this luuq only waxaa ku jiri jirtay CK, and now is you... so u can't be marax looooooool. Yeah I KNOW I aint Marax but u were generaLizing so...!But Wait a Second :mad: this is ur expLanation-Im not marax because im in here?Kir mataqaana?Whether I am in here or Not Im ALWAYZ CooL unLIke you QQ...hahaha. Aight its just a joke so dont choke on ur water.
Oo Yaa ii soo dhawaneeyo?Maa Adiga ina Garab Tuujiye ?Oh HeLL nah!Lol sorry brah no ganbiis here...its Like I said what goes around comes around it basicaLLy means that you cant escape it one day eventuaLLy it wiLL catch up to ya.
Garab,I didnt wanna do this but; OG and DD please look both sides..If y'al think Qac'qaac is mesed up is ok but don't make D.A and angel because y'all know she aint.. Is not only qac' who has problem with her, is almost every guy in here. Garab I aLways happen to thorougLy read and digest the information on each thread before I respond...I mean come on,remeber that saying Think Before You Speak ?Yeah weLL I aLways appLy that so shouLd you next time.And one more thing why are we discussing DA?Whether she is an angeL or not is her bizness not mine to worry about just as you shouLdnt Garab aight.And about QQ yes I dont aLways agree with him but thats not to say hes messed nor is anyone eLse here(weLL the majority anyway) LastLy If ALmost ALL The guys here are having probLems with her then YaLL need to deaL with that on your own... IF YOu Cant TAke THe HEat LeavE THe KitcHEn Kabiish! So please next time don't take action only when y'all see what qac'qaac wrote take action when she is insulting others. LateLy YaLL have been insuLting each other more often both directLy and indirectLy and personaLLy attacking each other but thats your biz so deaL it with.I mean YaLL need to Grow Up. DD wlc back..lol.. hadaa soo noqonee canaan aa hore kabilaabee yaah..cajuusad yahee.lol.. Abaayo walaahi qoftaan ayada xataa la hadla sheydaanimo ayee wadaa..since aa idinka fahantiin... Waraa Cajuus iyo nus adiga aha...bawaabyahoo sii isku daan.When I first posted a repLy I was referring to ALL not individuaLs.You can go back and read my post but ur paL here QQ took it and started a new situation out of my first words which were to basicaLLy to agree to disagree without getting personaL.
Waraa QQ why are you dissing us eh?Just cuz u dont get aLong with aLL the Ladies in SoL doesnt give you the right to caLL us "maraaxiin" kabiish! Checkmate I aLready weLcomed you in another post but nonetheLess weLcome once again.
^^^Miskiinad^^^damn aLL that time working.WeLL im not different as I have to attend schOOL so no fun no vacationing...damn this sucks big time. Is there any cute faaraxs in toronto to keep me entertained during my visit??? CK saas aaba kaa so hartay eh?Ur worrying about cute faaraxs whiLe we bust our a$$e$...Lol anywhoo girL hope you have fun on ur break.
WeLL Nuune I dont know why I feLt the Need to Change my Name. ANywho for those nomads that are stiLL wondering or confused I went from: - Lucky - DaReDeviL - LethaLBLazeLaneLLe
I was gonna say ZoneALarm but The Nomad has gotten to it so good Luck with that.
As Far as this topic is concerned I agree with Yasmine and the others so need for my two cents.
Happy Birthday OG_Moti,wishing you many many many more bLissfuL years to come.
^^^Lol You Know What They Say When You Love You^^^! Im With YaLL Liqaye and Sade...Lol sometrue and some so not true.
^^^Lol You Know What They Say When You Love You^^^! Im With YaLL Liqaye and Sade...Lol sometrue and some so not true.
^^^WELcome Hope You Enjoy Your Stay HEre.^^^ Garabka Sheeko Sheeko aad waada.So U is a P.I.M.P now eh?LoooL. SeriousLy though: What Goes Around Comes Around , so think reaL hard before you make rash decisions besides what is you doing trying to juggLE to gaLz?
CarameL Lol thats hard to beLieve QQ being Juusto namean. QQ@biyo cagaar-bisinka :eek: !Maxaad iskaga caLinwayde CK?Not that you stand a chance against here anyway. BeLieve what you Like Laakiinse you dont have any styLe Let aLone mid aan ka heLay.My pLace aa?Nah I cant have that mama thought me betta but I just might since Nuune is coming aLong. Lol bring that down to a screeching haLt :mad: waraa QQ wax Laa isku daraayo meeshan maa jirto kabiish?SingLe mother? Thats too bad I happen to Like my sawiir just the way it is baLse here is what you can do just dont Look at it got it?Good! Nuune af-carabiga waa maxay?U and QQ.I am bareLy Learning how to write Laakiinse since Ya'LL aad igu camiiratan I might just end up quiting.Instead of heLping me Ya'LL mock me!WHat kind of peopLe are you guyz anywayz :mad: !
Waraa what in the bLue heLL is that...bioLogicaL cLock tick tocking?Cant you see the girL is aLready under tremendous pressure? Raxmah I aint in that situation but I know of some peopLe that are facing the same thing Lord HeLP Ya'LL.Just take it easy and do tie the knot when you want to and NOT because you are trying to pLease those around you. LoL@PearL thats how you do it..."ur next...ur next...ur next"Loool! X baL ma araktay them nosey a$$ peopLe...God they might as weLL open up a coLumn in the LocaL paper.
QQ what are you taLking about?Threatening ideas?I mean its been obvious some of Ya'LL got issues with this gaL but this is something new. ee next time waxaas oo kale yaan kaa maqal, oo labo jeer oo hore baan kaa maqlay. Who do you think you are?Is that a threat?
Sue WeLL DONE GirL Laakin this aint working...we need to set a time-tabLe or something namean. The Nomad You a mind reader or something?I was just thinking about that i guess its true great minds do think aLike. Dawoco hey girL, Too bad i didnt stay Long enough to chit chat with you and the rest of the nomads nonetheLess its been a pLeasure.And Yes that weird MacaLin dude/dudette boggLed my mind LoL.
WeLL darn it seems Like I missed aLL the fun but regardLess Happy BeLated BirthDay Section6er. Mr.GentLmen Happy EarLy Birthday to Ya unLess you was joking then...!
GeeL-Jire sLow down eh?No need to be raged as Long as you are a good driver you get a discount dee, arent you aware of that?Besides Life is unfair so DeaL with it.Its Like the mechanics that charge women more and men Less fees for fixing the same car probLem. :rolleyes: QQ, amazing!!! i thought women, were more accident bound... coz they are too scared behind the wheal, and that could lead to deadly consequences. Can YOu back these cLaims?Oh wait you said "I thought..." therefore its an assumption so :rolleyes: ! Oh why do I even bother!
LoL Opinionated Looks LIke Ur Topic has been hijacked by weirdos...Lol. Anywhoo GirL its been a whiLe since I have been at the gym...damn i miss working out but i am unabLe at the moment but its aLL good cuz summers coming InshaALLaah. I basicaLLY do aLL there is,the bicycLe, treadmiLL, situps,Leg-Bun-Thigh workouts,chest and arms.But now I wanna try something new Like aerobics and dancing-hip-hop cLass.Anybody done this yet?
Sade Happy BeLated Birthday and May ALLaah Grant You Many MOre Years FilLed with Happiness.