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Everything posted by LuCkY

  1. Lol...Damn RIght ITs Sexist-I Heard THis Be4.
  2. WeLL,Its Not ONLy That Site That PLagarizes SOLers OriginaL Work But Other Sites As WeLL.
  3. ^^^I CouLDnt Agree MOre With YOU Opi.NOt ALL MusLim Women Wear the Hijab-thats their business- but they shouLdnt be put to bad Light because of that.I personaLLY know severaL Ladies who dont wear it but are far better than those that wear the hijab.ALso there are pLenty of Ladies where I LIve who have given the hijab a bad reputation because of what they do. So PLz LEts Stop this Negativity...It aint Right.
  4. LuCkY

    i HATE....

    ^^^WeLCome Aboard GirL...Enjoy Your Stay.^^^
  5. I Wish I COuLd HeLP SiLEnt-Sistah.Just Remember to Keep Ya Head Up and HopefuLLy You WiLL Find Someone Better That Deserves Ya Loving.Like Honey-D said There is a Reason You Broke Up With Him so DONt Sweat it.
  6. LuCkY

    i HATE....

    LoL@Underdog...numero diez...LMAO!
  7. LuCkY

    best friends

    Ouch!Good Intentions Laakin hes stiLL mentaL.
  8. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: ...but funny Lol.
  9. LooooooL@Darman.Damn Man That Was HiLarious but Where Do You Find Weird THings LIke This eh?Makes Me Wonder If Ya Aint Part of Their Crew...hhhmmm!
  10. Garab nah...HeLL No there is no forgive and forget no matter how much trust was broken.Do you reaLLy understand what you wrote?If there is NO Trust then its Finito. what trust issues! dah! who is wearing the pants!! lolol... i rest my case!! Rudy your not worthy of a decent response so :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ! You have reaLLy sunk to an aLL time Low.Tsk...Tsk...Tsk. Xena_Fan I have toLd this individuaL before that I have a probLem with their Trust and Self-Centeredness but I guess they couLdnt care Less.Now I know where I wiLL pLace them though...just sLowLy keep away from them as much as them. Mr.GentLemen interesting Laakinse You cant aLwayz waLk away from your probLems. Ameenah Yeah I agree.No Man is worth it especiaLLy if hes a fooL trynna pLaya for a fooL.UnfortunateLy I have had severaL experiences where i was backstabbed by my so-caLLed-gaL friends before and they Lost my friendship and Trust forever...there is just no way around that.But You know Mama was right-"Dont be friend GirLs Honey,because they wiLL onLY betray Ya and put you in ditch HoLe.And In the End Laugh at your downfaLL and take pLeasure in your misery." I never beLieved that tiLL i met a coupLe peopLe who have proven my Mammi to be right to some extent.NonetheLess My True Friends are the Ones that are stiLL with me today so Thank God for that one.
  11. Lol@YaLL...LMAO @ Some of the repLies. Rudy its OnLy Common Sense Dee.
  12. Thx Sade...BeautifuL Indeed, it brought tears to My eyes.
  13. Thnx SisSade...JazakaLLaah Khairan. Thats very informative I mean I know murder is a crime that is punished but to what and how it went down I was ignorant of but this cLeared aLL that up.
  14. ANytime. Lol I know I was Vague But its Cuz I dont understand Arabic thats why I said I was JeaLous.Im taking arabic cLass now,u are so Lucky though to have Learned the Language(U did right...Im assuming here.)!
  15. Nur first of aLL thanks for posting this. Second of aLL i wanted to bring up ur first point which Kynda brought up. Now let us look into some of the metrics that matter in the acceptability of our prayers. 1. Understanding what we say How Can One Understand What ONe Says If There Is Language Barrier?And Its kinda hard to swaLLow that ALL of my Prayers MAY have NOT been accepted because I didnt Understand(fuLLy).So Can You Touch ON this Issue a Bit more? Yes I too have probLems compLeting my prayers due to waLbahaar and waswaas.Is there remedies for this?
  16. Wow Kynda Im so Like JeaLous of Ya ! I Aint Sure If I Have WeLcomed Ya or Not NonetheLess WLC to SOL GAL.
  17. LuCkY

    rated R

    Lol@Nuune As for the post NO COMMENT!
  18. LoooL@YaLL.RIght on M_Q. Reason I Like bEing a woman its cuz I aint a man...Lol no pun intended...heck take it as you Like.
  19. LuCkY

    Wedding Season!

    Lol@YaLL...*UnbeLievabLe* GUMAYS=OWL
  20. Intuition interesting post...I dont know yet I wiLL Let you know when I go Man Hunting...Lol. Qac Qaac the door is that way-------->Dont LEt it hit You on the way out cuz Thats My JOb.Lol...jk. PearL You its aLL about that Greens...Im kidding I aint No GoLd Digger.
  21. ^^^LoooooL....PHiL is a GaL? :eek: MY oh My I aLwayz thought otherwise. STARBUCKS is the onLy addiction im aware of.StPauLChick join the cLub girL that ish is so expensive indeed but damn good as weLL otherwise I wouLdnt waste my money on it. CK...I think I have the soLution of ur diLemma. *I love you, and I need you Nelly I love you, I do need you but No matter what I do, all I think about is you Even when I'm with my boo, boy y'know you know I'm crazy over you No matter what I do, all I think about is you Even when I'm with my boo, y'know I'm crazy over you*