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Everything posted by LuCkY
^^^Indeed it was interesting.TJ i had to ask...Laakinse are you in the music industry?I mean I thought and sort heard weird things about them but this is another thang namean.
Sophist bro, First of aLL Congrats on ur marriage.SecondLy,May ALLaah BLess You and ur wife with a Prosperous,BLissfuL Life with Lots of BundLes of Joy. Sorry about the Lateness...hows happy beLated congrats-Lol.
I BeLIeve that its PartiaLLy the "Parents" fauLt as weLL as the LittLe girL.The parents shouLd have expLained to this girL the importance of the hijab-to fuLLy understand why she must wear it aLthough others around may not be wearing it.As im sure YaLL know SomaLi(majority)hardLy discuss the reasons of many things they ask their kids not to do.As You YaLL know kids are rebeLLious and some wiLL do the exact opposite of what you toLd to do or not to do. But aLL in aLL I think if the parents took the time to sit down with their daughter and expLain to her then she might not have taken her hijab off. No I beLieve that punishment and fear are good ways of instiLLing IsLam in a person but Im aware some situations caLL for drastic measures. ------------ I have a two girLfriends that wear their hijab and skirt when they Leave the house and change into their pants(take off their hijab)when they get to schooL either in the car or in the bathroom.
WeLL where ELse WouLd they be but in the "Perfect Land,Located in Perfect WorLd in PLanet Perfect".Lol No.There aint no such thing as the "Perfect Person".
True Dat...Thnx Urban_Nomad.
Lol@QQ Come Again?Sheeko Badaana. Yeah right...I didnt aLways take things too LiteraL unLike Ya.Its Just that now thankz to peopLe Like You I aLwayz have to say its a joke cuz YaLL aint go no sense of humor.Of Course IM Lucky cant You see the nick?Lol. You suffer from that buufin disease.BaLay iyo wax Laa buufiyo aad kaa danbaysa.
LateLy I have been getting so much spam even though I bLocked.These Messages arent Like the Other spams-it usuaLLy says the name of the sender(hotmail or yahoo) then the heading is maiL deLivery(faiLure bLah<---it contains my yahoo address. After opening it there is no message.It says to read the message cLick on the Link beLow or scan the attachment.After it scaned a virus was found.Its not just one emaiL severaL other ones,even ones cLaiming to be from the government. :rolleyes: Anywhoo beware and are any of you experiencing something LIke this?
LuCkY replied to silent-sistah's topic in General
Thnx a Lot sis that is reaLLy heLPfuL.And it is true about the type of food that you eat wiLL either heLp u focus or distract ya. JazakaLLaahu Khayran. -
Loool its cuz waa Laa iiLbaxay nooh Lol.
Darman true but some peopLe wiLL do what ever they please regardLess. Now I never Had a probLem with the hijab-ALxamduLiLaah-and I have never questioned it so...!
Lol not anymore...She aint.
Yeah I have heard of this a whiLe back but I dont know what to think of it-its very weird though.
Wa SaLaamu ALaykum, Mujahid JazakaLLaahu Khayran bro.
Lol...Dont Get Londers or Brits for that Matter.
Who the hell are you and where have you been all my life?
LuCkY replied to Strawberry_Xu's topic in General
Xu everytime I see ur name I think of xuxuu,i dont know why though nonetheLess WeLCome. NGONGE WeLCome. PS.I Work For THe FBI SO ThereFore I Cant ReveaL ANy Information Rather Ask YaLL and Gather it For My Own Use.If Ure Contacted WIthin The CouPLe of Days Youre In TroubLe. -
Lol@Qudhac What Makes You Think Im A DamseL In Distress?
Rahima Thnx...That Kid is Very Smart...If ONLY this COuntry's Leaders Had an Ounce of the Brain that ChiLd did...LoL. Lol @ OG_Moti...U KiLLed it.
Hibo what Can I say you wiLL see peopLe Like that and worse in ur Lifetime but You toLd him right! Anywhoo I beLIeve that its a personaL choice.Some Days I prefer to eat with My Hand other times Using a Spoon and a Fork. YaLL Can Argue However Long U Want But In THe End IT ALL COmes Down To PersonaL Choice.
Lol...Nasty GirL-Not U-.
Thnx Very Touching Indeed.
You know Kynda Ima Take You up on THat Offer SOmetime ...Soon!
SubxanaLLaah :eek: , May She FaiL In Her Pathetic Attempts. BaLaayo Kuu Aragtahay Dhee...ALL those that Work For Satan HaLaag aa sugaayo.