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Everything posted by LuCkY

  1. Lol I though You understood af-caraabi...oh I see aLL that was a front huh?WeLL here it goes again :rolleyes: ! BTW:How you expect me to repLy to you when ur inbox is fuLL? :mad:
  2. Thnx Kynda the FeeLIng is MutuaL . Anywhoo Since I am not having much Luck with my Arabic,Kynda and the other gaLz wouLd YaLL be so Kind as to expLain the articLe a bit or give a short summary?Thnx in advance.I'd reaLLy Like to know what it says.
  3. Qac Qaac U understand af-caraabi right-how is this :rolleyes: ! Tuujiye as for You I said that your 15 seconds of fame is up so move on out.Youre road KiLL namean?!
  4. Umm_Medhar and the rest who may compLain about the 10 page Long triaL-DEAL WITH IT-thats your probLem Lol, however I was kind enough to provide the page numbers so do take a Look. I have Yet to see any EXHIBITS present, COUNSELORS ATHENA, X_QUIZIT,FORMER SELF-HIRED BARWAAQO and DEVILS ADVOCATE where is your motion to fiLe a COUNTERCLAIM on the accounts of CHARACTER DEFAMATION ? ***THINKS TO SELF WhAT KIND OF "PROFESSIONALS" BEHAVE THIS WAY***
  5. Fey thats just how it is.Besides it goes both ways-SomaLis disLike Ethiopians and Ethiopians disLike SomaLis. The Land wouLd be one Like PearL mentioned among a Long history of animosity among the two.
  6. Salaamz I just wanted to know what kind of gifts some of the SOL xalomo's like/prefer: Categories a) Clothing b) Jewellery (What kind?) c) Shoes d) Combination of Clothing and Jewellery P.S. None of that Memorial Business about 'I just want His SMILE or that bus transfer receipt when we first met on the bus going to school etc. blah blah blah OK!!! Its all about something Tangible and it has to cost more then $100 and YES, it is the 'GIFT' that counts not the 'THOUGHT' Fi Amanillah Khayr I Want IT ALL!The CLOTHINGs,JewELLry-preferabLLy DIAMONDs,The SHOEs,THe CHOCOLATE,THe SPA gift Cards,THe MAnicUre-Pedicure,The SaLon Treatment,The Car-PreferabLLy a Lamborghini DiabLo,the Beach House,a coupLe of beautifuL Arabian StaLLions-EVERYTHING! BTW what has made you change?i mean as far as ur theme for topics is wouLdnt have anything to do with "BahaLtaLk" from Last nite wouLd it?Thats word on the that true?Loool@!
  7. In the Case of DARMAN VS.LAKKAD Ladies and GentLemen Take NOtes: THe DIspute of PLAGIARISM and CHARACTER DEFAMATION DARMAN from the get go said that he had probLems with "sajui's".*See Page 2* LAKKAD never said he stated whether or not he was guiLty of the charges brought against him.*See page 2* DARMAN, OG-Girl.. I was shocked too when I first found out about that.. I didn’t know why an esteemed brother like Lakkad would resort to such low behavior.. I confronted him last night in a Mpls café, he stuttered and tried to dance around my accusations, but he finally gave up and told me the truth after I showed him my evidence.. (his IP Addresses). *See page 2* Can You prove this "so-caLLed-meeting-at MpLs Cafe"? UNDERDOG Your objection is OVERRULED, You are not the prosecutor so I suggest You take your seat in the Jurors section,Your testimony is striked. XENA_FAN as Juror you wiLL have to discuss this among your peer. COUNSELOR X_QUIZIT then by aLL means caLL your witnesses on stand*See Page 4*Your motion to strike UNDERDOG's testimony has been granted. UNDERDOG is this true?Are you here because of a personaL vendetta you have with COUNSELOR X_QUIZIT? *See Page 4* DARMAN Your motion to have "Lakkad's azz stamped" is not mertiabLe because so far you have nothing beyond "reasonabLe doutb".*See Page 5* 1- add one count of threatening to the list of charges 2- dismiss anyone who talking on his behalf These two motions are DENIED! DARMAN you have negLected to answer COUNSELOR X_QUIZIT's questions.WHy?*See Page 5*I ASK you to bring in FACTUAL EVIDENCE. UNDERDOG You can not caLL the DEFendant to the Stand.*See Page 5* DARMAN COUNSELOR ATHENA and X_QUIZIT are NOT SELF-HIRED.I have checked a Statement from the ACCUSED.*See Page 3*You can not refuse to discLose the detaiLs of your case with COUNSELORS ATHENA and X_QUIZIT as they are NOT I repeat NOT SELF-HIRED...either You bring forth Your evidence or I wiLL have to RULE in favor of the DEFENDANT and You wiLL ne CHarged with DEfamation of Character.Your Case WiLL be thrown out if YOu do not act soon.*See Page 5* BARWAAQO You wiLL have to discuss that matter with THE DEFENDANT.Can You prove that DARMAN made this story up?If so Please do so.I wiLL not have mockery triaL in my court.*See Page 5* X-QUIZIT Im not dismissing BARWAAQO'S Statements. COUNSELOR ATHENA I agree with You I suggest that PROSECUTOR DARMAN bring forth factuaL evidence(MIND You I have asked of You to do this severaL times now)!*See PAGe 5* COUNSELOR X-QUIZIT and SELF-HIRED COUNSELOR BARWAAQO Stop this nonsense!You are not the ones on triaL So I suggest that you take your "PersonaL Issues" out of my courtroom.*See Page 5*Yes BARWAAQO We SHaLL take that Lunch Recess Now,I hope You have a good restaurant in Mind! COUNSELOR ATHENA I wiLL Look into BARWAAQO aLthough I am not dismissing her.*See Page 5* J11 no exuction,and absoLuteLy no hanging the DEFENDANT for I have Yet to see any evidence to sentence him to the ELectric Chair.*See Page 6* LAKKAD has stated that he is not guiLTy.*See Page 6* INTUITION and MIZ-UNIQUE PLease take Your seats. DARMAN Your motion to have the court date changed is GRANTED!Bring your witness.I wiLL no have you LabeL the defendant as a criminaL-that whoLe statement is striked from the record-Jurors disregard that.*See Page 7* SELF-HIRED COUNSELOR BARWAAQO Can You prove that this whoLe case was nothing but a PubLIcity Stunt?*See PAge 7* COUNSELOR DEVIL'S ADVOCATE-noted.*See PAGE 7* GEDIID THank You for those EvaLuations but I wiLL have to see some documents that prove youre a reaL doctor at the SOL MENTAL INSTITUTE 7.*See Page 7* LAKKAD I wiLL take that You have FIRED SELF-HIRED COUNSELOR BARWAAQO.*See Page 7* COUNSELOR DEVIL'S ADVOCATE Objection OVERRULED! "PERsonaL Issues" shaLL not be deaLT with in my court room.*See PAge 8* MREMBO Objection SUSTAINED! Your motion to indict the DEFENDANT due to his first post is dismissed.*See Page 8* DARMAN Youre caLLed to the stand by COUNSELOR DEVIL'S ADVOCATE-answer the questions.*See Page 9* DARMAN I am waiting but do answer the questions at hand. PEARL Your testimony is admitted into the court.Can you bring in evidence as to the damage done to your home and the injuries your cat suffered?*See Page 9*
  8. PearL hoLd it right there! our Luckiness continued absenteism is the direct result of khat overdose, for which a new judge is been sought after. I cant have u defaming my name.I do not do such things...I might have to throw you and your so caLLed evidence out. Lakkad's attorneys u had better take care of your witness or shes outta here.
  9. As a very important member in the communist party of SOL, the party that is headed by Libaax sanka, and Jamaal 11, I announce the following steps to be taken in the case Derman (the protector) verses Lakkad (the accused): 1. Lucky is a sleeping judge: we recommend dismantling her ( sorry for the Communist words), I meant remove her from that position and give the position to most respected compatriot and a member of the communist party of SOL 2. Barwaaqo is a good Lawyer but she is not part of the communist party, thus she can not represent Lakkad 3. Derman regardless of his character assassination actions we decided to promote him to SOL’s Soldier of the Year and to be promoted to higher position if he is able to provide proves of his claims that Lakkad did this… The crime is there no doubt, we just need to know who did it… 4. X will work as a Athena assistant in defending Lakkad, but he will only do paper work, 5. Barwaaqo will be forced into house arrest for indefinite period of time. 6. Nuune made a violent statement against this serious issue, thus forced us to decrease his party status which was high, to Guulwade, the lowest communist part position.. with no chance of being promoted 7. This court will continue however there will a new Judge assigned for this court and that judge is none other than the good compatriot The Nomad,he will serve as the official judge for this court... we have faith in him that justice will be served and Lakkad will get fair trail OG_Moti,as Judge I wiLL not have a communist party participate in this hearing...this is not exceptabLe. JamaaL-11 and LST stand ur ground...u have been referred to as communist...if this true say so if not say so.There wiLL be some heavy actions taken taken as of now. I want the Jury and the Litigants to disregard OG_Moti as of now-he is a communist.
  10. 1. Lucky is a sleeping judge: we recommend dismantling her ( sorry for the Communist words), I meant remove her from that position and give the position to most respected compatriot and a member of the communist party of SOL Oh My!The Horror :eek: We have a communist here eh?OG_Moti I can see that you are not famiLiar with the duties of a Judge especiaLLy an esteemed one LIke MyseLF so I wiLL dismiss ur statement regarding.I have other cases to tend to as I am not onLy a judge for this case onLy.In order for this case to go anywhere there needs to be an order in my Courtroom as I have said before. The TriaL Date for this Case is Thursday 8:00am Sharp(Mind You American-Pacific Time).Anybody that cant meet this date pLease see me in my chambers-you must have a good excuse.
  11. ORDER! ORDER! I WANT ORDER IN MY COURT ROOM NOW! I cannot beLieve what I am witnessing here.My courtroom is not a circus,there wiLL be order and aLL this chaos wiLL stop once and for aLL. Now Im gonna review aLL that has been presented by the Litigants. As for those of you that are questioning my credentiaLs you had better do a background check.I wiLL not have anyone questioning my authority-understood?! I caLL on the BaiLiff ,the CLerk,the Court Reporter and the Thirteen Jurors-identify yourseLves...this is unexceptabLe.The rest of you dont interfere I dont want the jury to be misLead. I wiLL be back so I wiLL assume that both of the Litigants have presented their cases with factuaL evidence and no bLunders. COURT is in RECESS !
  12. Fey WeLCome to SOL...I know its kinda Late.
  13. LuCkY


    Lol@IdiL and ure taLking about Miz-Us vioLentness Lol.
  14. OG_GirL weLL said,that is true.The way they expLoite womens bodies is unbeLievabLe and they try to justify that by saying its Freedom or a PersonaL Choice.OG you are right they do practice poLygamy more in a fiLthy way that reduces a womens reputation such as mistresses. Anywhoo nuff said from me...I have a headache so pLz feeL free to correct my mistakes.
  15. LuCkY


    way too many Somali Sentences! Loool@Kynda.
  16. Some ALien pay No Mind. ActuaLLy Im toLd Im a Lot crazier and funnier offLine but pretty much the same overaLL.
  17. Lol.QQ saas miya sheekda...ok.As for Tuujiye weLL Qac pay no mind cuz his just seeking attention because his 15 seconds of so caLLed game is Long over due.
  18. Lakkad thats what im here for. X_quizit point continue my dear.
  19. Lol@QQ u better watch out cuz i got a baaLdii fuLL of biyo cagaar ah thats headed ur,besides I wiLL take that coLd water ure offering as its hot up in this joint. About the door its cuz im actuaLLy the guard so since ur handicapped a$$ is a bit Lost im heLPing you out by showing u which jaaha the aLbaab is.
  20. HONEY-D, Lucky i dont think there is any woman who mind polygamy so long as it doesnt involve her. Let me ask you hypothetical question hope you dont mind. say your husband who's a wonderful father to your kids marries another wife would you let a jealous in the way of your childrens' happiness as he means the world to them. WeLL I see Athena answered the question before moi but I wiLL add to that. For one thing Honey-D you said a wonderfuL father to my kids and not a wonderfuL wonderfuL husband,so thats not to say that he and I arent having issues so why shouLd we waste our time. About the time with this kids, Miz-Unique covered that.And honestLy speaking I wiLL make it to cLear to him that if he wants to stay married to me then I wont have none of this second wife biznezz namean,thats just my opinion. X_Quizit You have pretty much covered it so no need to go there.
  21. Both the Defendant and Plaintiff need to present strong evidence. X are you the Lawyer and The Judge for ur cLient?--->Regarding ur "in my court" comment.
  22. LMAO! Lol@"Stay tuned, on another episode of "Caught Red Handed...I need a lawyer" segment..." Im in the House...The HonorabLe Judge Lucky has arrived.
  23. WeLL,I havent personaLLy faced this issue myseLf.I have heard peopLe discuss it.I mean Yes PoLygamy is permitted and with that I have no probLem, so Long as it doesnt it invoLve me.I mean its just my opinion and who I am.No...HeLL No...I wouLdnt Like to be a second pun intended to the seond wifes.
  24. LuCkY


    BB and DV powerfuL-WOrd!
  25. LuCkY


    Wow...Im in awe HazeL and DV...nice read YaLL.