how do i start!!
I totally agree a lot of u but here comes what pisses me off and makes me sick:
I'm soo sick off ppl dudging me. Just mind your own buisness!!
I'm soo sick off young somali girls rolling theyr eyes because I'm doing something with my life..LIVIN' IT.
I'm soo sick off those old (very old) somali women, trying to be 20..and saying something like.."anigu waxaan ahay labaatan iyo laba.." when u know they're 40..maan..i can see you wrinkels!! And by the way years go by..are u still 22?? :mad:
I'm soo sick off those "reer miyi" who doesn't know anything, please admit that u know nothing, If someone asks u something say Allahu Yaclam, instead of making up something.
I'm soo sick of living in Europe, I want to go HOME.
I'm soo sick of all of those ppl that are trying to put me down..just because I don't want to be your friend.
I'm just trying to do my thing and I'm not bothering anyone so please back off!! :mad: :mad:
huuh..I really needed I feel better..thanx everyone fo listening(or reading)