Miss Magoo

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  1. Go to this homepage and send an email to thank the reporter http://action.gazajustice.org/t/4436/campaign.jsp? campaign_KEY=963
  2. Miss Magoo


    Mashaallah Fredi Kanoute!
  3. A&T, sorry about my lil bit abrupt insert, and thanks for the welcoming. I've just heard to many complaints from my somali brothers that arabs are no good, hamas is to blame for the whole situation, and if they do feel sorry for the Gaza citizens their apology for not doing anything has been that westerners has been and will always support Israel so there's no point to appeal to the leaders of our western countries, nor to the media. And then we have those who say demonstrations are haram, we should turn to Allah and make dua, as if our supplication alone is enough. For those who blame the palestinians I have no words but resentment. It's good what you're doing, if there will ever be any major change for the muslim situation in the world it has to start from within the muslim countries. But nevertheless my brother, there are many roads to Rome. I live here, and I haven't yet given up the hope that we can influence the western order. A demonstration has more than one purpose: make an opinion, unite and give us who work towards something a bit of a boost to continue our work and tell the rest of the population that we are many. If we don't see any change tomorrow, it doesn't mean we wont see the effect in next generation... sabr my friend.
  4. A&T, you and other somali like-minded guys are so full of crap. No wonder our beloved homeland is full of creatures who love to talk and fight. I also joined a demonstration in my small town of a european country, and I asked my Saudi friend to join (who's here on student visa). She didn't dare, they are not allowed to demonstrate in Saudi Arabia, they are not allowed to protest, and therefore she rather stayed at home. I'm not saying western countries are the best, but at least use your freedom of speech to say the truth - not everyone has that luxury. Complain about the biased media, become a journalist, an author who uses his pen to tell about injustice so that others can become enlighted. There is so much you can do, but instead of making any difference, you rather find faults and errors in those who strive to do better.
  5. Miss Magoo

    New Here

    Thanks ShyRose, but it's Magoo and not Mango pls
  6. My first thought reading the title of the topic was "who is so ignorant to even write that", but I was even more puzzled after reading what Warsameh's had to say about this subject. So in conclusion what you mean Warsameh is that if someone benefits you, you should support him, even if he's a brutal massmurderer?
  7. Miss Magoo

    New Here

    Yeah, I'm new too, so please give me and COSTA some warm welcoming as well!!
  8. Do you really believe Abu Diaby that they (Saudis, Americans or whoever it might be) created a storm to sink the pirate's boat. Couldn't they just have placed a bomb in the sack instead of money?
  9. MARX, what if no one went out to protest... silence in this case equals green light for israel. Demonstrations and perseverance in activism can make a difference. Good job London, and for other demonstrations around the world.