Salaam Aleykum brothers and sisters in Islam.
INshallah you are all in the best of Imaan and health.
All praises belong to the Lord of the Universe, Allah, the only god who has no assiociate in His Kingdom. Allah does not have a son, nor a daughter. Allah in His Infinite mercy created the all creations in existance. Allah does not need us, but we need Him. And He did not create us but to worship Him (51:56). And Allah with his Infinite Mercy, created for us Role Models whom we can imitate and follow uncondionally. Becuase it is only logic that since Allah created us to worship Him, He also has to create those Agents who would play the role of Representatives of Allah in the world.
Well, to worship Allah is not a small issue. IN fact, it is the pillar of our Religion. With that having said, it is only logic that those Agents (who are chosen by Allah, himself) who will teach us HOW to worship Allah correctly be clear pure from all impuritites and be completely Taahir. (See 33:33).
Having said that, let me confess my Islam to you. My Islam is based on the following issues (note this is not for any of you to disagree or agree):
- The Oneness of Allah, i.e. He has no Partner. It is not within His domain to have a partner. Allah says (in Ayah Kursi):
"Allah is He besides Whom there is no god, the Everliving, the Self-subsisting by Whom all subsist; slumber does not overtake Him nor sleep; whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth is His; who is he that can intercede with Him but by His permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them, and they cannot comprehend anything out of His knowledge except what He pleases, His knowledge extends over the heavens and the earth, and the preservation of them both tires Him not, and He is the Most High, the Great."
-Muhammad is the last of the Messengers of Allah. And He is Perfect Example for all humans to follow. He is the Model for human perfection.
-Ali is the best of all creations of Allah after Rasuallah Muhammad (saww). He is the first Imam of the Muslims. And I follow the other 11 Imams (peace be upn them all) from His Children.
-And that Fatima, daugther of the Prophet of Islam, is the Chosen woman and the Mistress of all Women from the first till the last. She is symbol of Justice, truthfulnes, and freedom. She is far from all sorts of impurities.
-I believe in Qiyama, the Angels, Heaven and Hell, the books before Quraan, i.e. Tawraat, INjiil, and Zabuur.
-And I finally I believe in the Holy Quran. The Quran is a complete and perfect book. Theere is not a single verse mission from it. Nor is there verses added to it (as some ignorant ppl beleive).
Now, o brothers and sisters in Islam, I ask you what is your believe (of the above mentionied faith)? Do you believe them to be Kafirs like the other Muslims? Do you consider them to be at least Muslims? Basically, I just want to know from your view, where do the Shias (those who follow Muhammad the Family of Muhammad) stand?
Thank you.
INshallah I hope to get mature replies, replies that has no cussing, not not sorl of foul language, not improper and unIslamic words.
Allah guides all to the right path, the path of those whom you have blessed.
Fi Amanillah