Originally posted by NGONGE:
I find the modesty of Somali women amusing. The poor unsuspecting brothers fall for it too. Such sweet and innocent questions like “ Ladies, would you propose?†as if things are really that simple. As if the Somali women sit back and wait for a stubborn guy to get the hint and propose when he’s ready. As if it’s not them who really RUN the show and TELL you when you’re ready to propose. Usually, it’s the girls who propose. They do it by playing hard to get and words such as “ warya, maxad na mooday? Saaxiib, saaxiib anako ma naqaanâ€, She will not mention marriage but she’ll fix the boundaries, the trap for the poor unsuspecting Don Juan to fall into. A few lucky brothers manage to escape from the clutches of these black widows. The majority though, give up and in order to give their vulnerability some cloak of respectability, they propose! Trust me, it is really the women who propose first. They do it the minute they open the doors to that coop and lure the men in. they don’t call the institution of marriage The Golden Cage for nothing, you know. :rolleyes:
NGONGE GOD bless you my brother, you just gave me the PERFECT idea for a perfect nick name :cool: