Abokor Omar

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Everything posted by Abokor Omar

  1. I bet you they have a statue of this old tool in Bossaso as gratitude from bringing the warring pirates together..lol
  2. Che I want to know if this female behavoir of following me around like a groupie, started when you witnessed the snitches in prison or did you always prefer pink and playing with ken and barbie as a child? Btw, why are you crying? It's you who seems to make every thread I comment on personal. If your not insulting my family your questioning my sexuality, something that has nothing to do with the thread.
  3. Tell me Che how do you know what happens to snitches, did you end up in prison and get banged? You do act like a drama queen following me around throwing personal insults just to gain my attention.
  4. Western attitude has changed against organisations or people who from the safety of their homes encourage the use violence and terror in peaceful regions with the aim of destabilising and turning it into a conflict zone. I would go as far as reporting any friends or family who support the cult SSC group. Members on this forum who support this organisation Gitmo has plenty of room.
  5. *SMH* Please turn them away and inform them that the application to join has been rejected. Better luck next year.
  6. Shabab is going nowhere, if this guy thinks he can get rid of them, his in the wrong job. He needs to apply for the job of American viceroy to Afgahnistan and help them eradicate the Taliban.lol Let's be honest though his not concerned about Al-Shabab more his pocket.
  7. So Duke your hoping to replace the flying donkey Sharif with the Pirate captain Imam Farole? I can see why you want a conference so badly, you've fallin off the radar.lol
  8. "conference should be held in Somalia" " Garoweonline" Are we to read between the lines Duke?
  9. Zack why confuse the innocent reer miyi with this new meaningless name and just call it southern O.gadenia, I'm sure it makes no difference to you that other tribes share the land with you, judging by your past record.
  10. The SL community in the UK is very active in putting pressure on MP's to support SL and it's representatives. We the next generation should inshallah take the dream to the finishing line and bring to an end what our fathers started.
  11. Lol@Libaan. Sharif the flying donkey needs more then words.. Btw, nothing personally against the guy but his not fit to lead and needs to move on. Currently he is a great obsticle in the way of progress.
  12. General Duke;707839 wrote: ^^^No one disagrees with correcting anything, nor am I upset at SSC going their own way. A clear position like the other communities of the state is required from this group. No dancing around the core issues. The community must deal with the many vagabonds such as Xabsade who sell their people to the small stinking secessionist shillings. The community must hold accountable those who promised so much and have since disappeared. Looking for scapegoats is not the answer and blaming other communities for ones division and lack of clear leadership is also not the answer. What about Farole calling the cult SSC ''terrorist'' or sitting in his Pirate den while SL gave them a nose bleed. Did you erase that from your memory or are your leaders perfect and everyone elses bad.lol
  13. Duke tell me about the atheist filth Ayan Hirsi who is related to you?
  14. Taleexi is there more to this little emotional outburst between you and Duke?
  15. Mujahid Caydiid, he did more then order around certain folks.:cool:
  16. Duke before you were being emotional like a cheated wife, now your being straight g.ay. Stop checking mans swagg.
  17. Xaaji Xunjuf;707768 wrote: ;) I felt sea sick reading his reply..
  18. Its natural for SSC cult follower and a product of Darwisim to think of running and battle in the same instant. You been doing nothing but running since the 1800's. Sxb, running is for cowards. These men are trained killers who can single handedly take a russian T5 tank all alone. These men are the ones who will be sent to the wastelands of Togdher to hunt the SSC nabadiids.
  19. Ponds, Fish, Swimming, a Pirate and the sea. Hey Duke.lol
  20. Taleexi, if you me and Duke came face to face in battle with you two one one side and me on the other, one of us would be dead, with a knife on his back. Taleexi ''Duke, Duke, you alive Duke?''
  21. Taleexi on a serious note. I dont understand what you two are getting emotional about. You guys the cult of buhodle more commonly known as SSC disrespected his elder all because of petty politics. A wrong and instead of defending the actions you should have admitted your wrong, apologized and all would have ended. Instead your defending the wrong. I can see why Dukey is a little confused. His asking who really is the enemy. So rather then sweeping things under the carpet and using the successionist as escape rout, answer the mans question. Are you friend or foe?