Abokor Omar

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Everything posted by Abokor Omar

  1. Everytime I read a post by a SSC supporters I start hearing Violins. What happend to the sons of the mighty Darwish, the torch carriers of the MOD? How the mighty have fallin. Lol In today flat level playing field of tribalism track and field the Darwish have been found out to be nothing but imposters. In the year 2011 when states are being manufactured they are in 1989 as a rebel movement at war. That's old..This is what happens when your leaders are up for the highest bidder .
  2. XX can you imagine Faroole landing in Hargeisa. He will be sent to Madheera and the Pirate state would get on it's knees and beg. Lol These people are all talk with no teal substance. We are not equal but far superior.
  3. In that case let us know when anybody from your region or outside Somaliland wants to enter Somaliland since you claim it is part of Somalia and we won't just kill him but make an example of him so that people like you Duke don't make the same error.lol Word of advice, we are the people who brought down a whole national army. We are not be foxed with..
  4. Somalina;723372 wrote: It looks like they were told! You still betting that your Donkey comes first?lol
  5. You have no point, but constantly grasping straws and begging. War what part of we don't want to share anything with you do you not understand. Let me it this way WE DON'T WANT TO BE PART IF SOMALIA, hope that helps.
  6. Nobody forced you to fight for 20 years it was by choice that your people decided to waste man, power and money on something that defines logic. We have but our energy into recognition for 20 years to escape your madness but some on here SOL hate us for this. They would rather like the other 100's of groups in Somalia take arms and join the senseless war and start killing Somalis. Because according to them killing Somalis is what makes you Somali and not killing Somalis and choosing peace is not Somali. You support Afweyne, he support AY and she supports Mujahid Caydiid.
  7. Your point being Duke? I'm lost. We have a goal to gain recognition and coporating with the UN helps us achieve this goal. Somaliland has nothing to do with the current infighting between your jackal leaders or returning to Mogdisho. We are gone all we want is to make it official in writing.
  8. Our goal hasn't changed our methods have as you would expect from a new administration, or do you people view politics as a straight predictable line? Lol
  9. Meeting the UN as the democratic ELECTED representatives of Somaliland does not help your course one bit, or do you hope by sharing a table with us, it somehow means we share your problems, or give credibility to your cowboy leaders from the south who represent nobody but their pockets. Tribalism to an extent can blind you or in certain cases block you from the truth. Why else would people in the west educated enough to differentiate between right and wrong support someone not elected by anybody but the west. They are told by the UN when they should leave office and another one is hand picked by that same organisation. The wishes of the people they are meant to represent are never taken into consideration. This is modern day colonisation. Those who support the TFG only do so out of clan interest and no other reason. What a waste of tax payees money. Every time you see a member of the Somaliland government you are looking at a man elected by majority of his people in a fair and civilised manor. Your leaders make a mockery of the word leadership. They are simple tribal chiefs either chosen by the west or behind closed doors placed by a selected few.
  10. Wallal freedom off speech should respected. If me speaking the truth bothers you, I find it deplorable that a warmonger masquerading as a singer should be awarded anything. It's bad practice and will only further polarise our already fractured society. Why not reward those who try and further peace and bring people together.
  11. Does Hadrawi have mystical powers that will able him to see the darkest corners of Sado's heart? War we judge people on actions, words and deeds. Her actions speak volumes, her words tribalism. She is a tribalist and you and the rest of her supporters over look this fact because you both are from the same clan.lol
  12. A man like Hadrawi who was locked by the former regime for his opinion and today opposes his tribes goals deserves a reward. His a Somali statesman someone all Somalis can relate to. Sado on the other hand sings today for more deaths and the more chaos. She supported Abdillah Yusuf's war against the UIC and is today screaming for the destruction of SL and the empowerment of her tribe. She might not have been a tribalist to begin with but today she is the heavyweight champion. No other artist cones close.
  13. Malika;722914 wrote: ^Water or Acid to go with that bitterness? btw you sound like that dude Africanow, you both sound like parrots stuck in an ecoed cave ... Deal with the substance of my point not trying to distract away from it by ridiculing the messenger.
  14. If you support SSC you're strategy is one of territorial expansionism, playing the victim will not change this fact. My tribe lives in SSC regions, who gave you the right to claim that you speak for all those said regions, when the fact is you don't even speak for all your regions. And before you claim this is what SL is doing, does two wrongs equal right in your head?
  15. Che you want to create a system so that some qabils can be named and not others. Behave yourself, the rules are stated and apply to all with no exception..
  16. If bribing is not working today and they are choosing unity to a country on it's knees, it's a waste of money and time. Simply when Somalia is able they will bolt for the door and laugh all the way to Mogdisho.. It's a short sighted policy.
  17. Xaaji Xunjuf;722506 wrote: Killing Somali Muslim people is not the way we should find a peaceful solution at any cost If that's the case why not share a country with Somali Muslims? This mentality of yours and to a lesser extent the general SL community is wrong, it's the reason why SL has been on hold for 20 years. You either get what you want be any means necessary or accept your fate and admit your failure. Life is tough sxb, Muslims kill Muslims all over the world I'm sure you won't be the last. On the positive side Xaaji you will have a passport with your country and a flag at the UN table..
  18. That's correct but one can absorb a conflict better then the other and with the end result being a clear defind border to show the international community and life's lost would not have been worth the sacrifice. The likes of our resident SSC folks cant be reasoned with on SOL, they are a true reflection of their wider community, and they only language they understand just like those from the south they are running to is, might is right. One thing we and the SSC folks agree is that the chances of SL gaining independence with it's current policy is zero. It's to confusing to tell the difference between, SL and Somalia, add to this confusion a not clearly defined border and the case for succession is that less likely. The policy need to be changed, we are not equal SSC and SL, one is a nation the other a group of civilians disrupting the peace for no apparent reason. If SL was transgressing fair enough, but it's not the case. They have a deep tribal hatred that can't be cured..
  19. The Bantu mercenaries are getting payed well for killing Somalis.
  20. In my humble opinion and being objective; SL does not have the stomach to be a country. The leadership need to determine the best root to recognition and eventual independence and applying the necessary work required to achieve the goal. The required work will involve hands getting dirty even worse case scenario people being sent to the Hague, but this is how countries are made, through blood, sweat and tears. Bosnia gained independence through force, same with east Timor and with EPLF. SL's current policy towards those who are aiming to destabilise it are soft and more suited in Scandinavia not in Africa. A more aggressive policy would be advisable and a dependent culture needs to be cultivated in those said regions. This should involve less carrots and bigger stick for those not willing to accept peace. I very much doubt those in power today who missed the first opportunity to remove this cancer SSC from Somaliland are brave enough to fix it today.
  21. The Zack;721632 wrote: If they unite it would be a disaster for you and you will kiss the secession goodbye. I am just keeping it real. Some people in here talk before they think. And how would they do that Einstein? Care to elaborate. No, dont bother. Just free yourself from the Ethiopian shackles and you have done this we can discuss anything until then keep quite and let the free men discuss..
  22. A_Khadar is not a clanist far from it, it's just by coincidence that everyone of his post is anti-somaliland and pro SSC which by chance a movement with motives of expansionism.lol
  23. Dervish I have never really bothered to investigate why your tribe thought fighting the british empire was a wise move and one that they could win. However, it ended with the killing of 1 whiteman and the death of thousands of Somalis. If this can be concluded as a success, I for one would like to know what failure was. Because in retrospect the Derwish movement failed in the battlefield and it's reason for going to war wrong as the Briish left Somali as it was when they arrived. Putting history aside and returning to today. We will move today's a better tomorrow but if you and your people want to get of this mission and instead join those in the south who have been unable to find peace in 20 years. Provide us with a unified voice and if after this unified decision you decide against what's best for you, then we will draw a line between us place you in the responsible hands of the pirates and you can run into the sun set holding hands and on to mogdisho.