Maashaallaah. Stay strong!
You wrote
"How dare you say that it is alright to enforce the burqa on a person"
Laa ikarhu Fiddiini .... No muslim has ever forced religion on another person, but a muslim must adhere to what Al-Islam commands. An ISlamic government has the right to enforce Islamic law upon the Muslim Ummah (nonMuslim excluded) under ISlamic shariah.
"Im not against the burqa, but i dont think gov't has the right to sanction religion."
The Burqa and religion are two different things.
"That type of gov't died with the last Caliph, Ali ( the last of the rightly guided leaders)."
Sybhaanallaal, you are implying in here that the Khulaaful-raashidiin has forced religion upon the people, a clear contradiction to the quran and the sunnah, and since they were the rightly guided, and the most authentic that their understanding of Al-ISlam was wrong. How much do you know about Islam?
"Nowhere in the Quran does it say the burqa type of attire is required."
Hijab is required of every Muslim, the versus form the quran and the sunnah are too many to post in here. http://www.soundvision.com/Info/news/hijab/hjb.quran.asp
PS -- Please, understand and examine what you are presenting, SHIRK/KUFR is a serious thing!