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Everything posted by dhulQarnayn

  1. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto umada masaakiinta ah oo ku dhimatay qaraxaan... Don't these hopeless morons realise that their hit-N-run attacks are futile. I hope these murdering scum incur the wrath of Allah and all ROT in Hell. lax... lax dhashay iyogoo dhan!
  2. Originally posted by Brofessor_Geeljire: Dhul-q, how about we scrap the presidents office ? ha ha ha... No problem! just as long you o.k with El Señor Presidente to pull a Vladimir Putin on these suckahs(i.e. switch offices).
  3. ********Walaalayaal, let us respect the rules of the site and stop the namecalling. ************ [ August 03, 2008, 11:17 PM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]
  4. ^^^Saaxiib, last time I checked our draft constitution was being debated and awaits implementation... As for the TFG's constitution which follows the archaic rules of a flawed 4.5 system; I believe there will always be a lowlevel power struggle between the office of the President and the Prime Minister.Thus, if the TFG wishes to function a little better, one of these offices must be scrapped or become ceremonial.
  5. Panic, disorder and pandemonium — my work here is done! dhulQarnayn, Republic Of California.
  6. Originally posted by AfricaOwn: quote: Originally posted by Hassan6734: Yey is a joker because the west backs Nur Addde, if Nur Adde goes its definitely the end of the TFG, god Willing. Yey will be made to look like the incompetent "leader" which he is. Things will get very interesting from here on. Total failure.. the only support he gets is from Duke and the likes . El Señor Presidente Cabdullahi Yuusuf <--- joker! General Duke dhulQarnayn
  7. Originally posted by nuune: Duke, good point, laakin waa inaan fahanaa sababta waxan dhan keenay, illeen horey looma mucaaradeenin Nuur Cade ama shaqadiisa waxba lagama sheegeenin oo lama oraneenin uma qalmo jagada uu haada hayo, Ma markuu Maxamed dheere xilka ay wasiiradu ka xayuubiyeen baa la nacey Nuur Cade oo la yiri shaqadiisa si qumaati ah uma gudanayo. Kolleey minja-xaabin baan u arkaa iyo dhagar iska cad, iyo meesha anaa ku amar-taakleyn Walaale aan kaa dhexgalo, Saaxiib nuune, Personally, I don't know if it is true or not but I have been told that waxa kaliya ee ku haystaan Prime Minister Xusseen Cade, is that he did not follow the rules enshrined in the TFG constitution. :confused: And if that is correct, that a prime minister cannot fire an individual that works for him without having a vote to do so with his other ministers - then I think, that is laughable and very preposterous . "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other." This explains the impunity with which M.Dheere chose to ignore the prime minister's orders and his claim that only the president's office can fire him. Until this pretense that the prime ministerial post is independent and can direct/ appoint whomever he wishes is sorted out...the TFG will keep replacing prime ministers like females replace their sanitary pads. I think the TFG should stop wasting time and scrap the prime ministership, altogether. The president should elect the remaining cabinet officers directly and actively run the affairs of state himself. So next time a government blunder occurs, we will hold the president accountable and he won't have a weak prime minister to use for a scapegoat.
  8. ^^^ninka sidee eygii oo kale buu u ciyayaa, soo ma aha? lol
  9. Hey guys, check out this horse race that features a horse called Arrr. Fast forward the footage to the last 20 seconds or so, as the horses are coming around the bend to the home straight. Tom Durkin - Arrrrr Again It cracks me up how the announcer was saying the horses's name.
  10. Kudos to you, Abtigiis &Tolka , for introducing and isolating a very good topic. I commend you for learning the lessons that you appear to have learned. Thanks for sharing them with us. dhulQarnayn, Republic Of California.
  11. Originally posted by Daalibul 'ilm: If you mean is the TFG doomed govt, then yes, and we pray allah (swt) brings it's destruction even quicker. you remind me of this comedian, who said in abu dubai, people commit fornication, gamble, drink, but when you bring them pork, they tell you it's haraam. Hadaa waxaad ka hadleysaa duco la aqbalo, waxaadna taagerta mashruuc wadanka soo galiyey gaalo, dadkiina halaagay, masajidiina wada xiray, kitaabtii quraanka ahaa in saxarada la isaga qalajinayo in loo isticmaalo sababay!!!! Mise arrinta waxaa weeye, mar hadii maxamed iyo hassan la na dhaho, soomaalina aan nahay,insurance baan haysanaa oo, illaahey cadabkiisa ka ma cabsaneyno? diintana wax kasto oo aan samayno, ama ficil kastoo oo an taageerno, waxba uma dhimayo islaam nimadaanada. Mise arrinta dhan waxaad u aragta qabiilo jidadka ku hirdamaya, adiguna aad tolkaaga taageerayso? Daalibul 'ilm, Firstly, you're . Secondly, please stop spreading your filthy . Thirdly, if you cannot proffer a decent response to the question... Originally posted by Emperor: Somaaliyay maxaa idiin talo ah? and you refuse to stay on the extant subject matter...please dhulQarnayn,
  12. Originally posted by rudy-Diiriye: bugland is no place to be happy about! it needs upgrade badly. And your snivelling whiny-butt opinion would be? Please take your elsewhere. !
  13. sorry, I know it is a bit late.... Happy 10th anniversary. Congrats Puntland! You're not perfect but you're still #1 to me! May Allah(S.W.T) bless Puntland. I wish for a peaceful future relationship between Puntland and the rest of my Somali peoples. So lets get the party started in here... Best wishes for the next 10 years! Not much, but I think it'll do.
  14. Oh Noo!!! I gotta get outta here, homie is mad! Saaxiib raali ahow...
  15. No wonder, the guy has been an adamant supporter of the government! ileen ninku jaga-raadis buu ahaa . ------------------------------------------------- Safiirka Somalia u Fadhiya Jamuuriyada Iraan oo Manta si Rasmi ah loo Gudoon Siiyay Warqadii Safiir Nimo. M/weynaha jamuuriyada Iran mudane axmed Njaad ayaa manta waxaa uu qasrigiisa madaxtooyada ku gudoon siisay warqadii aqoon siga ee safiir nimno Mudane C/raxmaan luga dheere oo ah safiirka jamuuriyada Somalia u qaabil san dalka Iran. Masuul kan u qaabil san dalka Somalia jamuuriyada iraan ayaa waxaa uu yahay masuul qibrad dheraad ah u leh howsha ay u idmatay jamuuriyada Somalia. Goobta ay ka dhacday gudoon siinta ayaa isaganu waxaa ku sugnaa kuxigeenka safiirka oo lagu maga caabo Dr Jamaal C/samed xirsi yusuf oo isaguna ah masuulka labaad ee uga wakiilka ah dalka Somalia jamuuriyada Iraan. Safiir C/raxmaan iyo kuxigeenkiisa Dr Jamaal ayaa waxaa ay mudo badan ay kala hadlayeen M/weynaha dalka Iran sidii loo sii kordhin lahaa ama kor loogu qaadi lahaa xiriirka dheer ee u dhaxeeya labada dal ee Somalia iyo Iraan. Maaha markii ugu horaysay ee uu maga caabo M/weyne C/laahi Yuusuf safiiro iyo kuxigeeno u fadhin doona dalalka shisheeye dalka Somalia. Safiirkan cusub iyo kuxigeen kiisa oo ah labadii ugu danbeeyay masuliyiin ay maga cowdo wasaarada arimaha dibadda dalka Somalia uu haatan hogaan u hayo wasiir Cali Axmed Jaamac Jangali. Masuuliyinta haatan loo maga caabay jamuuriyada Iran ayaa waxaa ay yihiin rag mudo dheer ku soo dheex jiray howsha dublamaasi ee aduunka isgaoo haatan ku wacad maray inay dib u soo celin donaan xiriirkii u dhaxeeyay labada dal ee Somalia iyo Iran. Gaba gabadii xafladan ka dhacday qasriga madaxtooyada jamuuriyada Iran eena lagu gudoon siinayay warqada safiir nimo masuliyiinta kala ah safiir C/raxmaan luga dheere iyo kuxigeenkiisa oo lagu maga caabo Dr Jamaal C/samed xirsi yuusuf ayaa ku soo dhamaaday farxad iyo jawi aad u wanaag san isadoo halkaasi ay ka galbiyeen gawaadhida madaxtooyada ee dalka Iran. -------------------------------------------------
  16. Please, tell me where these schools of yours are. I wanna send my warlords after you and they will hang you by the nose in one of your classrooms Waryaa, "financial"kaad sheygaysid oo dhan waa kaa xoogaynaa? We dont play, yo!
  17. Brofessor_Geeljire, One problem we have in this threads is that most SOL members have nary a clue about what is actually going on in xamar. Saaxiibyaal, meeshaan qabiil dartiis baa wali la isku xasuuqayaa. Countless clean-handed tribesmen of Maxamad Dheere(whose only crime has been their support for the TFG government) have been assasinated by the SHABAB groups. In their daily rations of aimless violence, many innocent women, children and elderly people from the Mayor's tribe have perished in firefights between the TFG/SHABAB. The shabab have exceled in the cowardly art of hit-N-run attacks against TFG forces in the midst of innocent people who have often been killed, maimed or have been forced to flee from their homes and neighborhods. Its no conicidence, that a great majority of these IDPs happen to be M.Dheere's kindred. So how then, do you expect M.Dheere to reason with such illogical groups that are causing sheer terror on his tribemen? VIOLENCE, for pay back is a b*tch! The Mayor being an old hell-hound himself, wont to take that crap from murdering thugs who target his community. He has very successfully sought revenge against the tribesmen of the Shabab. In Somalia, tribal 'beef' is only fair! As for the TFG, they should've never employed such a loose cannon in the first place. Puts a big dent on their "Hearts and minds" campaign in Mogadishu, if ya know what I mean, mayn!
  18. ^^^ I said... Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: How many of you can honestly say that you have done something positively tangible to better the situation back home? You said... Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: I Can for I have never participated, supported, nor gave tacit consent to what is happening in home country. on the contrary, i have do everything possible in my power to reverse (and quite successfully)the effects of your "'beloved' warlords" Now, I did not ask you about what you have never done, but rather, whether you have done anything worthwhile back home that might help simmer the conflict down. Zilch right? Thus, leave my warlords alone!
  19. ^^^Brofessor, dont kill the messenger! Dont you know the good General is one of Villa Somalia's spokesmen?
  20. I would like to respond with a kindly meant (although somewhat cynical) rebuttal. Somaalidaa waxee ku mahmahdaa..."Islaan fadhida lagdin lafududaa". Your criticism of 'our' warlords(poetic as it may be)is misplaced, to say the least. Many Somalis criticize warlords without actually realizing that the warlords are simply a bi-product of the chaos that has enveloped Somalia in the last two decades or so. You can all recall, that warlordism only began right after the fall of the republic and was an unknown phenomena previous to that. These men(warlords) are simply trying survive the anarchic state of affairs in Somalia. So I suggest, y'all take this,all talk- no action, hypocricy elsewhere. How many of you can honestly say that you have done something positively tangible to better the situation back home? Not many! And to use the warlords as a scapegoat is very irresponsible. Unless, we put our tribal differences aside, we shall never recover from the awful abyss our country is in. The lack of motivation to confront tribalism is almost as crippling as a lack of ability to fight it in Somalia. And I great majority of us are guilty of this. So then, lazy namby-pambies; quit being so insecure with yourselves; and stop relaying your frustrations onto our 'beloved' warlords. They aint the only source of our troubles. Confront your inner demons, and only then shall we get back on our feet.
  21. Musée Des Beaux Arts by W. H. Auden About suffering they were never wrong, The Old Masters: how well they understood Its human position; how it takes place While someone else is eating or opening a window or just walking dully along; How, when the aged are reverently, passionately waiting For the miraculous birth, there always must be Children who did not specially want it to happen, skating On a pond at the edge of the wood: They never forgot That even the dreadful martyrdom must run its course Anyhow in a corner, some untidy spot Where the dogs go on with their doggy life and the torturer's horse Scratches its innocent behind on a tree. In Breughel's Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away Quite leisurely from the disaster; the ploughman may Have heard the splash, the forsaken cry, But for him it was not an important failure; the sun shone As it had to on the white legs disappearing into the green Water; and the expensive delicate ship that must have seen Something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky, Had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on.
  22. Guddoomiyaha gobalka Banaadir ee shalay wareegto ra’isul wasaaruhu soo saaray xilka looga qaaday Mudane Maxamed Cumar xabeeb (Maxamed Dheere) ayaa markii ugu horeysay ka hadlay sida uu u arko xil ka qaadistaas,waxaana uu sheegay in xafiiska ra’isul wasaaruhu uu yahay xafiis sharaf mudan,laakin uu ku kooban yahay oo keliya in uu madaxweynaha usoo jeediyo xil hadii la qaadayo. Guddoomiyaha gobalka Banaadir ee shalay wareegto ra’isul wasaaruhu soo saaray xilka looga qaaday Mudane Maxamed Cumar xabeeb (Maxamed Dheere) ayaa markii ugu horeysay ka hadlay sida uu u arko xil ka qaadistaas,waxaana uu sheegay in xafiiska ra’isul wasaaruhu uu yahay xafiis sharaf mudan,laakin uu ku kooban yahay oo keliya in uu madaxweynaha usoo jeediyo xil hadii la qaadayo. “Horta anigu aad iyo aad ayaan ugu faraxsanahay in maanta ay dalka dowladi Soomaaliyeed ka jirto oo masuul xilka laga qaadayo masuul kalana loo magacaabayo,waana soo dhaweynayaa hadii walaalkey Soomaaliyeed booskayga lagu badalayo,laakin waxaa ay xil ka qaadisteydu sharci noqoneysaa marka uu madaxweynaha jamhuuriyadu saxiixo”ayuu yidhi Mudane maxamed Dheere. “Anigu meesha kamasoo dhalan,kamana soo hor jeedo in xil la iga qaado,sababtoo ah masuulkii loo dhiibo isna mar ayaa laga qaadi doonaa,laakin waxaa muhiim ah in sharciga la raaco”ayuu mar kale yidhi maxamed Dheere oo xalay u warramayay BBC-da qeybteeda afka Soomaaliga. Qaran diidka weyn Yuusuf Garaad ayaa isku dayay in uu mudanahan weydiiyo su’aalo caro kicin kara,laakin mudane maxamed Dheere,waxaa uu xalay ahaa mid aad u dagan,isagoo amaana u jeediyay ra’isulwasaaraha qaranka ee soo saaray wareegtada xil ka qaadista sheegeysay. “Hadii uu madaxweynaha qaranku soo saaro wareegto uu xilka iiga qaadayo,ama uu saxiixiisa saaro wareegtada hada kasoo baxday ra’isulwasaaraha waan qaadanayaa,si la mida sidii xilka uu iigu wareejiyay masuulkii iga horeeyay,ayaana masuulka loo dhiibo u qabanayaa munaasbad weyn oo aan xilka kula wareejinayo,laakin wax kasta waxaa ay ku xirnaanayaan in marka hore madaxweynaha jamhuuriyadu uu saxiixo xil ka qaadisteyda”ayuu hadalkiisa kusoo gabagabeeyay mudane Mxamed Cumar Xabeeb (Maxamed Dheere). -------------------------------------------------
  23. ^^^ Saaxiib, xabashi canjeero iyo hilib ceeriin isla dhacaya ayaa masawirka qaaday....lol as for mr unknown, Only ALLAH (SWT) IS THE JUDGE of all of us! Marka umadaan haku dambaabin- ama murtadkaad sheygaysid, meeshu maro ayaad mari doontaa ee is ilaali walaale.
  24. ^^^this guy should never have been appointed in the first place!!!