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Everything posted by dhulQarnayn

  1. ^^^Well, are you a vested member of the anti-Puntland crowd on SOL? dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  2. Al-Shabab are a bunch of Munaafiquun, who have deviated from the righteous path of Allah. Many ahadith or sayings of our Holy Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) forbid the killing of women and children, as it is clearly stated in (Bukhari, 4:258) narrated by the Caliph Umar(RA) During some of the Ghazawat of Allah's Apostle a woman was found killed, so Allah's Apostle forbade the killing of women and children Abu Bakr(RA), our first caliph also summarized our Prophet's message, telling the leaders of his armies, "Do not kill a woman, a child, or an old man. Do not cut down a blossoming tree, do not destroy a building, and do not kill a sheep or camel, except for the purpose of eating it. Do not submerge or cut down a palm tree. Do not be excessive, and do not be cowardly." Now I ask each and every deviant supporter on SOL; why is it that everytime the Shabab hell hounds try to attack government installations that dozens of women and children are killed, instead of government forces? Why do they cowardly use innocent mothers and children as human shields? They've been doing this ever since their butts were kicked out of Xamar-- so how many more poor souls will have to die before you guys realize that these monkeys are nothing but senseless murdering brutes who will all burn in hell. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  3. To the anti-Puntland Crowd, This is not some lofty statement coming from Mr Supremacist, claiming that Puntland's aristocracy has always ruled the pleabian communities of Somalia; in a manner of speaking, it is an obvious FACT that Puntland natives have in one form or other always ruled Somalia...so I suggest y'all quit your wallowing and fall in line by accepting your lowly position in life. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  4. ^^^Tank or no tank...wixii baddeena kusoo xad gudbah, ganaaxa un baa ujareenaa dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  5. ^^^Sublime, Nobody is begging anyone for our "National Birth Right"...lol Insha Allah,when the time comes, Cabdullahi Yuusuf will be replaced with another Libaax from Puntland. It's only a matter of time. So all these qunyar sococ better get in line, else sidii munaafiqiinta kale ayaa loo xaaqi doona. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  6. Originally posted by The Zack: ^Sug, Ma soomanid miya? On another thread you were claiming that you live in California and the last time I checked California was on Pacific Time which is now 10:52AM. Sxb ma soontid miyaa? Lol...good catch! Laakin wadaad Al-Shabab ah ayuu wuxuu igu yiri caano booraha soonka ma jabiso. Marka maxaan ka aqaana ninyahow, anigu leftigeyga bahashu maskaxda ayey i madowbaysay sidaan uga dhargayay. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California p.s Awalba Al-Shabab diin waxba kameena aqoon ee caano booraha afurka ayaan lasugi doonaa...Is that o.k with you bro?
  7. ^^^Saaxiib, don't you dare compare the Xalaal and genuine victory of the Kismayo natives to the munaafiqnimo of the cimaamad wearing biliiliqo goons. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  8. LOL@ Caasi! Haye Adeer...meeshaan oo dhan waaba katagayaa. Aargalaan caano boore ah inta walaaqdo ayaan isla dhaci doona, markaasaan dug leeyahay...wa inoo mar kale saaxiib dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  9. ^^^ War maxaa aniga ii canaananeysaa...hadaada ku qancansaneyn allpuntland iyo carmooyin, orod oo http://www.caanoboore.com war u doono saaxiib. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  10. ^^^ I think he meant the Islamic State of Cimaamad wearing Munaafiqiin. I'm sure he is NOT against a genuine Islamic state like the one that existed during the time of our Holy Prophet(pbuh). dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  11. ^^^ I'm honored that you think this highly of me to believe that I authored the above statements. But alas, I cannot take credit for them. Here are the links saaxiib... Mujaahidiinta Raaskambooni iyo Jaale Indhacadde! dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  12. ^^ “Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.” dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  13. And then His Royal Shallowness,Mr Indhacadde had this to say... ----------------------------------------- Iyadoo uu sii laba kacleynayo khilaafka daran ee u dhexeeya kooxaha islaamiyiinta ee ka dagaalama dalka Soomaaliya,ayaa jaale Indhacadde oo ah xoghayahya dagaalka ee maliishiyada maxaakimta waxaa uu si kulul u weeraray nin magiciisa ku sheegay Dulyadeyn oo sheegtay in uu yahay taliyaha maliishiyada Al Turki,kuna tilmaamay ururka maxkamadaha in uu goor hore baaba’ay. Jaale Indhacadde oo saxaafada Muqdisho la hadlay waxaa uu sheegay in uu ugu baaqayo Dul yadeyn in uu soo wareejiyo hubka iyo qalabka uu maxaakimta u hayo,hadii uu amarkaa ka dhaga adeygana ay talaabo ka qaadi doonaan. “Anagu ma ogin meel uu maxaakimta kaga baxay,waxaanu ognahay in dagaalkii xalay uu ka qeyb galay aanu maalgelinta iyo hubkaba lahayn,hadii uu maxaakimta ka baxayana ma ahan in uu idaacadaha ka sheegto, ee waa in uu nalasoo socodsiiyo, Dulyadeyn waa in uu soo wareejiyo hubka iyo qalabka uu inoo hayo”.ayuu yidhi Jaale Indhacadde. Hadalka Jaale Indhacade ayaa si weyn looga dareemi karayay khilaafka aadka u daran ee soo kala dhex galay kooxaha islaamiyiinta ee dhibaatada coaladeed ka wada dalka Soomaaliya, kuwaas oo khilaafkoodu uu haatan ku dhowyahay heer ay xabad iskala hor yimaadaan. ---------------------------------------------- dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  14. ^^^I digrace! ANYWAY, the whole purpose I started this thread was to highlight the tension brewing amongst the Al-Shabab... I found the following press statement: ---------------------------------------------- Muqidhso: Kooxo la magac baxay Mujaahidiinta Raaskambooni ayaa sheegtay weeraradii xalay ka dhacay Muqdisho & Koox kale oo beenisay hadalkaasi. Afhayeen u hadlay Kooxo cusub oo la magac baxay Mujaahidiinta Raaskambooni ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in weeraradii xalay ka dhacay Isgoyska Km-4 ee magaalada Muqdisho in ay iyaga ka danbeeyeen isla markaana ay khasaare xoogan u geysteen ciidamada AMISOM iyo kuwa Dowladda KMG. Afhayeenkan oo lagu magacaabo Sheekh Maxamed Dulyadeyn ayaa wuxuu sheegay in kooxdan cusub ay yihiin kuwo ku xeran Al-Shabaab iyo kooxaha kale ee dagaalada ka wada dalka, wuxuuna intaa raaciyay in uu Madax u yahay Wadaadka lagu magacaabo Sh. Xasan Turki. Afhayeenkan u hadlay Kooxdan cusub ayaa sidoo kale ka hadlay aragtida kala qeybsanaanta soo kala dhexgashay kooxaha ka dagaalamaya Muqdisho, wuxuuna sheegay in xiligan aysan jirin Maxkamaddo mideysan balse ay burbureen waa sida uu hadalka u dhigay, wuxuuna intaa raaciyay in ay Maxkamaddaha u kala jabeen Garabyada Jabuuti iyo Asmara. Laakiin waxaa hadalkan si kulul ugu jawaabay Sh. C/raxiin Ciise Caddow oo ah afhayeenka dhinaca howlgalada ee Maxkamaddaha la dagaalama Dowladda KMG, isagoo sheegay in wax lala yaabo ay tahay hadalka ka soo yeeray afhayeenka u hadlay Kooxda Raaskambooni ee uu hoggaamiye Sh. Xasan Turki, isla markaana cid kasta ay u madax bannaan tahay fikradeeda, balse wuxuu diiday hadalka sheegayey burburka ku yimid maxkamaddaha. Afhayeenka Maxkamaddaha ayaa wuxuuna tilmaamay in dagaalkii xalay ay awoodiisa lahaayeen Ciidamada Maxkamaddaha oo 80% ay iyagu ahaayeen, inkastoo uusan meesha ka saarin iney gacan ka helayeen kooxaha kale ee dagaalada ka wada Muqdisho, sidoo kalena ay dhinaca saadka ay ka taageeraan kooxaha kale ee ka mideysan dagaalada ka socda Muqdisho. Waxaa soo kordhaya kooxaha dagaalada kula jira Ciidamada Dowladda KMG iyo kuwa Africaanka ee ku sugan Soomaaliya, iyadoo koox walba ay ku dhawaaqeyso Urur gaar ah, balse xaqiiqda marka loo eego ay hoos tegayaan meel qura. ------------------------------------------------- dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  15. ^^^ To Xiin: Ninyahow hal mar bal tartiibi. Anigu horta Duke waan ku raac sanahay inee wixii cimaamadaha Yassar carafat oo beenta ah qaata, xaaqinka lagu wado. Laakin, unlike Duke- I'm a pragmatist who believes that there are a couple of lost souls at the peace talks in djibouti that will insha Allah be saved from the munaafiqnimada ee cimaamada beenta ah lagu qarinayoh. Marka saaxiib, I cheer for your proverbial Peace Caravan and thus I fear my amigo the good General, salaanta iiga qaadi maayo from now onwards. In his eyes, I just might be another aimless peacenik like Xiin. And thats a big NO NO. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  16. ^^^hey thats my line! LOL Saaxiib Xiin, ma maanta keentay inaad hadal ladaydii ku dab shidatid. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  17. Duke, you're wasting your time dealing with our resident morons by posting such immaculately reasoned and well thought out reports. You've been wiping the SOL floor with these naysayers ever since I joined this forum. Marka, keep preaching to them my brother! dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  18. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: For JB's Kins(seediyaashay), 'Fa.qa.sh' are worse than Yuhuuda. Ask Xaaji Xundjuf! Walaale A&T, kulama yaabayo-- Waayo maanta waa yara isku dhexyaacday ee! dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  19. ^^Wow!! I didn't know I had it in me. To be quoted by you my dear friend. I think I should take the advice you proffered upon Ngonge, when you told him to copyright the phrase,"Stuff and Nonsense". I think I will do the same, and from henceforth waa dambe ma dhihi kartid..."Naysayers will always be naysayers"--it belongs to I. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California p.s A&T, saaxiib ha iga xanaaqin...Anigu walaalkaa baan ahay ee. Just Jiiiill and don't take this sh*t personal...Kapish!
  20. Originally posted by Afr0 GirL: Dhulqarneyn your attitude will cause you more trouble than you will want or need..Insulting people WILL NOT be of any advantage to you it will only bring further problems Ninyoho isku xishoo waa iga waano walaal tinimo sida tan si ma ahane bisha ramadaan xataa waad ceytameesa Oo abaayo yaan caayey? Meeshaan dad aana kaftan aana aqoon haday ka buuxaan, ma xaa anigu sameeyaa? Anigu waxaan dhaho wax xumaan ah ka ma wado, hadii qar dadkaan ka mid ahna iga caroodeen, waxaan rabaa inaan raali galiyo. Marka, qofkii aniga iga cabanaya, cafis iyo masaamax walaalayaal. Like my auntie says...I VERY SOOORY! dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  21. A&T, just shut up. You are trying to find a decent comeback because you got slapped down numerous times for the lame shill you are. Adiga waxa kuwaalaya ayaan garan la'ahay... :confused: I simply posted a thread about the breakup and impending demise of the Al-Shabab hell hounds. That's allowable, right? Mise, only el presidente bashing dimwits can post their drivel on SOL? Personally, I do not care about the natural malignity of the anti-TFG dolts on these threads; because one way or the other-- Naysayers will always be naysayers, but don't you ever try to hush my thoughts saaxiib! And why is it that every time you open your mouth lately, you sound more and more shrill A&T? More imprudent. More retarded. :rolleyes: Give it up saaxiib. You will not convert anyone with your drivel. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  22. Hey Smart A$$, Need I remind you that Monsieur Alexandre Dumas also once said..."How is it that little children are so intelligent and men so stuppidd? It must be education that does it."Also waxaa laga hayaa inuu yiri.."I prefer rogues to imbeciles, because they sometimes take a rest." Need I say,A&T,sir, you're very relentless when it comes to abject Mediocrity, which rather amuses me saaxiib- So please, do go on entertaining me. I will be much obliged. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  23. To Jacaylbaro: I thought you abandoned your secessionist leanings after our debate not too long ago. Waa maxay waxaan aad wadatid,"A New Wave of Separatism". Ninyahow sheekadaan goormaad ka weenaanaysaa? Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: quote: Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: unkown, Have you ever heard of "ku qabso ku qadi mayside" ? Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: We don't want to secede. We just want our independence back after the union. First, the union did come with the intended objectives to bring all somalis together. It remained only North and South. Djibouti was the first to break that dream. The other two were occupied anyway. Second, why unite with a chaos when you can be your own ? .... I can't see a country where i can (or one can) argue to unite with. I don't want civil war here. Currently there is no one i could talk to for re-unification if that is even possible. Third, the union brought its fruits and the reward was killing, jailing and torturing our people. The people suffered from the 30 years of union worse than the did with the colonial powers. Finally, There was a rush to unite with the south right after the independence. People were so exited to unite and they didn't think properly the details of such union but the emotions of the wadaninimo and qiiro was occupying the minds of the people. It is time to stand alone and to correct those mistakes. In Conclusion: I support the union and that is in the hearts of every single Somali living in this world. Somalis will unite one time Insha Allah no matter what but i believe this is not the right time. We need time to forget what heppened and prepare for the next round sxb. Somaliland needs time to recover from what happened, sort its issues by it is own and take some rest. Somalia needs more time to clean its house, bring peace, build governance, rebuild the country and recover from the deadly civil wars. After that ,, Yes we can TALK about re-unification but this time with conditions. Jacaylbaro , walaale, I've been trying to be polite and at the same time, knock some sense into you head. But it is proving rather difficult. So I'll put the politeness aside for a minute, and call you out on your nonsense. Saaxiib, from the bottom of my heart... Screw your "independence" from the union! :mad: The so-called union was just an unfortunate anomaly in the history of our nation because northwest Somalia became a British colony in 1884,while the rest of Somalia became so-called Italian somaliland in 1889. All your arguments for seccession or as you say "independence" is essentially based on this historical fact, right? And so because the northwest was colonised by the British in 1884 and thereafter, your argument goes, you have a seperate country....bullocks mate! Saaxiib, the colonialism that most Somalis had suffered was about the conquest, domination and exploitaion of our people by europeans, and that will NEVER legitimize the lame excuse you use all the time, which basically says we were under the rule of a different white man(i.e british) thereby I am from a different type of Somali country. If that aint lame, I don't know what is? horta iskuma xishootaan miyaa? Jacaylbaro , sir, northwest Somalia prior to the arrival of the white man was just another sub-marginal land of the great Somali peoples of the horn of Africa. Tell me...Did it ever have a distinct social or political characteristic that FUNDAMENTALLY separated it from the rest of Somalia? I doubt that very much saaxiib. The people of northwest Somalia are just the same as the people of the rest of Somalia. Long before the British arrived, all the Somali peoples of the horn of Africa shared and to this day,still do, historical, cultural, religious and linguistic unifying traits.So despite the serious hiccups of the colonization of the Somali people, our common identity still thrives. We still share a common homeland and culture,a common origin, a shared faith in Islam and a unifying language. So if you still insist on rejecting our common Somali identity and shared traits, it is incumbent upon you to convince me or any other Somali that the northwest is separate geographically and socially, without harking back to your clan identity. Which I believe,sad as it may be, is all you got going for you, to buttress your arguement for seccession. And such an arguement will never hold any water. So instead of proclaiming your hate for other Somali communities, I urge you to negotiate a compromise with your fellow Somalis. Sheekadaan qabiilka ku saleysan, meelna uma socoto, waayo qabiil dartiis hadaad rabtaan inaad u go'daan, qabiiilo badan aan idinka ina raacsanayn ayaa buuxa oo ku nool former british somaliland, and those people just like you have rights and interests which I'm sure they're willing to die for, and will always fight against domination and subjugation by your clan. PERIOD. Finally, Jacaylbaro , stop manipulating the uneducated masses of awdal, waqooyigalbeed and partial Sanaag. Stop promoting clanism for selfish ends...waayo Somali qabiil waxba iskagama qaadi kartee. You should remember, "ku qabso ku qadi mayside" , dadkii alifay ayaad meeshaan kula shaxeesaa ee dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  24. ^^^War aniga ha ii cirid weenaaninee, bal kawaran translationka ?? dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  25. ^^^Cagaha wax kaday...awalba caqli kaama aana sugeenee. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California