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Everything posted by Sharif_seylaci

  1. why call it secsonist its our land we can do what ever we want with it
  2. why call it secsonist its our land we can do what ever we want with it
  3. Noo that change my fact only the first names are just like somali names but when u go back after samatar u wont see no more somali names
  4. cali maxammed maxamoud xusseyn madani xassan cilmi imaan cigaal xildied samatar cabdalle siciid ismacil jibriel xusseyn abokor SAcad muse zybeyr AWAL Sh IsxaaqBin Amed Bin Maxamed Bin Xuseen Binu Cali Binu Xamsatul Mud-har Bin Cabdillaahi Bin Ayuub Binu Muxamad Binu Qaasim Binu Axmed Binu Cali Binu Ciisa Binu Yaxyaa Binu Maxamad al Mahdi Binu Xasan -al-Caskari Bin Cali-al-Naqiyi Binu Muxamad al taqiyi Bin Cali al ridaa Binu Muusal Kaadim Bin Jacfar a Saadiq Bin Muxamad al Baaqir Bin cali zeynal-caabidiin Bin Xuseyn Bin Cali ibni abi Daalib Ibn Cabdil-Mudalib Ibnu Haashim ibn cabdal manaf ibn Qusai.ibn kilab ibn murra ibn ka.aab ibn luuaye.ibn ghaleb ibn qureesh so thats my family tree sh isxaaq counts 26 2 iman hussein right i count 2 sh isxaaq 22 my mum counts 2 sh ciisa ibn axmed 12 so that means some ppl are laan gaan some ppl are not the jounry about grandfather is wel documented as wel as the salatawaats he taught uss and his childeren
  5. why call them clan courts the courts gote alll kind of tribes all somali tribes are represented there so dont call them clan courts Maybe the goverment is clan based
  6. All u have to do is check ur aabtirsiimo it starts with geele gulleed cabid sammed sicid warsamme samatar but after samatar u have cabdalle sicid yoonis abokor and u go on on only arab names from there why do you not say viva somaliland ha noolato iyo jabuuti haa noolato iyo somalia haa noolato gote 2 be fair friend
  7. He so right the courts must fight those bantu soldiers and habashi soldiers And get rid of yusuf and his Ethiopian friends Somalia wil not heal till yusuf is shot in the head
  8. Afcours somali but what makes u a somali isset becous i eat barries or baasto and wear macawiis That i am somali that doesent tace away that my ancestort are from else where and my roots are also some where else in hijaaz
  9. Yes but faysal has more chance to become presidetn of somaliland rayaale is going to resighn the next comming hourst so he might be presdient and then you will see what somaliland can do 2 its neighbours you know what i mean
  10. Yes but faysal has more chance to become presidetn of somaliland rayaale is going to resighn the next comming hourst so he might be presdient and then you will see what somaliland can do 2 its neighbours you know what i mean
  11. what are they gonne do half of sool is under our leadership ooh if faysal was president well we woud make bossaso and garowe securtiy zone man
  12. what are they gonne do half of sool is under our leadership ooh if faysal was president well we woud make bossaso and garowe securtiy zone man
  13. Muhammad and me have the same blood end of discussion i am half arab half habasha we are from the hashimi tribe wich is sub clan of the ibn qureesh
  14. Well acording to that lab of website it is But we dont need any proof from any one we know what we are becous we are hashimite
  15. allah has greatly blessed the people, of somaliland DNA sample was taken from an Hargeysaawi man and compared to three men from Ashraf Banu Hashim, and guess what? The results were POSITIVE, proving ALL FOUR MEN originated from Ali Binu Abi Talib (RAA)!! Part of the Y-STR test results: The hargeysaawi man: 10-11-11-11-11-9-13 The Arabian Sharif: 10-11-11-11-11-9-13 The Persian Sharid: 10-11-11-11-11-9-13 As you can see they're IDENTICAL. Tests were done using a service provided by DNAHeritage: We're in the process of concluding further tests, results to be posted here later on inshallah
  16. Firs u gote 2 understand what is somali what is that somalis live for the tribe if you dont they will tell you reerka dhinac ka soo raac. I am not arab but i am decented of muhammad
  17. We the somalilanders we dont suport the courts nor de we suport yusuf We dont wan a barbaric sharia law wich cuts of hands tell me what it will bring 2 somaliland cutting of heads and stone woman if the do zina. Read suratal waqiya and suratal al muhammad Thye will all tell u islam is not a force only it says fight in the name of the islam when they attack u but dont force ppl into islam if they are allread muslim. We in somaliland have dariiqatal al qaadiriya al sunnah we celbrate zyaraaz mawla ta anabbi What the courts hate becous they are wahabis who call everthing bidha but we know better
  18. And about that report i dident wrote that is from fatuux al xabasha u know So it was realy just mark away soo
  19. Naa i dont write clan names is not my thing But you can Mention a cleric like sh isxaaq can u