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Everything posted by Sharif_seylaci

  1. amxaaar we have blood relation with them on the mother side Some bin axmed tribes married amxaarin princes from Ethiopian highlands when ahmed gran was fighting menelik the first adeer taarikda isxaaq we qorantahay from al xijaaz to harrar
  2. hahaaah somali flag doesent have any religouse letter on it like allah akbar the iraqi flag or the shahadaa on it like the somaliland flag the folowing flags ppl cant burn Somaliland flag Iraqi flag siriya Saudi arabia iran flag so there for guyz its just a marro like turki said its the same flag somalis where murdering each other under fot the pas 16 years
  3. What evidence sh isxaaq was an iraqi before he came there where no binu hashims in the horn notherener amma put it on wikepedia in english verry soon
  4. Yeah every one once 2 be with somaliland but let us be clear the ppl of somaliland has choosen for there indepedence and nothing can or will bring as back 2 somalia and there blue flag under that flag our citys where destroyed
  5. this guy is right the puntland administration claims soool and easteren sanaag on behave of there tribe its verry strainge if afganistan invades iran becous the same farsi ppl live there both in afganistan and in iran Or what if daahir rayaale feels like he must invade jabuuti becous his tribe lives there its crazy talk
  6. it says and talks about sh isxaaq and his journy i have his kitaab he was arab we all know that all the ppl his great grand childeren know so if u want 2 be a cushetic or something like that then so be it i know that i am an hashimi decent
  7. Enough proof i have the holl kitaab at my house about sh isxaaq the iraqi scolar who was eheyle al beyt
  8. Its been validated and signed by the Ashraaf (grandsons of nabiga) in Yemen in the times of Imaam Yaxya. You'll find their signatures in last couple of pages
  9. who needs this flag its the same flag that was markd on the russian mig jet war plane that bombd hargeysa and burco soo if the maxkamaadu want 2 change it i am verry happy for them
  10. this calan isue is not a big thing u know its a marro like turki said it doesent have the shahaada on it or the name of allah so u can burn it the somali ppl where burning the past 16 years so why not
  11. with the right help from America and russia somalia was defeated
  12. Never somaliland is an independent country there is no unification if any one try to force to anything we dont want. like mr ducaale said somaliland information minister this blow will burn the holl horn of africa And it would be the final blow just like in it is mention in the al hadith when the war in ardu al habasha killz many woman and men the end of time is near
  13. thre is no one somali nation somalis are not ethinically the same if they where that would change the picture But somalis came from all kind of the world my tribe for exampel comes from xijaaz Some other tribes where just oromo some from yemen Som from india ppl from barawe are from portugal Soo a flag coudent unite the somali ppl what can islam i dont think so maybe when the mahdi comes He wil make an islamic world
  14. Somalidu kalan jeberti yemen iyo melehaas bey ka baxsadeen anaguna wa fiil xijaaz
  15. there is no point fighting for nfd siyaad barre singh the documents somalia will never claim back that province in kenya About Somali galbeed we tried so many times in 1973 under sellessie and in 1977 under mengistu we faild both times even if we go 5 km away from adis the world will all suport adis ebebe you know why cous formally its there land
  16. yes becous i am an eheyle al beyt if your read the historical documents you will know So you sayng muhammad al mahdi amd iman yax ya never excisted war ummadu muslinky yanay ku maqleyn
  17. Why would i present any thing to arabs its not like i need justification from them i know that i am more arab then them
  18. Ur wrong u know why the shiates belive imam muhammad al mahdi is the mising imam but he is not he had his son xassan al caskari was his father but about imam hassan ibn ali bin abi thalib true him will the mahdi come not true imam hussein but trough imam hassan his linage as for ur information if you need historical documents of imam yaxya
  19. check our couzins in jordan who there aabtirsmo is 2 imam hassan our aabtirsiimo is 2 imam hussein imam hassan and imam hussein where brothers imam hassan was the older one
  20. No sh isxaaq came aroun 13 centry if i count around 23 to him and ibn axmed count 25 to imam hussein it makes perfect sence 13 centry till now 700 years and back 2 the six centry its als 700 hundred years
  21. And it doesente end on my midle somali names i go go on all they way 2 ibn axmed
  22. Why not on the south westeren clans maxammed iyo xassan magacyadda waalal bixi karra but what u dont get it is in the begining u have somali names that perfectly normal but when u go from sicid ismacil you only see arabic names thats a fact