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Everything posted by Sharif_seylaci

  1. oke name another country in the world beside those 2 i mentiont that have the shahaada or tawxeed on there flag Our brother nation iraq have allah akbar not shahaada so does siriya but we are the only 2 that have the shahaada and i think the mahdi will take over the world with the our flag in his handz imam mahdi qacantu ku ma goo oodo seyid
  2. hope there are casualties and major damage to the city. adigu ma xaasiid baad tahay miise siiida baad iska tahay
  3. check the pictures there of the city
  4. there are only 2 flags in the world that have the shahaada on it muhammad profet his country And the country of his couzins the hashimite of Somaliland
  5. This what they say you if they want for deen and stuff why dont they just leave uss alone they dont there for The want battle we cant wait 2 begin and finish them off What diin are they gonne bring something knew we have allready diin maybe u havent seen our flag
  6. News Roobab Shan Saacdood ka da'aayay magaalda Burco oo khasaare u gaystay... Roobab Laxaad leh oo ka da'aayay mudo Shan sacadood Magaladda Burco ayaa khasare u geystay Qaar kamid ah xaafadaha Burco isla markaana Xayiray isku socdka magaalada iyo Ganacsiga Magaaladda Daadad xoog leh oo ka soo rogmaday Roobkaasi ayaa barakiciyay in ka badan Kun qooys kadib markii ay Goobihi ay ku noolaayen isku rogtay Biyo fadhiisin waxa kale oo dadadkani ay khasare u geysteen jidka Laamiga ah ee Gadiidku maraayen Gaar ahaan Wadada ka timaada Dhinaca Berbera Ku xigeenka Duqa Magaaladda Burco Md Baashe Muuse oo shir Jaraa'id galabta ku qabtay Xafiiskiisa ayaa ka waramay Khasaaraha iyo Dhibaatada ay Roobabkani gaysteen waxana uu yidhi:- " Juqraafi ahaan Burco waa dhul siman Dhinaca Galbeedka ku leh taag biyo Shub Roobabkani ma lahayeen waxa dabaylo ah ee waxa ka soo rogmaa Daadad Xoog leh oo khasaare Gaystay sidaa Darteed Goobaha khasaaruhu sida weyn u gaadhay waxa kamid ah 1. Xaafada Jeelka Debadiisa 2. Xaafadaha Saylada Xoolaha ilaa Hodan 3. Bariga Magaaladda 4. Ina Jabiye Waxa kale oo jira Gaadid Badan oo Biyuhu Qaaden qaarna Aasmeen iyo Labo qof oo la sheegay in Toga Burco oo soo rogmaday la tagay balse aan la xaqiijin Rag, Dumar iyo caruur waxay yihiin. Waxa kale oo ku baro kacay ilaa kun Qoys Kala badh Guryaha Magaalada waxa Afafka uga galay biyo Md Baashe waxa uu intaas ku Daray in Xaafadaha Khasaaruhu gaadhay ay ahayeen kuwii danyartu Daganaayen oo Guryahoodu ahayeen Sandaqado iyo Aqal Soomaaliyo hasa yeeshe ay Daadadku kala tageen dhamaan Wixii agab ahaa ee Guryahaa u yaalay sida darteed ay meel cidlo ah wadhan yihiin iyagoona haysan hooy, weel iyo cunto. Waxa kale oo uu sheegay Md Baashe Muuse in Mooskii weyna ee Biyaha Ka celin jiray Magaaladda ay roobabkii burburiyeen taasina sababtay in daadadku soo galaan magaaladda waxana uu Moyer ku Xigeenku ugu Baaqay Xukuumada iyo Haayadaha Samofalka inay Gurmada Degdeg ah la soo gaadhan Dadkan Khasaaraha roobabku u geysteen sidoo kale waxa uu Ganaacsatada iyo Shacabka Burco ka codsaday inay Gurmada Gaadhsiiyan Walaalohooda Roobabku barakiciyeen. waxana uu Hadalkiisa ku soo Koobay Md Baashe in In Dhibaatadan ay gaysteen roobabku ay u saari doonan Gudi Golaha Deeganka ah iyo Odayaasha Magaaladda ah. Roobabkan ayaa ah kuwii ugu weynaa ee in mudo ah ka da'a Magaaladda Burco isla markaan ay Roobabkii dayrtu wali Bilow yihiin Togdheernews
  7. War he dhe me dhageyso what does it matter the former goverment is gone i dont belive they build hargeysa airport and i dont belive somalia goverment where russians soo now tell me if they build a paredise in somaliland the bomb it at the end soo every thing was destroyed so whats the use
  8. Mogadishu Islamists vow to send suicide squads to Somaliland Somalia’s new Islamist rulers decided to send suicide bombers to Somaliland in an attempt to assassinate what they called the apostate leadership of the breakaway region. In a decision signed by Sheikh Dahir Aways, the most radical leader of the Islamists, and a copy of which has been received by Awdalnews Network, the Shura Council of the UIC decided to send 30 young assassins to Hargeisa as suicide bombers to kill what they called the Jewish and American collaborators. “The Shura Council of the Perseverance Alliance has decided to send 30 young martyrs to carry out explosions and killing of the Jewish and American collaborators in the northern regions,†it said. The list of targeted personalities include Somaliland President Dahir Riyale Kahin, Foreign Minister Abdillahi Mohammed Duale, Finance Minister Hussein Ali Duale, Defence Minister Adan Waqaf, Aviation and Transport Minister Ali Mohammed Waran Adde, Minister of Information Ahmed Dahir Elmi and other seven senior officials. Written in Arabic and dated on the 6th Ramadan 1427 of the Hirjri calender (28 Sept. 2006), the decision blasts the Somaliland leadership for being apostates who reneged from Islam and opted to work with Jews and Americans at the expense of their nation and religion. The Council said the decision was made “After the Follow Up Committee of the Perseverance Alliance submitted reports related to the circumstances in which religious scholars live in the northern regions (Somaliland), and after the reports mentioned the personalities that carried out the torture against Islamic clerics and after the Council watched a video footage of the torture of Sheikh Mohammed Ismail.†Other measures recommended by the decision include forming a committee tasked to circulate the alleged torture video footage and stir protest marches and dissent in the Somaliland towns of Buroa, Las Anod, Erigavo and Buhodle. The Council also decided to train 3000 young mujahids hailing from the Northern regions (Somaliland) but currently living in the southern towns of Mogadishu, Kismayo and Guri Eel and later dispatch them to Somaliland. The Islamist media has been repeatedly showing the alleged torture video of Sheikh Mohammed Ismail. Somaliland described the torture video as a fabrication. In an interview with Awdalnews early October, Somaliland President Dahir Riyale Kahin said that the footage seemed to be a fabrication, underlining that Somaliland was investigating the case and would present the outcome to the public. “We don’t use torture as an investigative method and we don’t torture anyone in our prisons. It is against our values and our laws,†he added, pointing out that the whole episode could be a ruse by some people trying to use the name of Islam for their own agenda. Kahin, however, confirmed that the man was suspected of being behind the explosives found in Hargeisa during the parliamentary elections in September 2005. The UIC, however, seems to have made some inroads in Somaliland recently, particularly with the departure of Sheikh Ali Warsame, a former Al Ittihad leader, and brother-in-law of Aweys himself, to Mogadishu. Meanwhile, a number of demonstrations against the alleged torture video took place in major Somaliland towns such as Hargeisa, Buroa and Erigavo. A number of Somaliland clerics have also issued statements, calling for the Somaliland government to apply Islamic Sharia without any delay. Also a mob led by extremist clerics burned three issues of Haatuf newspaper, Somaliland’s leading paper, on Friday 13th Oct. 2006, in the town of Buroa, for being critical of the UIC. Somaliland Times, the English sister of Haatuf, said the newspaper burners were led by Mubarak Ahmed Diriye who has been suspected of having ties to al-Shabaab wing of Mogadishu’s Islamic Courts, whose overall leader is Adan Hashi Ayro, an Afghan trained Jihadist. Somaliland, a former British colony that has unilaterally annulled its union with the rest of Somalia after the collapse of the Siyad regime in 1991, has since then enjoyed a high degree of peace and stability. It also established a robust democratic system and held internationally observed presidential and parliamentary elections. Scoffing at Somaliland’s peace and stability, Aweys recently accused the Somaliland people of worshipping an idol called Peace instead of Allah. “The Somaliland people forgot to worship Allah and instead worship an idol called Peace,†he said in a statement to the media. Aweys, considered to be the leader of the hardliner faction of the UIC, was a former military colonel in the Somali army and the commander of the military wing of the Al Ittihad Al Islami after the collapse of the central government. He is on Washington’s wanted list for having links with Al Qaeda. One of his loyal underlings Ahmed Hashi Ayro is suspected of being behind the assassination of foreign humanitarian workers in Somaliland in late 2003. Awdalnews I FOUND IT FUNNY SORRY
  9. I dont think so Snm we are so proud of them they are gonne get this year a national museam just books and pictures about them Snm fought for somaliland why do u claim u from hargeysa ur nog ur from bossaso or something
  10. Wasiirka Arrimaha Debedda, ee Somaliland ayaa kula kulmay maanta Xarunta AU-da ee Magaalada Addis Ababa Guddoomiyaha Midawga Africa Prof. Alpha Oumar Konare. Weftigii uu hogaaminayey Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Debedda, Mudane, Cabdillaahi Maxamed Ducaale ayaa kula kulmay maanta Xarunta AU-da ee Magaalada Addis Ababa Guddoomiyaha Midawga Africa Prof. Alpha Oumar Konare. Kullaankaasi Wasiirka iyo weftigiisu la yeesheen Guddoomiyaha Ururka Africa ( AU) ugu horeynba waxay halkaa ugu gudbiyeen dhambaal ay uga sideen Walaalkii Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Mudane Daahir Rayaale Kaahin, kadib waxay Weftigu uga xog warameen xaaladda guud ee Gobolka, gaar ahaan Somaliland dhinacyada Siyaasadda, Horumarka, Dhaqaalaha iyo Nabadgelyada iyada oo si mug lehna Wasiirka iyo Weftgiiisu uga warameen heerka dhismaha Dimuqraadiyadeed ee Somaliland. Waxa labada dhinac si weyn isula qaadaa dhigeen xaaladaha Guud ee Gobolka Geeska Africa, khaasatan ta Nabadgelyada, iyadoo wakhtigan xaadirka ah ay ka aloosan tahay Xaalad Cusub oo baaxaa degaysa, oo saameyn wayn ku yeelan karta, Somaliland iyo Nabadgelyada Guud ee Gobolka. Waxa weftiga Somaliland ka codsadeen Guddoomiyaha Ururka Midawga Africa in gacan laga siiyo Somaliland sidii ictiraaf buuxa oo deg deg ah ay u heli lahayd, dhaqaalaheeda loo kobcin lahaa, gacanna looga siin lahaa mucaawino toos ah sidii Somaliland ay uga heli lahayd beesha Caalamka. Dood dheer iyo fallanqeyn ay ka muuqatay dareen is faham kadib, waxa uu ballan qaaday guddoomiyuhu in uu gaadhsiin doono Beesha Caalamka codsiyada Somaliland, Guddoomiyuhu wuxuu caddeeyay inuu arrintaa ictiraaf raadinta wax ka qaban doono, Somaliland-na ay mutaystay isaguna uu ka hawli gali doono geedi socodkeeda. Guddoomiyaha AU-da waxa shirka ku weheliyey, ku Xigeenkiisa Mr. Partick Mazamhaka iyo Guddoomiyaha Peace and Security Council-ka iyo saraakiil kale, Waxa isla maanta weftigii uu hogaaminayey Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Debeddu ee JSL, Mudane, Cabdillaahi Maxamed Ducaale la kulmeen Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Debeda ee Ethiopia, Mudane, Seyoum Mesfin iyo Wasiiru Dawlaha Arrimaha Debedda Ato, Tekeda Alemu iyo masuuliyiin kale oo ka tirsan Arrimaha Debeda, halkaasi oo labada dhinac si weyn isaga waraysteen xaaladda ay ku sugan yihiin labada dal, iyo xaaladda guud ee Gobolka guud ahaan, iyadoo si gaar ah looga wada hadlay xidhiidhka labada dal sii xoojintiisa, dhinacyada amniga dhaqaalaha, ganacsiga iyo arrimo badan oo khuseeya labada Dal, Waxa la isla qaatay sii adkeynta Nabadgelyada Somaliland iyo joogteynta xasiloonida Gobolka Guud ahaan. Kullankaasi wuxuu ku dhammaaday is afgarad Isla shalay waxa booqasho sharaf ku soo booqday Wasiirka iyo Weftigiisa, Amb. Franklin Esibilia oo ah Safiirka Dalka Kenya u fadhiya Addis Ababa, Kenya oo hadda ah Shir-guddoonka Guddoomiya Ururka Goboleedka IGAD. Qarannews24
  11. u wanne hear what somalia govement siyaad regime has done for somaliland nothing only thatt in that up but what is your deep hatred towards u see ur from woqoyi galbeed what is it tell me
  12. Those are no churches but mosqes but belive what u wanne belive any way who build those port airport was build by the english And the port was build by russian and chineese ingeneers
  13. Wefti Ka Socda Shirkadda Shakigu Ku Gedaaman Yahay Ee Sougueta Engineering Oo Dalka Soo Gaadhey Somaliland.Org — Hargeisa, Somaliland — 14 October, 2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hargeysa ( – Waxa galabta ka soo degey gegida Diyaaradaha ee Magaalada Hargeysa wefti ka kooban saddex nin oo la sheegay inay ka socdaan shirkad Jarmal ah oo maalgashi ku samaynaysa Somaliland. Saddexdaa nin waxa la sheegay inay ka socdaan shirkad lagu magacaabo Sougueta Engineering oo uu Madaxweyne Riyaale sheegay dhowaan inuu la soo saxeexday Heshiis maalgashi oo ay ku baxayso lacag dhan 250 ilaa 300 oo Milyan oo Doollar, meelaha ay maalgashanayaana – sida uu sheegay – ay ka mid tahay Wershed Shibidh, Dhuxul-dhag koronto laga dhalinayo iyo soo-saarista Macdanta loo yaqaano Gypsum. Saddexdaa nin oo ay Madaarka ku soo dhoweeyey Wasiirka Wershedaha, mudane Maxamed Saleebaan iyo Wasiirka Qorshaynta mudane Cali Ibraahim Maxamed, waxay weriyayaasha u sheegeen in ay u socdaan sahaminta saddexda Mashruuc ee shirkaddoodu maalgelinayso. Weftiga oo la weydiiyey lacagta ku baxaysa saddexdaa mashruuc inta ay noqonayso, waxa ay sheegeen in ay ku xidhan tahay sahanka ay iminka samaynayaan waxa ka soo baxa, balse aanay iminka cayimi karin adduunka ku baxaya. Shirkada Sougueta Engineering ee ay ninkaasi ka socdaan ayaa shaki weyn la geliyey jiritaankeeda iyo xaqiiqada heshiiska Madaxweyne Riyaale sheegay inuu la saxeexday. Mar arrintaas wax laga weydiiyey, xubnaha weftigaasi waxay sheegeen in aanay taas iminka ka jawaabayn, waxayna su’aashaas ka muujiyeen cadho. Intaas kadibna wasiirka Wershedaha ayaa joojiyey waraysigii weriyayaashu qolka VIP-da kula yeelanayeen weftigaas. Waxa kale oo ay diideen inay weriyayaasha siiyaan magacyadooda iyo masuuliyadaha ama xilalka ay ka hayaan shirkaddaas ay ka socdaan. Bariga magaalada Berbera ayaa ka mid ah meelaha la filayo in weftigaa lagu sheegay Jarmalka la soo mariyo si ay u soo sahamiyaan. Maalmahan dambena waxaa deegaanadaas bariga Berbera laga dareemayey dhaqdhaqaaqyada dad xukuumaddu u dirtay iyo masuuliyiin dowladda ka tirsan oo loo malaynayo inay u gogolxaadhayaan weftigan. Dadka deegaanka Bariga Berbera ayaa iyaguna dareen weyn ka qaba dhaqdhaqaaqyada xukuumadda ee ku wajahan deegaankaas xeebta bariga Berbera. Cabdirisaaq M. Dubbad, Hargeysa.
  14. Wefti Ka Socday Shirkad Jarmala oo Booqasho Ku Tegay Berbara. Written by Faysal Cabdilaahi. Sunday, 15 October 2006 Berbera (hormoodnews) Wefdigii ka socday dalka Jarmalka ee Booqashada ku yimid Somaliland , ayaa maanta Socdaal ku tegay Magaalada Berbera ee xarunta Gobolka Saaxil, halkaasi oo ay ugu kuur galayaan xaaladda adeega Marsada Berbera iyo warshadii sibidhka. Wefdigaasi oo ka socda shirkadda Zygote Engineering ee wadanka Jarmalka waxa ay ka kooban yihiin saddex xubnood, waxa socdaalkoodu qayb ka yahay heshiis ganacsi oo dhawaan ay Madaxweynaha Somaliland Mudane Daahir Rayaale kaahin iyo wefdigiisii ku soo gaadheen dalka Jarmalka. Wefdiga Germany waxa ay booqdeen Buuraha laga farsameeyo sibidhka iyo kuwa dhuxul dhagaxda waxa ay qiimaynayeen tayada Buurahaas iyo Baaxada dhulka ay ku fadhido warshadii hore ee Sibidhku.Wasiirka Wasaaradda Wershadaha Md Maxamed Saleebaan ayaa weriye Cabdisalaan Xariiroo jooga Berbera u sheegay in wefdigaasi ay joogi doonaan magaalada Berbera muddo saddex cisho ah si ay u dhamaystiraan hawlahooda ku wajahan sidii loo kicin lahaa warshadii sibidhka ee magaaladaasi. Wasiirku wuxuu intaasi ku daray in wefdigu ay Booqan doonaan Buuro qani ku ah Dhuxul dhagaxda. Sidoo kale waxa ay wefdigu Booqdeen Dekeda Berberba, halkaas oo ay kulan la yeesheen Masuuliyiinta Dekedaasi. Wefdigani waxa socdaalkooda magaalada Berbera ku weheliya wasiirada Macdanta iyo Biyaha iyo Wershadaha. Faysal Cabdilaahi.
  15. Adeer allmagan wabaan cajiisay i have not bin in2 a fight for almost 16 years i am ready meeshii boring baan ku noqday eeh somaliland aha markaan doonaya ilan naffiiso labba madfac baan adhicadeeye ku qarxija markaas bey darawiistu car carraan ey yidhahaan somalidiidki baa dagaal soo waddta
  16. Adeer nimaan gaar aah baa iska leh daallo airlines uu Magaalada Djbouti baa xafiskuugu ugu weyn ku yaal ka labbad magaalada hargeysa marka waa wax anaga noo gaar men i have bin 2 borame i can confrorm it is dont worry guyz december i am going saylac borame hargeysa berbera burao ceerigabo and get more better pictures soo u will see
  17. deee anigu somaliland baan fadhiyaa Influance somalia naa waan ku yeelanaya ma fahantay
  18. Somali National Movement. In April 1981, a group of ********* emigres living in London formed the Somali National Movement (SNM), which subsequently became the strongest of Somalia's various insurgent movements. According to its spokesmen, the rebels wanted to overthrow Siad Barre's dictatorship. Additionally, the SNM advocated a mixed economy and a neutral foreign policy, rejecting alignment with the Soviet Union or the United States and calling for the dismantling of all foreign military bases in the region. In the late 1980s, the SNM adopted a pro-Western foreign policy and favored United States involvement in a post-Siad Barre Somalia. Other SNM objectives included establishment of a representative democracy that would guarantee human rights and freedom of speech. Eventually, the SNM moved its headquarters from London to Addis Ababa to obtain Ethiopian military assistance, which initially was limited to old Soviet small arms. In October 1981, the SNM rebels elected Ahmad Mahammad Culaid and Ahmad Ismaaiil Abdi as chairman and secretary general, respectively, of the movement. Culaid had participated in northern Somali politics until 1975, when he went into exile in Djibouti and then in Saudi Arabia. Abdi had been politically ctive in the city of Burao in the 1950s, and, from 1965 to 1967, had served as the Somali government's minister of planning. After the authorities jailed him in 1971 for antigovernment activities, Abdi left Somalia and lived in East Africa and Saudi Arabia. The rebels also elected an eight-man executive committee to oversee the SNM's military and political activities. On January 2, 1982, the SNM launched its first military operation against the Somali government. Operating from Ethiopian bases, commando units attacked Mandera Prison near Berbera and freed a group of northern dissidents. According to the SNM, the assault liberated more than 700 political prisoners; subsequent independent estimates indicated that only about a dozen government opponents escaped. At the same time, other commando units raided the Cadaadle armory near Berbera and escaped with an undetermined amount of arms and ammunition. Mogadishu responded to the SNM attacks by declaring a state of emergency, imposing a curfew, closing gasoline stations to civilian vehicles, banning movement in or out of northern Somalia, and launching a search for the Mandera prisoners (most of whom were never found). On January 8, 1982, the Somali government also closed its border with Djibouti to prevent the rebels from fleeing Somalia. These actions failed to stop SNM military activities. In October 1982, the SNM tried to increase pressure against the Siad Barre regime by forming a jointmilitary committee with the SSDF. Apart from issuing antigovernment statements, the two insurgent groups started broadcasting from the former Radio Kulmis station, now known as Radio Halgan (struggle). Despite this political cooperation, the SNM and SSDF failed to agree on a common strategy against Mogadishu. As a result, the alliance languished. In February 1983, Siad Barre visited northern Somalia in a campaign to discredit the SNM. Among other things, he ordered the release of numerous civil servants and businessmen who had been arrested for antigovernment activities, lifted the state of emergency, and announced an amnesty for Somali exiles who wanted to return home. These tactics put the rebels on the political defensive for several months. In November 1983, the SNM Central Committee sought to regain the initiative by holding an emergency meeting to formulate a more aggressive strategy. One outcome was that the military wing--headed by Abdulqaadir Kosar Abdi, formerly of the SNA--assumed control of the Central Committee by ousting the civilian membership from all positions of power. However, in July 1984, at the Fourth SNM Congress, held in Ethiopia, the civilians regained control of the leadership. The delegates also elected Ahmad Mahammad Mahamuud "Silanyo" SNM chairman and reasserted their intention to revive the alliance with the SSDF.After the Fourth SNM Congress adjourned, military activity in northern Somalia increased. SNM commandos attacked about a dozen government military posts in the vicinity of Hargeysa, Burao, and Berbera. According to the SNM, the SNA responded by shooting 300 people at a demonstration in Burao, sentencing seven youths to death for sedition, and arresting an unknown number of rebel sympathizers. In January 1985, the government executed twenty-eight people in retaliation for antigovernment activity. Between June 1985 and February 1986, the SNM claimed to have carried out thirty operations against government forces in northern Somalia. In addition, the SNM reported that it had killed 476 government soldiers and wounded 263, and had captured eleven vehicles and had destroyed another twenty-two, while losing only 38 men and two vehicles. Although many independent observers said these figures were exaggerated, SNM operations during the 1985-86 campaign forced Siad Barre to mount an international effort to cut off foreign aid to the rebels. This initiative included reestablishment of diplomatic relations with Libya in exchange for Tripoli's promise to stop supporting the SNM.Despite efforts to isolate the rebels, the SNM continued military operations in northern Somalia. Between July and September 1987, the SNM initiated approximately thirty attacks, including one on the northern capital, Hargeysa; none of these, however, weakened the government's control of northern Somalia. A more dramatic event occurred when a SNM unit kidnapped a Medecins Sans Frontieres medical aid team of ten Frenchmen and one Djiboutian to draw the world's attention to Mogadishu's policy of impressing men from refugee camps into the SNA. After ten days, the SNM released the hostages unconditionally. Siad Barre responded to these activities by instituting harsh security measures throughout northern Somalia. The government also evicted suspected pro-SNM nomad communities from the Somali-thiopian border region. These measures failed to contain the SNM. By February 1988, the rebels had captured three villages around Togochale, a refugee camp near the northwestern Somali- Ethiopian border. Following the rebel successes of 1987-88, Somali-Ethiopian relations began to improve. On March 19, 1988, Siad Barre and Ethiopian president Mengistu Haile Mariam met in Djibouti to discuss ways of reducing tension between the two countries. Although little was accomplished, the two agreed to hold further talks. At the end of March 1988, the Ethiopian minister of foreign affairs, Berhanu Bayih, arrived in Mogadishu for discussions with a group of Somali officials, headed by General Ahmad Mahamuud Faarah. On April 4, 1988, the two presidents signed a joint communique in which they agreed to restore diplomatic relations, exchange prisoners of war, start a mutual withdrawal of troops from the border area, and end subversive activities and hostile propaganda against each other. Faced with a cutoff of Ethiopian military assistance, the SNM had to prove its ability to operate as an independent organization. Therefore, in late May 1988 SNM units moved out of their Ethiopian base camps and launched a major offensive in northern Somalia. The rebels temporarily occupied the provincial capitals of Burao and Hargeysa. These early successes bolstered the SNM's popular support, as thousands of disaffected ***** clan members and SNA deserters joined the rebel ranks. Over the next few years, the SNM took control of almost all of northwestern Somalia and extended its area of operations about fifty kilometers east of Erigavo. However, the SNM did not gain control of the region's major cities (i.e., Berbera, Hargeysa, Burao, and Boorama), but succeeded only in laying siege to them. With Ethiopian military assistance no longer a factor, the SNM's success depended on its ability to capture weapons from the SNA. The rebels seized numerous vehicles such as Toyota Land Cruisers from government forces and subsequently equipped them with light and medium weapons such as 12.7mm and 14.5mm machine guns, 106mm recoilless rifles, and BM-21 rocket launchers. The SNM possessed antitank weapons such as Soviet B-10 tubes and RPG-7s. For air defense the rebels operated Soviet 30mm and 23mm guns, several dozen Soviet ZU23 2s, and Czech-made twin-mounted 30mm ZU30 2s. The SNM also maintained a small fleet of armed speed boats that operated from Maydh, fifty kilometers northwest of Erigavo, and Xiis, a little west of Maydh. Small arms included 120mm mortars and various assault rifles, such as AK-47s, M-16s, and G-3s. Despite these armaments, rebel operations, especially against the region's major cities, suffered because of an inadequate logistics system and a lack of artillery, mine-clearing equipment, ammunition, and communications gear. To weaken Siad Barre's regime further, the SNM encouraged the formation of other clan-based insurgent movements and provided them with political and military support. In particular, the SNM maintained close relations with the United Somali Congress (USC), which was active in central Somalia, and the Somali Patriotic Movement (SPM), which operated in southern Somalia. Both these groups sought to overthrow Siad Barre's regime and establish a democratic form of government. The USC, a ******* organization founded in 1989, had suffered from factionalism based on subclan rivalries since its creation. General Mahammad Faarah Aidid commanded the ************ clan, and Ali Mahdi Mahammad headed the ****** clan. The SPM emerged in March 1989, after a group of ****** officers, led by Umar Jess, deserted the SNA and took up arms against Siad Barre. Like theUSC, the SPM experienced a division among its ranks. The moderates, under Jess, favored an alliance with the SNM and USC and believed that Somalia should abandon its claims to the ******. SPM hardliners wanted to recapture the ****** and favored a stronger military presence along the Somali-Ethiopian border. On November 19, 1989, the SNM and SPM issued a joint communique announcing the adoption of a "unified stance on internal and external political policy." On September 12, 1990, the SNM concluded a similar agreement with the USC. Then, on November 24, 1990, the SNM announced that it had united with the SPM and the USC to pursue a common military strategy against the SNA. Actually, the SNM had concluded the unification agreement with Aidid, which widened the rift between the two USC factions. By the beginning of 1991, all three of the major rebel organizations had made significant military progress. The SNM had all but taken control of northern Somalia by capturing the towns of Hargeysa, Berbera, Burao, and Erigavo. On January 26, 1991, the USC stormed the presidential palace in Mogadishu, thereby establishing its control over the capital. The SPM succeeded in overrunning several government outposts in southern Somalia. The SNM-USC-SPM unification agreement failed to last after Siad Barre fled Mogadishu. On January 26, 1991, the USC formed an interim government, which the SNM refused to recognize. On May 18, 1991, the SNM declared the independence of the Republic of Somaliland. The USC interim government opposed this declaration, arguing instead for a unified Somalia. Apart from these political disagreements, fighting broke out between and within the USC and SPM. The SNM also sought to establish its control over northern Somalia by pacifying clans such as the ********** and the *********. To make matters worse, guerrilla groups proliferated; by late 1991, numerous movements vied for political power, including the United Somali Front (**********), Somali Democratic Alliance (*********), United Somali Party (***********), Somali Democratic Movement (*********), and Somali National Front (**********). The collapse of the nation state system and the emergence of clan-based guerrilla movements and militias that became governing authorities persuaded most Western observers that national reconciliation would be a long and difficult process. _________________ Listen, I am not going to edit again clan names from your copy-and-paste articles since you aren't obviously heeding the warnings and breaking the rules by citing clan names again and again. Don't force me to delete the entire message, baliis. [ October 16, 2006, 01:22: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  19. hey we know that clan always fails when they try 2 fight the clan courts from mogadisho barre can try but ma soo dhaafayo jubbada dhexe if he wants the clan courts can chase him out of somalia tottally but we will wait till the end of holy month of ramadan then we will see