Let's wrok towards that fast. For the past 15 years Somali carnage and destruction is mainly caused by Tigre's inveolvement in Somalia. The same is true in Oromia, Eritrea, and Galbeed/******. Now, Alxamdullilax, and shukur for the brave men of the Islamic Courts the situation is changing. However, the Habash should not be allowed to do this again at all after they are defeated, Insh'Allah. Therefore, it takes a concerted effort and pulling together of resources of Somalis, Oromos, and Eritreans whethere we are in the diaspora or the Horn:
1) to beat back the Tigre militia back to home province Tigray and snacth all the districts it took from Eritrea and Oromia,
2) create a confedarate government of Somalia, Somali Galbeed/******, and Eastern Oromia
3) create a weak central Ethiopian gov't constituting Amxaras, Afars, Christain Oromos, Benishangules (Arabic Speakers), Gurages....so that Ethiopia will not create any probloem in the future to Somalis, Oromos, Eritreans, and even to our Sudanese brothers.
The initial and urgent step to accomplish now though, I believe, is the creation of contact with the UIC with Shiek Jarra of the Islamic Front for the Liberation of Oromia(IFLO). I hear he is in Yemen? OLF is so weak and too corrupted x-tianized for this kind of grand startegy.
Victory and Peace to Somalia, Oromia and Eritrea!
Ansar Oromo